A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 26: Always have some fun

Above the sky, the sea of ​​clouds churned.

An old Ford swept through the soft clouds, gleaming like a mirror in the dazzling daylight.

"Now, we just need to watch out for the rockets!" Ron shouted to Harry. "Don\'t crash the Muggles, our family can\'t afford it."

Listening to Ron\'s tone, they didn\'t seem to be driving a car, but an Imperial-class Star Destroyer.

Harry looked down from the window excitedly, and laughed out loud, but laughing so hard he stumbled and nearly fell.

Ron hurriedly grabbed Harry\'s pants and dragged him back, the car shaking violently in mid-air, like a "air car shock".

The car shook for several minutes before Ron dragged Harry back.

The two lay on their chairs exhausted, panting, looked at each other again, and smiled contentedly.


too full.

Ron felt the pleasure as if it was about to flow out of him.

"Malfoy would be jealous if he saw us both driving!" said Ron.

Of course Malfoy would be jealous, but the content of jealousy was probably not what Ron thought.

Harry nodded happily, thinking that this was undoubtedly the best way to travel: in a sun-filled car, weaving through swirling, Tallinn-like clouds.

Just like a dream.

Of course, if Ron was replaced by Qiu, the dream would be even better.

"It\'s better to go down a little and find the Hogwarts train, or you\'ll get lost." Ron hurriedly controlled the car.

The car slowly descended below the clouds, and the two twisted their bodies, squinting to the ground.

"I see!" As expected of the eyes that caught the Golden Snitch, Harry quickly found the train on the ground.

"Just ahead—there!"

The Hogwarts Express galloped beneath them like a red snake.

"Due north, go!" Harry announced.

Ron lowered the car again, then pressed the button, and the car slowly emerged.

"What are you doing, Ron?" Harry asked. "Why are you showing up, in case Muggles find out?"

William had said it would cause trouble for Mr. Weasley, and he wouldn\'t have driven the same car if he hadn\'t really been unable to get to the train station.

"No, we\'ve left London." Ron said to himself.

"William\'s transformation is very good, there is no fault along the way, and will not be discovered by Muggles!

Look, it\'s Fred and the others! "

Ron gradually lowered his height and greeted the few people who were lying at the window.

Has been invisible, how can others see them?

He wanted to see the jealous expressions on Fred and George\'s faces.

Better still laugh at Malfoy.

A group of students pointed at the car, all shouting and waving excitedly.

Ron seemed to drink a liter of 82 Sprite, his heart was cold and his heart was flying.

"Harry, our enrollment this year is definitely the most exciting. Remember last year\'s William? I\'ve wanted to do this for a long time!" Ron kept saying.

Harry waved at Qiu, which felt really good.

"Okay, we just need to come down and take a look every half an hour, sit down..." Ron stepped on the accelerator, and the car quickly plunged into the clouds.

Inside the train, everyone was still eagerly discussing what had just happened.

Obviously, under the reminder of others, many people have seen the car in the sky.

William took a few people back to the carriage and sat down separately.

"They don\'t take the train, but drive privately?" Fred couldn\'t believe it. "What are they thinking about?"

"That idiot!" George exclaimed angrily. "It must have been Ron who was paying attention."

"They\'ll be expelled from school!" Hermione couldn\'t believe what she had just seen.

"They violated at least two dozen school rules."

Ginny burst into tears, pinched her collar, and said worriedly, "The school won\'t expel Harry, will it?"

"It won\'t be fired, Dumbledore won\'t be willing to fire Harry." William comforted.

To be reasonable, judging from the behavior of the two, it is indeed enough to be expelled.

But how could Dumbledore be willing to fire Harry?

"Will they fly to the moon?" Luna asked. "There are moon frogs there."

Luna fell into a slight fantasy again.

Anne whispered in Hermione\'s ear, as if she wanted to come to school on a broom next year.

William tapped her on the head with his wand.

"Will Mr. Weasley\'s job be affected?" Cedric asked the deadliest question.

"If they are found by Muggles, there is a high probability that the investigation will be suspended. But as long as Harry and Ron are not stupid, they know that the car is invisible." William analyzed.

"The most urgent task is to inform Dumbledore and Mr. Weasley as soon as possible."

The twins hurriedly wrote letters, and Anne used a double-sided mirror to quickly notify Dumbledore.

When Dumbledore heard this "good news", his face was blue and his eyebrows were twisted into a ball.

It was the first time William had seen him so angry.

Snape, who was also in the principal\'s office, let out a greasy laugh.

"Ah," he said softly, "the famous Harry Potter and his good friend Weasley thought the train ride wasn\'t enough and wanted something exciting, didn\'t they, Headmaster?"

Snape was worthy of being an old hermaphrodite, and he was really good at yin and yang.

The train continues to travel in this atmosphere.

Soon footsteps were heard in the hallway, and Malfoy opened the door and walked in.

He was followed by two of his henchmen, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Gower.

Malfoy was pale and thin, looking as if he was malnourished from exhaustion.

The twins didn\'t give him a good look. During the summer vacation, the two families had a fight.

However, Malfoy came to buy something. After spending dozens of Galleons, he slammed it and said with concern:

"Where\'s Potter, he\'s not here?"

Malfoy had just been in a coma and had not seen the car in the sky.

After listening to others talking about it, so come over and ask a little.

Malfoy always cared about Harry like that.

"He\'s on the toilet and has diarrhea," William said casually.

Malfoy glanced suspiciously at William.

But he suddenly shut up, and from the other side of the corridor, a shout came: "Dede, where are you?"

—It was Pansy\'s voice.

Malfoy grabbed his purchases and tried to escape through the window.

But then he remembered that it was a train, so he had to let Goyle and Blake help him block Pansy, and he ran towards the other end of the train.

As time passed slowly, night gradually fell.

With about fifteen minutes to go, William stood up.

"Then let\'s go first," he said lightly.

"What are you doing?" Hermione asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Let\'s go to Hagrid for something~www.novelhall.com~See you at the castle." William blinked playfully.

Cedric and the twins stood up, and the three grabbed William\'s arms.

William directly Apparated and disappeared into the carriage.

Only the four girls in the carriage looked at each other.

"Why did they go?" Qiu asked suspiciously.

She didn\'t even know.

Annie\'s teeth were itching with anger, "They must have gone out to take risks and actually took me!"

"Alas, boys!" Hermione reluctantly spread out a book.

"Sooner or later you have to be fired!"



(Thanks to the "Feng Ling 15" boss for the reward)