A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 17: most powerful woman

In general, the situation of house elves is not good at all, even worse than most magical animals.

Their special attributes determine today\'s status quo: slaves!

Pure-blood wizard families have had house-elves for generations, and this servility is ingrained in their blood.

As William said, wanting to improve is not a short-term job.

Of course, more people are unaware of the dire situation of house-elves.

If house-elves live in ordinary wizarding households, they are generally not overly reproached, since they are important possessions.

They are reluctant!

Even in Weasley\'s house, the status is estimated to be a little higher than that of Ron, after all, one elf does the work of nine people.

This kind of model worker is not good to eat and drink, isn\'t it a brain bubble?

But it\'s different in pure-blood families. Pure-blood families with elf are very wealthy and don\'t care about one or two elf.

Hasn\'t anyone paid attention to the plight of house-elves over the years and tried to make a difference?

Of course there is.

The Ministry of Magic has the House-Elves Resettlement Office, a division of the Office of Exotics of the Division for the Control of Magical Creatures.

This office is responsible for the placement and relocation of house-elves.

Mr. Newt worked in the Ministry for two years after he entered the Ministry.

He called the two years "extremely boring", and finally couldn\'t stand the loneliness, so he was forced to go into the sea, let himself go, and gallop on horses.

Led by Dumbledore, he galloped all the way to America, and then... was almost executed.

Even an autistic person like Newt couldn\'t stand his loneliness. One can imagine how idle this department is.

It is basically the same as the liaison office of the horse people, and it is used for the elderly.

Since there are not many house-elves, the Ministry of Magic cannot improve their living conditions.

This was the case until 1973, when the Magical Congress of the United States first abolished house-elf slavery.

Because of the influence of this incident, some wizards in the UK also applied for a case against the slavery of house-elves in order to avoid the enslavement of house-elves in the British magical society.

However, the Ministry of Magic dismissed the protest that year.

"Why was it rejected?" Hermione asked in confusion.

"Because of the war." William carefully analyzed. "That was when the Dark Lord was rising and the Death Eaters were raging.

Families with house-elves are generally pure-blooded.

The Ministry of Magic needs to win over them as much as possible, not abolish a system that \'seems\' dispensable and push those neutral families to the Dark Lord\'s side. "

Politics is compromise... the Ministry of Magic has compromised to this day.

"Is it really useless?" Hermione asked.

The way...of course there is.

Why do monsters have the power they have today? Why do they independently control Gringotts?

Why haven\'t they been reduced to house-elves?

That\'s because people have fought.

The Goblin Rebellion lasted more than two centuries.

During this period, both the wizard and the goblin were tired, so the two sides reached a new agreement.

House-elves want the same status as goblins, and they have to start a "beer hall riot" too.

Pull a group of armed elements to capture Azkaban prison, and it is best to send one or two Ministers of Magic to the guillotine.

Simply perfect.

However, this kind of thing is unlikely to happen in the short term, after all, servility flows in the bones of the elf.

But among so many house-elves, there will always be one or two freaks, or guys with a high level of self-awareness.

William thinks that the elf named Dobby is very similar!

So house-elf slavery is not a near-term concern, but a rather thorny foresight.

The Magical Congress of the United States saw this, and they learned the lesson of the goblin and stifled this worry in the cradle in advance.

In order to avoid being poisoned by your own elves while eating in the future, British reform will sooner or later be put on the agenda.

So, who will do this?

William touched Hermione\'s head, apparently the girl already had this awareness.

This is not to betray his own class, but to help the wizard continue to survive!

Of course, the abolition of a slave system is definitely something that will make a name for itself in the history of magic, enough to get a Merlin Medal.

But there are many obstacles.

Top-down reforms have never been easy to succeed, because if the original power from the top is distributed to the bottom, the interests of many vested interests will be cut off.

Of course they would object.

However, times have changed.

Most of those who own house-elves are pure-blooded families.

The idea of ​​pure blood is long gone.

If it wasn\'t for Voldemort\'s rise against the tide, the dust of history would have been swept into the trash by Dumbledore.

Voldemort is destined to come back. If the king returns and becomes the dead again, it means that the pure-blood family\'s counterattack has failed completely.

At that time, it was the best era of reform.

A person\'s destiny, of course, depends on self-struggle, but also takes into account the process of history.

The current historical process is about to reach that stage.

And the future Ministry of Magic really needs such a bold and cohesive minister to make major changes.

William knew Hermione better than anyone. She had identified one thing and thought it was right, and she would do it if she tried her best.

Hermione is such a girl!

If she wanted to do this, William would definitely help her.

It would be best for Hermione to become Minister of Magic, the most powerful woman in the British Isles.

What, lack of political resources?

Joke, Hermione\'s greatest political resource is... William.

Why did Fudge ask Dumbledore\'s gesture for every opinion?

Because he needs to be seen by the public, he has a good relationship with Dumbledore, Dumbledore is his \'word\'.

Judging from Dumbledore\'s influence, as long as a wizard is not too bad, with his support, he will definitely be able to rise to the top.

Fudge was holding the influence of Dumbledore as a banner, but at the same time, he was afraid of this influence and was actively eliminating it.

Did Dumbledore not know?

he knows.

Just don\'t care.

The most important thing in the magic world is not power, but personal strength.

This is a heroic fantasy world.

Voldemort was so powerful that he could replace the Ministry of Magic.

Likewise, William spent seven years in the time loop, he had a Ravenclaw ring, he had Nico\'s guidance...he was bound to be a Dumbledore in the future.

His influence will also spread throughout the British Isles.

In fact, his influence now has begun to radiate continuously, and he has a large number of fans in the school.

The youngest recipient of the Merlin Medal, many people regard him as Dumbledore\'s successor.

Just wait for Dumbledore to die, and say: "I don\'t worry about your work."

Hermione doesn\'t have any pure-blood family support, and it doesn\'t matter if she lacks political resources.

As long as there is William\'s support~www.novelhall.com~ she can easily ascend to the position.

If, of course, Hermione is willing to be Minister of Magic.

Wait... Do you want to imitate the European Union and create a European Magic Union in the future?

Hermione is the Minister of Magic of the United Kingdom, and William is the chairman of the European Union, is it not too much?

"William, what are you thinking?" Hermione asked, blushing. "You messed up my hair."

"Oh, sorry." William quickly withdrew his hand.

"I\'m trying to figure out how to help you with the house-elf problem," William said happily.

It was just that he accidentally lost his mind and went all the way to the \'Eurasian League\'.



(Thanks to the QQ book friend Fanyin (Li) for the reward)