A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 33: lockhart gift

Lockhart fumbled for the bag and pulled out a nicely packaged box.

"Principal, this is the supersmile whitening toothpaste that I endorse.

This toothpaste was invented by Mr. Smeeg, a famous American potions master.

It ditched the silica sand ingredient commonly used in traditional whitening toothpastes, adopted a more gentle emerging ingredient, and added the saliva of the color ball fish.

This helps the enamel act to protect the teeth, like adding a protective film to the teeth! "

Lockhart said with a smile, those eight-lobed teeth gleaming with glaze under the light of the auditorium candles, looking extraordinarily white.

"The newspaper said that you like to cheat the little wizard\'s snacks to eat, and after using it, you must keep a good mouth.

If you want to buy it in the future, you can contact me and I will give you a 5% discount. "

Lockhart started advertising.

Dumbledore happily accepted.

Lockhart took out another magazine, he showed the cover to all the students, and said aloud:

"This is the latest \'Women\'s Wear\' with a photo of me on the cover for Professor Sprout, Dean of Hufflepuff.

You can take it back at night, hide in the bed and peek at it alone, which is the most effective way to distract from loneliness. The me in the photo will never leave. "

Lockhart blinked.

Professor Sprout\'s face turned liver-colored.

Just heard Snape say that the punching willow was damaged, and her face wasn\'t that ugly.

Lockhart looked at Professor McGonagall again.

McGonagall held her wand, and if Lockhart dared to send her such a book, or something like a photo, she would turn him into a peacock!

Even if you are imprisoned in Azkaban because of this!

But instead of delivering the book, Lockhart held a golden trophy.

"Professor McGonagall, I know you like Quidditch. You must be very upset that Gryffindor didn\'t win the Quidditch Cup last year.

But that\'s okay.

While I was chasing an inmate at Aasuncion Prison in Paraguay, there was an indoor Quidditch match in the prison.

In the end, I scored 5 goals and assisted 6 times, helping the team swept 110-20 to win the championship.

This is the "Golden Prisoner Award" trophy, it is given to you, cherish it! "

Professor McGonagall\'s hands were shaking with anger.

Who should be here?

I\'m big Gryffindor that just doesn\'t want to win!

Lockhart turned his attention to Professor Flitwick again.

"Professor Flitwick, these are the shoes I endorsed for you, which will make you more confident in the dating market.

I know, you must have been drinking a lot of heightening potions, it solved your problem perfectly, you lucky old guy! "

Professor Flitwick buried his face in his hands, not picking up the pink high heels.

Lockhart finally looked at Professor Snape.

He laughed and said, "Snape, you will be pleasantly surprised! The gift I gave you is the shampoo I invented.

The egg yolk of bird and snake egg is used here as the main ingredient, which can lock the luster and make your hair no longer greasy.

As you all know, my secret ambition is to rid the world of evil and to sell my own line of conditioners, which I have written about in several of my books...you will be my loyal customer. "

Cho looked at Lockhart in disbelief. "Oh, Merlin, what is he doing?"

William laughed silently until his whole body trembled. Unexpectedly, Lockhart offended the deans of the four academies in just a few minutes.

Amazing Lockhart.

and many more……

Bird snake eggs?

Bird snake eggs, like psychedelic mushrooms, are also one of the important components of Fuling, and they are expensive.

William can ask for some shampoo to extract the bird and snake egg ingredients in it.

Isn\'t this just freeing the money from bird and snake eggs?

William is a genius!

Looks like he needs to get on with Professor Lockhart and get some wool.

After Lockhart delivered the gifts, the atmosphere was a little subtle, and everyone started eating again.

When the dinner was over, Dumbledore cleared his throat and stood up.

"Oh, now that everyone has eaten and drank enough, I want to say a few more words to everyone."

"First-year freshmen, note that students are not allowed to enter the forbidden forest, and they are not allowed to approach the beating willow near the greenhouse.

I just got information that our precious trees have been destroyed by some students, and the Academy will punish accordingly. "

Snape sneered, and Professor McGonagall was embarrassed.

"It is more pleasing," continued Dumbledore, "that I am delighted to welcome a new teacher to our ranks this year.

Just now everyone saw it too - Professor Lockhart!

I was delighted that he had agreed to fill the Defence Against the Dark Arts course, and I was delighted with this fearless dedication. "

There was enthusiastic applause in the auditorium. Lockhart is famous and handsome, and he does have many fans.

But the professors were cold, and hardly anyone welcomed him.

"Okay, it\'s time for the annual school song!" Dumbledore said happily.

Professor Dumbledore stood at the Guest of Honour, serving as the music conductor.

The style of performance tonight has changed again. It is no longer Ravenclaw Academy alone, but the students of the four academies sing together.

Lady Grey also did not lead the way, but danced with a group of witches.

All the witches in the seventh grade were inside, and they danced to the song, led by Lady Grey.

These students are about to graduate and really need to leave a warm and beautiful campus memory.

William is very happy with this change, and the little changes he made last year have made Hogwarts\'s unchanging school anthem even more exciting.

"I didn\'t realize that there are so many beautiful sisters in our school."

While singing, William secretly deserted and said.

Qiu looked at the seventh-grade witches and said softly, "They\'re all a bunch of old aunties."

William couldn\'t help laughing. Seventeen-year-old witches could indeed be called old aunts for twelve or three-year-old witches.

But that being said, the latter is completely incomparable to the former.

William turned his attention to Lady Grey again.

It was the first time he saw the always cold Lady Gray so happy.

"Have you noticed that Slytherin\'s ghost, Barrow, has been keeping his eyes on Ms. Gray." Qiu whispered. "He seems to like her."

William nodded, he did observe this, after all eyes don\'t lie.

"By the way, are you sure that Lady Grey is the ghost of the Ravenclaw era."

Qiu said seriously: "Yes, she said that the song we sang was composed by Ravenclaw himself, and it was also the school song of that era."

"And did she mention Ravenclaw\'s crown?" William asked again.

"No." Qiu shook his head.

Since William got Ravenclaw\'s ring, they have not given up looking for Ravenclaw\'s crown and Hufflepuff\'s gold cup.

The only clue so far is Ms. Gray.

During the song rehearsal, she inadvertently admitted that she was a witch of the Big Four era~www.novelhall.com~ But Ms. Gray has always been cold, and few people have been able to approach her, let alone chat.

Do you want to start with the **** Barrow?

He looks a lot like a licking dog after all.

licking the dog,

Always easy to deal with.

Even if he is dead.

But the spirit lives on.



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