A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 31: 25 Aberdeen's Sorting Hat (thanks to the head "Hellcat" for the ten thousand coins!  …

There is a group of wizards with special talents in the wizarding world.

Best known for Slytherin\'s Parseltongue, they are naturally able to communicate with snakes.

Although this ability can be learned the day after tomorrow, it is more inherited from blood.

This is unparalleled magic talent!

There is also a disguise magus.

They don\'t need to learn, they are free to change their appearance.

Merlin was a disguised Magus, and the Tonks William knew was also a disguised Magus.

There is also the kind of prophetic ability, Nico can see the future for a short time, and he does not need to learn what is called divination.

And the natural Legilimency wizard... William heard Old Man Newt mention it.

His sister-in-law, Queenie Goldstein, possesses the ability to read thoughts easily into other people\'s minds.

But she has no free control over this ability, and is constantly reading other people\'s minds, causing a lot of pain.

After all, the human heart is complicated, and there are too many dark sides that cannot be put into words.

Sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing.

Luna is not the same as Queenie, she can\'t use this power for a long time, only when she is very curious, she will turn it on.

In other words, this is a passive skill that needs to be triggered.

"Then when are you usually curious?" William asked.

"I\'m curious now." Luna said in a trance.

"What did you see?"

"I can see a lot of pictures... Qiu was struggling for a while whether to drink milk or pumpkin juice, and she thought that the two could be mixed together..."

"Marietta, she\'s thinking about our relationship, she likes you, she wants the dinner to be over, and asks you to go to the woods..."

"Okay! Stop talking!" William quickly stopped in a low voice. "Don\'t look at what other people think, it\'s impolite."

Luna stared at William: "Are you sure? Your roommate Marcos Belby, he wants to take advantage of your sleep at night..."

Luna shut up.

William waited for a minute, then said speechlessly: "...you, how can you say half of your words!"

"It\'s you who said it, let me stop talking about what other people think, it\'s impolite."


William thought he\'d spend the night in the Room of Requirement.

During the first time loop, Marcos and Bradley rolled the sheets hundreds of times.

William has a psychological shadow.

Luna shook her head and said strangely, "But I still can\'t feel it, I can\'t see what you\'re thinking."

"I\'m sealed with Occlumency." William explained the unfamiliar magic.

"By the way, next time you\'re curious, give Professor Snape a try," he suggested.

Luna glanced suspiciously at William, feeling that he was not well-meaning.

Luna\'s intuition is terrifyingly sharp, and she can penetrate people\'s hearts without Legilimency.

And Hermione are completely two extremes.

If Luna went to study psychology, she would be an expert in psychology.

The two began a friendly academic exchange, and William is currently studying Legilimency.

During the time loop, Dumbledore did not teach him this obscure magic, only Occlumency.

William could only teach himself.

At this point, the branch has come to an end.

"Ginny Weasley," Professor Flitwick called.

Ginny stepped forward with trembling legs and sat down on the rickety stool.

Professor Flitwick put the Sorting Hat over her head, and before it touched her crimson hair for less than a second, he shouted, "Ha! Another redhead, of course... Gryffindor!"

Ginny blushed and trotted all the way to the Gryffindor table.

The twins patted the table excitedly, and Percy was also happy, showing off loudly, "That\'s my sister, that\'s my sister!"

Wood took off his shoes, stood on the chair, and shouted, "There are girls in the new Gryffindor, we have girls.

I have a girl! "

Percy kicked Wood out with a kick.

The twins picked up Wood\'s stinky shoes and prepared to use an inhuman gas battle against him for physical torture.

The scene was very chaotic.

Whoever marries Ginny in the future will definitely feel very insecure.

Who made her have a group of brothers with a tendency to control sisters.

Wait... who does Ginny like?

If Harry and Ron are two friends in the future, because Ginny fights, the scene must be very exciting.

Dumbledore knocked on the table to silence everyone.

If McGonagall was here, Gryffindor students would not dare to be so arrogant, after all, Professor McGonagall would really deduct points.

"Anne Stark!" cried Professor Flitwick again.

There was a buzzing whisper in the dining room, like the hissing of a small flame.

"Stark, which Stark?"

"William actually has such a beautiful sister?"

"The two of them look alike!"

Thanks to William\'s high attention, a group of students looked up with their necks raised.

Malfoy was also on tiptoe, looking curiously, but Pansy was next to him, holding out **** and secretly twisting Malfoy\'s hips.

"Dede! What are you looking at?!"

"I\'m looking at the door, Potter has been gone for so long, I don\'t know if he will be fired?" Malfoy lied with narrowed eyes.

Pansy was relieved. Draco cared about Potter better than he cared about girls, right?

She pondered slightly again, always feeling that something was wrong with those words.

Anne walked over to the chair generously, smiled sweetly at Professor Flitwick, and sat down gently.

She picked up the sorting hat playfully, threw it in the air, flipped a hat flower skillfully, then caught it firmly and put it lightly on her head.

The whole process went smoothly.

This year\'s students are better than each other!

Annie put on her hat and heard a small voice in her ear.

"Do you know that I\'m a Gryffindor hat? I have a history of more than a thousand years. Can you pay for throwing it on the ground?"

"It\'s okay, Luna\'s sewing skills are very good, and she also said that she would sew a little bear for me as a gift." Annie comforted.

"It\'s the needle I asked her to bring. I heard that you are very shabby. You can ask her to repair it for you. Why did you refuse it just now?"

"..." The Sorting Hat thought of the little girl holding the needle just now, and suddenly felt a chill.

"Wait, how do you know I\'m shabby? William certainly won\'t tell you about me!"

Not telling the first-year wizards how to divide the house is a traditional Hogwarts art.

"If my brother doesn\'t tell me, can I not investigate?"

Annie tilted her little head and hummed, "A trivial matter like sorting... Hermione wanted to lie to me and told me to duel with a fire dragon.

Bunch of liars! "

"Who told you how to sort?"

"I tell you, will you tell Professor Dumbledore?"

"Of course it will."

"Forget it, I promised Luna to keep it a secret."


Dumbledore sat in the chair, coughed a few times, and was a little puzzled.

What plane is the Sorting Hat doing?

Didn\'t he explain the college well?

Shouldn\'t Annie put on the hat ~www.novelhall.com~ The Sorting Hat made two lies about "difficult, difficult, difficult" and directly announced Gryffindor?

It\'s been five minutes!

Merlin\'s thigh,

Shouldn\'t this guy be two or five, he\'s going against the water temporarily?



(Thanks to the head of the "Hellcat" boss for the reward. Originally, I paid two more, and I owed two more to "Hellcat" and "snz". Now I have added two more, and I owe four.

I\'ve been a little busy lately, so keep that in mind. )

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