A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 27: IamGroot!

In the dense forbidden forest, four figures suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Except for William, the other three were dizzy and staggered a little.

"Are you all right?" William asked. "It takes time to get used to this feeling."

"I\'m fine." Cedric rubbed his ears, which seemed to him reluctantly to leave the carriage.

"I still prefer Floo powder and Portkey to Apparition."

"The first time, it\'s always uncomfortable." Fred patted Cedric on the shoulder. "Brother, you will get used to it."

"Where are we now?" George looked around. "Forbidden Forest?"

William nodded. "Yes, let\'s go this way."

The three quickly crossed the forbidden forest and ran towards Hagrid\'s hut.

As they approached the edge of the forbidden forest, an angry dog ​​barked in the distance.

Hagrid shouted, "Back off, Ya, hurry back! I\'m going to pick up the students at the station, don\'t follow.

You are too ugly, far worse than Lou Wei, you will scare students. "

Fang Ya wailed, and seemed to be very dissatisfied with this evaluation.

"Stop screaming." Hagrid urged: "Look at our house, some time ago, I don\'t know who crushed Lou Wei\'s little house, and I haven\'t found that guy yet!

The other party may attack our house at any time, look out! "

William coughed awkwardly, and seemed to be going back to tell Hermione not to let her say anything in front of Hagrid.

The four of them hid behind the tree, and when Hagrid was far away, they walked around the wooden house and headed towards the beater willow.

Beating Willow is not far from the greenhouse, and it is also a distance from Hagrid\'s hut, which is also one of the restricted areas of Hogwarts.

"Cedric, are you sure you are going to that dangerous place?" Fred advised on the road.

"That tree is really dangerous!"

"Yes, the last time we tried to enter the secret passage under the tree, we were almost hung up and beaten by the tree," said George.

That\'s the way the batting willows are. They have a furious temperament. No matter what hits them, they will be beaten by the branches of the willow tree.

"Is there any solution?" William asked. "Have you been repeating Professor Sprout\'s words?"

"Don\'t be so rude! What\'s a trick." Cedric laughed.

"I was simply discussing herbal medicine with Professor Sprout, and by the way, I was very interested in the weakness of the punching willow."

"So you asked? How to deal with that beating willow?"

"Of course, I\'m our dean\'s favorite student." Cedric said proudly.

"Just click on the knot on the trunk of the beating willow and it will stand still in no time."

"It\'s that simple?" George wondered.

"Yeah, otherwise how would I be so bold as to bring you guys to break the branches of the human willow."

"Well, but I have a doubt." William asked. "Break its branches, will the willow come back from stillness?"

"Uh...well...I don\'t know." Cedric scratched his hair, he forgot to ask.

William sighed. It\'s hard to make a wand.

No wonder Ollivander uses only unicorn tail feathers and phoenix tail feathers for most of his wands...because of safety.

Like the basilisk horn, if you accidentally look at each other, you will die directly.

Beating Willow is also dangerous.

Of course, Punch Willow is a great wand material.

According to Cedric, wands made of willow have rare healing powers.

In addition to its beautiful appearance, willow wands are also very suitable for casting advanced silent spells.

But willow wands usually choose wizards with great potential over self-righteous ones.

The Ollivander family has a motto that "willows are best for those with great ambitions".

As a fighter in the willow tree, beating Willow is even more precious.

It\'s a great combination with the basilisk\'s horns.

Soon, the four of them came to the vicinity of the willow. The willow tree was motionless and did not seem to be a threat at all.

Fred lost a stone.

The Beating Willow seemed to be stimulated, the branches shook violently, and the trunk twitched like a vicious dog, preventing them from moving forward.

"Who\'s going to press the knots?" William asked a crucial question.

The three of them looked at William as they should.

"It must be you, can\'t you use Animagus?" Cedric said.

Fred and George nodded.

"But my sea eagle is very big." William shrugged. Although his speed was fast, he would also be hit by dense branches.

"Where\'s Sniff? Let it come!" William suggested.

Fred nodded and took out his big treasure again.

George pointed to the knot on the tree and let Sniff rush past.

However, it pinched its waist and arrogantly refused.

"Next time!" Cedric urged.

Sniffing glanced at the four of them contemptuously, lying directly on the ground, their claws kept shaking with joy.

You spend all day prostituting for free, even if you don’t even give it to Galleon, you still want to work for free?

It is impossible to work part-time, it is impossible in this life!

William was helpless and threw a Galleon in disgust.

Sniffling hurriedly put it in his pocket and rushed forward. It was dodging through the branches, with vigorous movements and quick steps.

Then it ran up to the willow and put its front paws on a knot in the trunk.

Suddenly, the tree seemed to have turned into marble, stopped moving, and all the leaves were still.

Within seconds, the four of William walked to the tree trunk.

Fred lowered his head and looked into a hole with a very short tunnel below.

"Where is this tunnel exit?" Cedric asked curiously.

"I don\'t know... This passage is marked on the Marauder\'s map. This road disappears on the edge of the map. The end should be Hogsmeade Village, but it is not clear where the exact exit is." George said.

William was not interested in that secret passage, but stared at the beating willow.

To be more precise, it was the living creatures living on the Willow.

- Hushu Luoguo!

The Hushu Luoguo is a palm-sized magical creature.

They have long, sharp fingers on both hands, brown eyes, and appear to be made of bark and twigs, making them easy to camouflage.

A tree cauldron becomes the guardian of the tree that perches, and the wood of these trees is often suitable for making wands.

Therefore, it is normal to find a tree-protecting pot~www.novelhall.com~ on the beater willow.

The tree protector is usually mild-mannered, but can become aggressive if something threatens the tree and its own safety.

To remove leaves or wood from a tree guarded by a tree guard, the wizard needs to give them some turkey or fairy eggs.

William didn\'t bring these two things, but he had the magic potion made from fairy eggs.

He opened the bottle cap and said with a smile, "Come on, learn from me."


This group of tree guards really looks like Groot in the Guardians of the Galaxy.

William decided to abduct a few.



(Thanks to "Feng Ling 15" for the reward)