A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 32: Caramel macchiato

The Sorting Hat had apparently forgotten that it was still in the Sorting House, and a group of professors and students were waiting for dinner.

It continued gossiping nonchalantly: "How did Luna know about the branch?"

"I will not tell you."

"Actually, if you don\'t tell me, I can know." The Sorting Hat boasted. "Let me take a look."

"Aha, it turns out that little girl can also read Legilimency, and she saw it from her father."

"Is Legilimency? I still thought it was mind reading, how could you?" Anne immediately got some information from the Sorting Hat\'s words.

"Of course, Ravenclaw is also a natural dementor, and she casts magic that gives me the same ability."

The Sorting Hat said proudly: "So I know a lot of secrets. I\'m the most informed hat in the world, and I know a lot of magic knowledge."

"Not necessarily." Annie blinked slyly, "Have you ever seen a bicornuate hat?"

"Well, no."

"Where\'s the green beret?"


"Turkish felt hat?"


"Bowler hat, top hat, hard hat?"

"You\'re finished!" The Sorting Hat said angrily. "Why are you talking more than me?"

"I haven\'t seen it before, but do you want to take a look?" Annie held her chin and smiled sweetly.

"It must be boring to be stuck in the headmaster\'s office all day? Dumbledore said he was a little bored."

"It\'s not boring at all, I can think of new lyrics, which is the most meaningful thing."

"My brother said that people can\'t do one thing all the time, and occasionally they have to change their minds, so that talent will spew out like milking a cow."

"Oh, it makes sense." The Sorting Hat suddenly realized, "I said why the lyrics of the past few years are a bit dry."

"I overheard Dad and Uncle Iris say that next summer, we will go to Paris for a vacation together. Would you like to go, change your mind and look for some inspiration?"

"Paris? Pretty?"

"I don\'t know, but I heard from my brother that there is a very beautiful white satin there, the most beautiful satin in the world.

Can I show you a look, change the materials for you, and introduce you to some beautiful women\'s hats? "


long silence.

"Stay in the headmaster\'s office at Hogwarts for another thousand years, or... come with me and I\'ll show you the world?"

The Sorting Hat didn\'t know what to say, it just suddenly missed Godric Gryffindor at this very moment.

The boy who loves to take him around on adventures.

"I haven\'t been out for a long time, it\'s still the old style from a thousand years ago..."

"Vintage is trending right now!"

"I\'m shabby..."

"The more shabby, the more history it shows!"

"Headmaster\'s place..."

"It\'s just a summer vacation, Professor Dumbledore is there, I\'ll deal with it."

"Oh, good!" The Sorting Hat urged, with a trembling voice. "Don\'t forget, next summer vacation, it\'s agreed, don\'t forget it!"

Annie snapped her fingers.

Abduction of the legendary wizard hat, the plan is successful!

"By the way, Annie, which college are you going to?"

"Can you choose?"

"Well, it\'s generally not possible... But well, there are always privileges."

The Sorting Hat had long since forgotten what Dumbledore had told him.

"I can decide which college you want to go to."

"Let\'s do what you want." Annie held her chin.

"Then... Gryffindor?" The Sorting Hat finally remembered Dumbledore\'s explanation.

"Isn\'t it Ravenclaw?"

"It\'s not impossible for Ravenclaw."

"Forget it, just Gryffindor, I heard from my brother that Hermione was isolated by her classmates in Gryffindor, so I will reluctantly go over to accompany her.

She is usually fierce and has few friends except my brother who loves to take care of her. "

"Then... Gryffindor!"

"Goodbye Mr. Hat, I\'ll see you at Dumbledore\'s.

By the way, do you have a name? "


"Or is it called a caramel macchiato?"

"what is that?"

"My favorite milk coffee."

"Forget it, the name is weird."

"Okay, Mr. Macchiato."


"Goodbye, Mr. Macchiato."

Anne took off her hat and gave it back to Professor Flitwick.

At this point, the two sides had chatted for 20 minutes, breaking the longest separation time.

Anne walked towards the cheering Gryffindor classmates, but she glanced back at her brother William with a helpless smile on her face.

It seemed she was forced to go to Gryffindor.

Dumbledore breathed a sigh of relief and applauded enthusiastically.

The twin brothers shouted, "We have Stark! We have Stark!"

William glared at Dumbledore, the old man must be operating in the dark.

You know, the Stark family have been Ravenclaw students since two years ago.

He protests!

Hermione shifted on the bench, hummingly making room for Annie.

Annie sat down beside her.

Soon, the sorting was over.

Professor Dumbledore stood up. Although he was very old, he always gave the impression of being energetic. His hair and beard are several feet long, and he wears half-circle glasses and a badly hooked nose.

"Welcome!" said Professor Dumbledore, his beard gleaming in the light of the candle. "Welcome to Hogwarts in the new school year!"

Dumbledore opened his arms and said, "Let\'s eat."

The golden plates and goblets in front of the students were suddenly full of food and drink.

It was another sumptuous meal, and the auditorium echoed with laughter and the clash of knives and forks.

Dumbledore did not eat, but left his seat and walked outside. Clearly dealing with Harry and Ron.

Five minutes later, he returned with Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall.

Professor Snape had a sullen face, looking very unhappy.

Seeing that everyone was finally together, Lockhart tapped the golden cup in front of him and stood up with a smile on his face.

Everyone gradually quieted down and looked at the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor.

The whole hall was finally completely quiet, and Lockhart coughed and said: "I, Gilderoy Lockhart, Merlin\'s Third Class Medal, an honorary member of the Defense Against the Dark Arts, and five times the most charming smile in "Wizard Weekly" Prize - but I don\'t talk about that, I didn\'t beat a werewolf with a smile!"

"As a former school student~www.novelhall.com~ at the repeated invitations of Professor Dumbledore and my dear friend - William Stark, the youngest recipient of the Merlin Medal, I returned to this alma mater after a long absence. .

Everything is so beautiful. "

"Here, I have prepared a few small gifts for the professors."

Oh hoo, start giving gifts as soon as we meet, Lockhart is very good at it?



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