A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 30: Natural Legilimency

Professor McGonagall sighed and conjured up a quill.

"Since you don\'t want to use the time converter, you can take any other elective courses except those basic courses.

You can now choose which subjects you want to take. "

Professor McGonagall handed the quill to William, who quickly ticked off the lessons on paper.

Professor McGonagall took the parchment, glanced at it, and raised his eyebrows: "William, I don\'t recommend that you choose Professor Trelawney\'s divination class. Self-study is enough for this class."

"Why?" William said with a smile.

It\'s odd that Professor McGonagall generally doesn\'t interfere with students\' choices.

Professor McGonagall said calmly, "Divination is one of the most inaccurate subjects in magic, and to tell you the truth, I am the least patient with divination.

Very few people can really see the future, and Professor Trelawney..."

Professor McGonagall didn\'t say the word "liar".

"Let me tell you, Sybil dropped out of school in the first grade and has been studying at home," McGonagall confided.

"Can you still study at home?" William asked suspiciously.

He also thought that Hogwarts was a seven-year compulsory education, which must be spent in school.

"It\'s not so common now, but it used to happen a lot, especially during the persecution of wizards.

Some wizarding families will educate their children at home, but generally they are not able to go to school, or are especially gifted young wizards. "Professor McGonagall explained.

"Can\'t go to school?"

"Well... it might be the Squib, it might be Silent."

"That Trelawney taught her..."

"She was considered by her family to be particularly gifted at divination. As you may not know, she is the great-great-granddaughter of the famous fortune-teller Cassandra Trelawney.

But I dare say she didn\'t inherit that talent..."

"Professor, don\'t you like Professor Trelawney?" William asked with a smile.

"It\'s okay." Professor McGonagall pouted, "I don\'t like her for a reason."

Professor McGonagall was silent for a moment, thinking about whether to tell William.

"At that time, when Sybil entered Ravenclaw..."

"Wait, Professor Trelawney is also a Ravenclaw student?" William raised an eyebrow.

"Of course!" Professor McGonagall joked: "This kind of weirdo is usually from your Ravenclaw."

"Professor, you are discriminating against our college!" William pretended to be dissatisfied.

"Don\'t you often say, \'reckless lion\'?" Professor McGonagall rolled her eyes at William. "And you\'re beating up Liuna, calling Ron and Harry \'idiots\'?"

William smiled awkwardly.

"It\'s okay, I think they are both idiots too!"

Professor McGonagall suppressed the smile on his face and continued: "I was in seventh grade when Sybil entered Ravenclaw, and she made a prophecy...about me."

"What prophecy?"

Professor McGonagall took a deep breath. "She predicted that I would die in seventh grade!"

"..." No wonder Professor McGonagall didn\'t like Professor Trelawney.

"I\'m still the first person she predicted, but I\'m not dead, I\'ve lived well until now." McGonagall laughed.

"Well, I\'m still going to attend a class. If it\'s what you said, I\'ll go to the arithmetic and divination class taught by Professor Setima Victor."

"Okay, let\'s go to the auditorium, don\'t miss your sister\'s sorting ceremony, I\'m going to deal with Potter and Weasley, these two worry-free idiots!"

Professor McGonagall quickly walked away before William entered the auditorium.

Although Professor McGonagall is usually strict, he is actually a very easy-going person in private, and occasionally jokes.

Certainly not one of Dumbledore\'s kind of cold jokes.

At this time, Professor Flitwick replaced Professor McGonagall, and the ceremony was being held.

The auditorium was a sea of ​​pointed black hats; each long table was filled with students, their faces lit by thousands of candles suspended in mid-air above the tables.

William has already missed the Sorting Hat\'s new song, which makes him a little sad.

A little wizard is sitting in a chair wearing a sorting hat.

William walked towards the Ravenclaw table as quietly as possible.

People turned to look at him as he walked down the back of the auditorium.

During the summer vacation this year, William did not make any big news, but this did not prevent his popularity from continuing to rise.

William sat next to Autumn, and the little wizard had been assigned to Hufflepuff.

"Luna Lovegood," Professor Flitwick called.

Luna hopped to the chair and picked up the sorting hat, but instead of putting it on immediately, she flipped through the hat curiously.

She took a needle out of her pocket and seemed to want to sew up the Sorting Hat.

"Come on, anyone, save me, Dumbledore!" The Sorting Hat cried out in embarrassment.

William couldn\'t help laughing out loud, it\'s really something Luna can do.

Professor Flitwick coughed, reminding Luna to hurry up.

The girl seemed to have only discovered Professor Flitwick, her eyes bulging out in surprise.

As soon as the hat touched Luna\'s head, the Sorting Hat couldn\'t wait to shout, "Ravenclaw!"

The Ravenclaw students all clapped, but not too enthusiastically.

Obviously, Luna\'s behavior also frightened them.

too weird!

William took the lead in applauding, and the applause was warm.

"Luna is weird, isn\'t it?" Qiu whispered.

When she was sitting on the train, she felt that Luna was a little crazy.

"Aren\'t Ravenclaw students all weird?" William asked suspiciously. "Professor McGonagall just said we were a bunch of \'weird people\'."

Qiu smiled and nodded, and the surrounding Ravenclaw students all agreed when they heard William say this.

Ravenclaw students love to label themselves \'different\'.

Luna walked over to the Ravenclaw table and sat down on the chair next to William.

"William, what did you guys leave the train for?" Qiu continued to ask suspiciously. "How can it appear near the punching willow?"

"Go and do Cedric a little favor," William said. "he needs……"

"He needs the twigs of the batting willow as a wand," Luna said suddenly.

"Um... eh?" William looked at Luna, surprised: "How did you know?"

"What did I see with my eyes?" Luna stared at her big gray eyes.

William was stunned, and his eyes suddenly became dull.

"Ah! I can\'t see it," said Luna in surprise.

William was even more surprised. He said in disbelief, "Luna, you can read Legilimency?"

"What is Legilimency?" Luna wondered.

"In layman\'s terms, it means knowing what other people are thinking."

"Oh, is that called Legilimency? I don\'t know. I always thought it was mind reading. My dad told me that anyone with wisdom can do it."

"..." It turns out that William has always been a wise man.

This map cannon is a bit big!

"Luna~www.novelhall.com~ Who did you learn from?"

"No one taught me." Luna shook her head.

"Born?" William seemed to have discovered a new continent.

He always felt that Luna had the ability to read people\'s hearts, but he didn\'t expect that she was a natural Legilimency.

It was the first time William had seen such a wizard.

Ravenclaw House found a treasure.



(Thanks to the "Feng Ling 15" boss for the reward.)

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