A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 16: Power never comes from charity

Two days later, Mr. Weasley picked Harry up.

However, the communication between the two parties was not very good. According to Harry\'s uncle Dursley, Harry messed up an important business for him.

It was the drilling rig project he talked about for a long time, and it was also about whether he could get a promotion and a salary increase, become a general manager, become a CEO, marry again... ahem, the hope of reaching the pinnacle of life.

But Harry... so, so daring, so unforgivable that he made an afternoon of pudding cakes, dropped it from the ceiling, and humiliated the Masons.

After that, he got another owl, which made Mrs. Mason, who was allergic to birds, angrily left.

According to Mr. Weasley\'s description: he was so frightened that if Dursley were a wizard, he would probably give Harry an Avada death.

Mr. Weasley discussed it there for a long time, but the other party just refused to let him go.

Until lunch time, the Dursleys thought he was going to stay there because he was planning to eat;

Or, the two were afraid that the neighbors would find out that there was a strange person in the house, and they would not have to see Harry for a month... Anyway, out of various considerations, they finally agreed to let Mr. Weasley take Harry away.

"I do not have!"

Sitting in William\'s small courtyard, Harry protested loudly.

Soon Harry told them about Dobby, the warning it gave him.

After he finished speaking, the yard was sinking for a long time.

"Suspicious," Fred said.

"Obviously very strange," echoed George. "He wouldn\'t even tell you who was planning this?"

"I don\'t think he can," said Harry. "As I said, every time he\'s about to reveal something, he bangs his head against the wall."

"House elves can\'t tell others about their masters without the owner\'s permission," William explained. "He will punish himself."

Fred and George looked at each other. "That\'s right, he obviously disobeyed his master\'s orders and told Harry...that\'s totally out of character for an elf."

"What, you think he\'s lying to me?" Harry said.

"Well," said Fred, "let\'s put it this way—house-elves have great magic too, but they generally can\'t use magic without their master\'s permission, much less run off to reveal their master\'s secrets.

I think Dobby was sent to stop you from going back to Hogwarts, someone trying to make fun of you and saying those things on purpose. "

George asked, "Do you have any enemies at school?"

"Yes," said Harry and Ron at once.

"Draco Malfoy," Harry explained, "he hates me."

William raised his eyelids slightly and drank a cup of tea, and Malfoy would probably be heartbroken to hear Harry say such a thing.

"Actually, it\'s easy to find out whose house-elf Dobby is," William said.

"What method." Several people looked at William.

"Just go to the Hogwarts kitchen and ask." William shrugged.

"There are a large number of house-elves in the Hogwarts kitchen, and these elves often communicate with each other, learn cooking skills, and compete in cleaning skills.

There will always be someone who knows Dobby. "

"That\'s right!" Fred clapped his palms.

Harry nodded eagerly too, and as expected, he should have told everyone that things were a lot easier all of a sudden.

"What? Hogwarts has a lot of house-elves too?" Hermione frowned.

She suddenly realized that Dobby, the house-elf, was not what she knew.

Nico\'s are always humble and polite, well-dressed and have wands.

But Harry\'s description of Dobby seemed miserable.

And now she heard that Hogwarts also had a lot of house-elves.

She had never seen it.

Fred said strangely: "Of course, there are more than 100 at Hogwarts, and our luggage was moved to the dormitory by them. There are also various meals for the dinner party."

"I\'ve never seen one!" said Hermione.

"They rarely leave the kitchen during the day," George said. "They come out at night to clean up . . . take care of the stove or something .

The sign of a good house elf is that you don\'t even know it exists, my mom always wanted one. "

Hermione frowned. "So, do they get paid?"

"Do they have vacations? And - do they have sick days, pensions, all that?"

Ron laughed, and he laughed too hard.

"Stop being funny, Hermione, house-elves don\'t need sick leave and pensions.

They just need work, and it loves to serve wizards. "

"Bullshit!" Hermione said angrily, "I\'ve seen a lot of house-elves in Nico\'s manor, and they all have vacations of all kinds.

Mercury even asked us to give a good review, which is related to his year-end bonus, and I wrote him a lot of reviews.

isn\'t it, William? "

William quickly recounted Nico\'s elf.

"However, they have gold in their house. Although the Philosopher\'s Stone is gone now, Nicolemay doesn\'t care." Ron muttered.

Dumbledore has already publicized the news of the destruction of the Philosopher\'s Stone, and maybe it will take a hundred years before everyone finds out that Nicole May is lying.

Harry obviously didn\'t want them to continue arguing, he interrupted: "Let\'s not discuss this matter, we have to go to Ferret Mountain to play, are you going?"

"Don\'t go!" Hermione spread out the textbook in front of her, "We have to study."

Harry looked at the four strange combinations lying on the small table.

William was holding a thick book with strange words on the cover that he couldn\'t read anyway.

Hermione was reading the potions textbook, and judging from the progress, she had already finished her second grade.

Anne was honestly writing the homework assigned by Hermione.

The girl named Luna was holding a magazine, but she was holding it upside down.

"Merlin! Is this summer vacation?" Harry muttered inwardly.

Do not! No, staying here, he will feel a sense of guilt, the guilt of wasting summer vacation.

Apparently, several others thought so too, and the twin brothers stood up to say goodbye.

After a few people left, Hermione picked up William\'s teacup and drank the water in one gulp.

She angrily said: "This is slave labor, this is naked exploitation."

"That\'s not quite right, Hermione." William closed the book.

"You just heard about Dobby\'s situation and various punishments, which are common things in big families.

But that\'s not the case at Hogwarts, I\'ve seen house-elves in the kitchen and they\'re so happy they don\'t even want to go to wizarding homes. "


"Do you know how long it took Nico to remove the elf slavery from the house~www.novelhall.com~?"

Hermione shook her head.

"Six hundred years."

"A house elf has a lifespan of two hundred years, and it took Niko almost three generations to get rid of the elf slavery of his estate.

Do you think you have so much time? "

"However, we can spread the word about being nice to the elves and improving their lives." Hermione said seriously.

William shook his head and said softly: "History tells us that top-down reforms never succeed easily.

Power is not given by the superiors, but by the inferiors... actively fought for! "

