A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 29: time is the cheapest thing

As an important property of Hogwarts, the beating willow has been living a royal life since it was transplanted at the school.

The soil around it is the silt salvaged from the bottom of the Black Lake by Dumbledore\'s request for the mermaid, which is rich in a lot of organic matter.

The Jinkela it usually uses is the Welsh green dragon dung that has the strongest flavor after being pulled down for a few days.

It enjoys the highest level of washing, cutting and blowing, and dozens of house-elves trim its branches and leaves.

Even the little soft-shelled turtle on his body has a tree-protecting pot to help it eat.

But how could anyone dare to hurt it today?

Still crazy enough to hit it with a car?

Beating Willow is out of anger. It has always been unafraid to speculate on wizards with the worst malice, but it did not expect or believe that it would be so cruel...

The Beating Willow started to go crazy, waving wildly the branches as thick as a python.

The branches were raised high, like a green rainbow hanging in the air, and the next moment, they slammed down fiercely, causing the stones on the ground to shatter.

for a while,

dust all over,

with a bang.

William waved, and everyone stepped back again.

Harry and Ron were even more pale. Especially Ron, his heart is splitting, he just wanted to stay in the car!

However, Mr Weasley\'s "car" is not a fuel efficient car either.

After being knocked off a few headlights, shattered a few panes of glass, and carrying a wave of damage, he walked through the crazy snakeskin, forced the situation to survive, and escaped.

The car seemed to be born with artificial intelligence, and it threw out Harry and Ron\'s luggage and scattered them all over the place.

Then, steaming with bruises and pits, the car rumbled into the dark forbidden forest, its taillights still flashing angrily.

After Ron was sluggish, he let out a heart-piercing hoarse cry and fell into the dust.

"Come back!" shouted Ron. "Dad will kill me!"

"Will Mr. Weasley kill you, I don\'t know, but Professor Sprout should kill you."

As Cedric spoke, he picked up the broken willow branches.

So happy...cough, so uncomfortable!

Seeing the willow break off so many branches and leaves, Cedric was so devastated that he grinned to the back of his head.

He can get the branches without risking his life, it\'s worth the trip!

"Come on, the dinner is about to start in a while, and we\'re going to be late."

William turned into a sea eagle again, and it wrapped a rope around its claws, and several people grabbed the rope, and it spread its wings and flew towards the castle.

As for riding on William... Joke, he worked so hard to learn Animagus just for others to ride? !

Of course, it\'s not that you can\'t ride, it depends on who you are.

When William took a few people and flew to the castle gate, Hermione and Qiu were still waiting for them at the gate.

"What just happened?" Hermione asked.

The scolding of "idiot" echoed on the campus, and everyone heard it.

"The first-year wizards are all talking about you almost hitting them and hitting Hagrid into the water, and you will be expelled from the school." Qiu said suspiciously.

Harry blushed fiercely, not as spirited as he had just started driving.

Harry really hoped that Qiu would see him, like last year\'s William, with a group of students, flying coolly across the Black Lake.

Instead of nearly hitting a first-year wizard, and now facing the issue of being expelled!

"Not only that, but they also hit the beating willow," Fred added.

"Broken Dad\'s car." George shrugged.

Hermione and Qiu were both stunned.

"Why are you driving cars?!" Hermione\'s tone was almost as stern as Professor McGonagall\'s.

"Stop teaching us," said Ron impatiently. "Go to the auditorium quickly, or I\'ll miss the sorting ceremony."

"The Sorting Ceremony? I don\'t think you\'ll ever see it." Greasy laughter came from the door.

Snape quickly walked up to several people, his black robe shaking in the cool breeze. He was thin, with sallow skin, an aquiline nose, and oily black hair that fell to his shoulders.

It seemed that William sent him shampoo, none of which was of any use. William thinks it\'s better to send some Liuwei Dihuang Pills. The professor seems to be malnourished.

Need to make up.

What, why are single men malnourished?

Isn\'t it just because you\'re single that you\'re malnourished?

This is common sense!

At this moment, a strange smile appeared on Professor Snape\'s face.

"I remember your father was working in the Anti-Muggle Substances Division?" He looked up at Ron, his smile even more sinister. "Oops...his own son..."

"What about the car, Professor Dumbledore put me in control!" Snape asked lazily. "Prevent you idiots from hurting the little wizard again."

"Bumped into...hit...on the willow," Harry whispered.

"Bumped into what?!" Snape didn\'t know if he didn\'t hear clearly, or he couldn\'t believe his ears.

"Punching Willow..." Ron said loudly.

"Professor, you\'d better go check the beating willow, it\'s damaged... a little bit serious," William said.

The beating willow is a precious tree species, and the school must maintain it.

Snape\'s face changed, he hurried forward, after a few steps, turned back, and said sternly: "Go to my office and stay!

I\'ll let Dumbledore fire you both! Stay at Hogwarts and Professor Sprout will kill you. "

Neither Harry nor Ron dared to look at him, and they climbed the steps with their heads bowed, into the empty, echoing hallway lit by torches.

William followed behind.

Professor McGonagall walked out of the hall. She saw several people and said sternly: "Come in quickly, the sorting ceremony is about to begin."

Harry and Ron looked up in surprise.

Professor McGonagall said angrily: "I didn\'t say you two, hurry up and stay in Professor Snape\'s office!

Thank you for not starting school yet, otherwise I will deduct 2% for each of you! "

Harry and Ron headed towards the dungeon with their heads drooping.

"William, wait a minute, I have something to talk about." Mag\'s tone eased.

Cedric and the others walked towards the auditorium, and Hermione, who deliberately fell behind, turned to look at William worriedly.

William blinked, signaling her peace of mind.

"William, this is your timetable." Professor McGonagall picked up a table.

"Are you sure you want to choose so many courses, a lot of time is conflicting?"

"Of course, Professor Dumbledore told you that?"

"We discussed ~www.novelhall.com~ I wanted to help you apply for a time converter. You are qualified enough."

William shook his head, he didn\'t want to use that thing.

Professor Tywin\'s experience is a hard lesson.

Accidentally will kill you.

William doesn\'t need the time-turner at all now, the Ravenclaw ring has given him too much time.

Time is the cheapest thing to him!



(Thanks to the "Hellcat" boss for the reward\\(//?//)\\)

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