A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 28: 1 big bird

Remember for a second【】

"Come on, brother will take you to see the little goldfish."

William smeared the sticky potion all over the palm of his hand, and slowly extended his hand, pretending to be weak and deceiving.

It\'s Christmas time, and I learned it from Grandpa Newt, and that\'s how he deals with those ferocious magical beasts.

According to the summary of William, the representative of the Fantastic Beasts class. . .

William directly learned and used it, imitating Newt to pose as an autistic child.

The three Hushu Luoguo tilted their heads and seemed to be thinking about the meaning of the little goldfish.

William was still slowly reaching out, trying to get them to put down their guard.

"I\'m really an autistic child. I was bullied by everyone at school. I like you little animals the most." William began to pretend to be pitiful.

Just when his hand was about to touch the tree-protecting pot, there was a slight noise on the densely packed leaves of the beating willow.

Layers of leaves were lifted, and there were hundreds of tree guards staring at William.

They were all on their guard, each holding a bamboo spear in each hand.

The spears were sharp and thin, like bows and arrows, all aimed at William.

"William, we have time to check this secret passage next time."

Cedric crawled out of the tunnel with a gray face and a gray face. He just raised his head and was startled.

"What the hell."

His words frightened the Hushuluoguo, many spears were dropped, and Cedric fell short and fell back into the hole.

The ground was filled with dense bamboo sticks.

"What\'s the matter, Cedric?" Fred\'s voice came.

"We are surrounded!"

"Who? Is it a professor, or an Auror?"

"Hushu Luoguo!"


"Relax!" William raised his hands to show his innocence.

He suddenly felt something tug on his wrist and looked up.

The three Hushu Luoguo were pulling on the buttons of his cuffs, swinging slightly. The thread was broken, and the three tree-protecting pots fell.

William\'s eyes are quick and his hands are quick, and his right hand suddenly catches these little guys.

The three tree-protecting pots licked William\'s palms, and after a while, they climbed up on his lapel, opened the pockets in his clothes and jumped in.

William laughed.

Abduction was successful.

At this time, there was a whistling sound of "dududu" in the distance, and it seemed that someone\'s runner was about to explode.

William looked up.

An old Ford slid across the sky, smoke rising from the hood like the towering chimney of Luna\'s house.

Mr. Weasley\'s car was completely out of control and rammed straight towards Black Lake.

Black Lake also has a group of young wizards who have just entered school. They are all swaying **** the boat, and everyone raises their heads.

The car landed on the water with a bang, and continued to charge forward, facing the small boat of the first-year freshman. As far as the body reached, there was a straight line, the lake opened, and the blue waves were rippling!

Hagrid let out a loud roar, and he stood on the boat and jumped up abruptly, as if Zhang Fei was wide open and hit the sliding car with a fierce knee.

The car door slumped in at a speed visible to the naked eye, and almost stuck Ron in the parking space inside.

Hagrid held the car with both hands, forcing it to turn, and at the same time slipped his feet back, driving the boat under him and rowing back.

But because the impact was too great, Hagrid\'s boat overturned and he fell into the water.

For a time, there were countless splashes of water, as if a torrential rain poured down on the heads of a group of little wizards.

Annie took out a small pink umbrella from the ring in time, opened it quickly, and propped it on it to prevent it from becoming a jerk.

Ginny and Luna both hid behind the girl.

Annie patted their little hands comfortingly, sighed old-fashioned, took out her wand and pointed it at Hagrid.

"Wingardim Leviosa!"

The spell fell on Hagrid exactly. There were no moths such as bison. Hagrid slowly floated out of the water and landed on a small boat under Annie\'s control.

All the students around clapped, Annie blinked her dark green eyes, put away the small umbrella, smiled slightly, and gave an elegant lady\'s gift.

Dominate Hogwarts, starting from the first grade!

At this point, the car had left the Black Lake and took off again.

It slid across the greenhouse, vegetable fields, and flew over the black lawn outside, and it has not stopped.


A windmill above Hagrid\'s hut was hit by a car and fell to the ground with a slap, almost hitting Fang.

Ya Ya roared angrily at the car, it had found the culprit who destroyed Lou Wei\'s house!

"Oh, Merlin!" Fred, who had already climbed up the secret passage, was stunned.

"I\'m actually still dreaming, right? Waking up in the morning is just a third-level dream?"

Fred fell into a mess in an instant.

"I\'m going to kill Ron!" George waved angrily.

He simply wanted to travel back in time and show the parents this memory when they decided to have their sixth child.

The Weasleys would probably have taken security measures to prevent Ron from being born.

The car was getting closer and closer, heading straight for the beater willow.

"Run!" Cedric dragged William and the twins to the distance.

"The voice is loud!" William Mo

^0^ One second to remember【】

The stick is aimed at the throat.

"Ron, Harry, brake quickly!"

Ron in the car was stunned, and Harry hurriedly stepped on the brakes.

He stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped forward at a faster speed.

Because of the water, there were sparks and lightning in the hood, which looked particularly terrifying.

"Idiot!" William couldn\'t help but scolded, and his scolding sounded at Hogwarts.

There were echoes of "idiots" all around.

Ron finally woke up and drew his wand from his back pocket.

"Stop! Stop!" he shouted, slapping the dashboard and windshield, but they were still ramming towards the punching willow.

William shouted: "Jump!"

At the same time, the other three\'s wands were aimed at the car, casting a slowing spell.

Hearing William\'s instructions, Harry released Hedwig from the cage without hesitation, and opened the car door.

"Are you crazy?!" Ron exclaimed.

"The car is about to hit the willow tree, stay here, the possibility of death is more likely!" Harry said solemnly.

That\'s right, the car weighs at least one ton, and the speed is more than 180 miles. In this attitude, it will have a completely inelastic collision with the willow tree, and it is more likely to be killed by the shock.

Harry dragged Ron and jumped.

William recited the incantation silently, transformed into a tiger-headed sea eagle, and flew with wings.

His speed was very fast, like an arrow from the string. At the critical moment, his sharp claws evoked Harry and Ron in mid-air one after another.

Hedwig flew around William, uttering intimate shouts.

Three cauldrons wrapped around the sea eagle\'s claws, staring upside down at Harry and Ron.

Harry and Ron, who had escaped from death, coughed desperately~www.novelhall.com~ looked up at the heroic and extraordinary eagle, and were a little dazed.

Where did the big bird come from?

Really big!

William floated down slowly, dropping Harry and Ron on the ground in turn.

Cedric whistled and smiled at Fred and George: "William didn\'t lie."

The two also nodded desperately.

Serve spicy!

They both serve spicy!


Really big!



(Ask for a recommendation ticket, everyone)

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^