A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 15: Merlin Hoon

Overall, this classic Ford can still start, but because the engine is too old, it can\'t go very far.

Even the odometer has come to an end.

This car is about as "high-end" as the Luxgen.

If I have to describe it...

It is a low-profile tractor with a shell;

It is a car that is welcomed by the gas station and can travel hundreds of miles with a full tank;

It is a steel armor Mark III that made n-hand car dealers fear.

"What if it\'s flying in the air?" Fred asked concerned.

"If you use magic to fly in the air, that\'s another problem." William began to examine the car\'s flying mechanism.

I don\'t know if I don\'t check it. William didn\'t expect that Mr. Weasley also has a lot of knowledge about Quidditch brooms.

William had studied flying brooms. Although he didn\'t have the luxury of dismantling the Nimbus 2000, he still studied the old antiques that the school eliminated.

The flying device of this car actually adopts the sweeping seven-star series.

In other words, you can think of this car as a big broomstick.

Mr. Weasley is an amateur, only relying on his own research and various magical changes... This kind of talent does not go to the Nimbus company as a developer, it is really inferior.

"Flying for ten hours in a row is no problem, but it\'s hard to say. This car is too heavy and has various problems. It may not last for so long, and it will not know where it is broken."

After William tested it with magic, he gave a rough data.

"Ten hours is enough," said Ron excitedly. "What about the cloaking device?"

William clicked the small button next to the instrument meter.

The car disappeared, but soon reappeared, flickering like a badly connected lamp.

"It\'s just a simple phantom body spell, and there is a possibility of insufficient magic power."

Compared with the attainment of flying a broom, Mr. Weasley has done something rough in this regard.

Perhaps, he didn\'t have the idea of ​​driving into the crowd.

"Can it be repaired?" George asked the most crucial question.

"Okay, I used ancient runes to recreate a stable core. It\'s a little troublesome, but it\'s stable and won\'t show up easily."

"Great." Ron clapped his hands excitedly.

"By the way, what are you doing?" William asked, staring at Ron.

They kept asking questions, apparently to drive the car away.

Ron explained: "Harry has not responded to a letter for almost a month since summer started.

I also invited him to our house before, I don\'t know if something happened?

By the way, Hermione, have you heard from Harry? "

Hermione, who was fighting with Annie in the back row, shook her head. "I didn\'t receive it either. The letter I sent came back intact."

"But my letter disappeared." Ron wondered.

William explained: "That\'s because I put a ring on Hermione\'s owl\'s paw.

The ring is enchanted to prevent others from stealing the letter. "

"So, someone is stealing letters and cutting off Harry\'s connection with the outside world?" George wondered.

Ron said anxiously: "Then we should pick up Harry even more. What about tonight, Dad works overtime, can we secretly use this car?"

The twins nodded.

"No, you\'ll be found out!" Hermione objected.

"We\'ve been planning this for a long time, Hermione, don\'t stop us." Ron said indifferently.

"William, won\'t you follow along?" Hermione squinted her eyes horribly.

William quickly assured: "No, it\'s just you and Annie at home, I\'m not worried.

Moreover, if you don\'t sleep in bed at night, it\'s boring to stay up late and ride in the car. "

Picking up Harry in this little crappy car is the same as taking a hard seat overnight and going to another unfamiliar city.

When William took the train in his previous life, he even bought a seat without a seat. He could only bring his own folding stool and find a crowded corner to sit down.

That feeling will make you want to die.

"Of course, I don\'t recommend you to go either." William\'s expression gradually became serious.

"Think about it for Mr Weasley, Director of the Misuse of Muggle Supplies Division.

If someone discovers that he secretly modifies Muggle items and allows his son to use them, he will likely be placed on probation! "

It\'s a critical period recently, others don\'t know, but William is well-informed.

The Ministry of Magic\'s Gold Spy, No. 2 Tonks, told him that the Ministry of Magic had recently introduced the Muggle Protection Act.

At the beginning of the month, Mr. Weasley and Mad-Eye formed an assault team to search the Malfoy home.

If the matter of Mr. Weasley\'s modification of the car is revealed, Malfoy will certainly seize the opportunity to attack public opinion.

It\'s not like losing your job, but you can\'t keep your head up in the ministry for sure.

This is utterly utterly deceitful behavior.

The twin brothers lost the idea of ​​picking up Harry by car. After William\'s reminder, they also realized the seriousness of the matter.

Although they are naughty, they will never do anything that affects the family, especially their father\'s work.

"But, William, didn\'t you say you can be completely invisible? No one will find out with your technology." Ron said unwillingly.

He studied the route to Harry\'s house for a long time.

William continued to persuade the iron-headed baby. "Ron, Harry\'s family is not on the other side of Ferret Hill, but in a Muggle community.

You look for him in the middle of the night, what if you startle the Muggles? "

Ron was silent.

"William, can you use Apparition to go?" George asked.

Since you can\'t drive, the easiest way to do it is to Apparate.

"No, it\'s okay to use it here, there are adult wizards around here.

If used at Harry\'s house, the Ministry of Magic would think he was using magic and would have to send a warning letter. "

William also had traces on him, but the Ministry of Magic could not find out who was using magic, and Harry lived in a community where he was the only underage wizard.

The Ministry of Magic would have thought he was using it.

"Then what?" Fred wondered. "You can\'t leave Harry alone, can you?"

"It\'s very simple." William smiled. "When Mr. Weasley finishes his overtime in the past two days, let him go there once, and there is no rush for such a day or two."

Harry\'s business has basically been settled for a long time.

William changed the stealth device of the car, and a few people flew in the uninhabited mountain for a while to test the performance.

With superior performance, it can be perfectly invisible and will not be detected by Muggles.

In the evening, William took Anne and Hermione home.

William cooks again.

After the three of them had finished eating, it was Annie\'s turn to clean up the dishes, she wiped her mouth, made a face, and hurriedly ran to find Luna.

William sat in the yard enjoying the shade, while Hermione used magic to clean up the dishes.

After cleaning up, the girl lay on the cool bamboo bench beside William, gently shaking a fan made of unicorn hair, looking at the sunset in the sky.

Soon, a beautiful owl came flying, and William received a letter.

William opened the new one and quickly read it again.

"Whose letter?" Hermione leaned on her side, propping her head with her right hand.

"Lockhart, he invited me to his book launch in Diagon Alley."

"The wizard you wrote to invite to be the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor?" Hermione asked.

"It\'s him."

William also lay down on the bench, two benches side by side, shaking and shaking at the same frequency.

"The new professor of dark magic... don\'t know if this year is reliable?" Hermione showed a melancholy expression.

Professor Quirrell made her despair about this course, but fortunately, William had been tutoring her and brought her all kinds of practical battles.

Hermione\'s strength is much stronger than her peers.

"It should be reliable, I won the Merlin Third Class Medal." William said casually.

"In recognition of his bravery in the face of dark creatures and his introduction to defenses in his autobiographical work."

Hermione hummed and asked again, "The Merlin Medal 3rd class... is it very powerful?"

"...It should be alright, right?" William asked uncertainly~www.novelhall.com~ The girl raised her head, looked at the twilight, and laughed softly: "You are the second-level medal winner, or the youngest Merlin medal winner. !

Compared to you, it\'s not that great. "

Listening to Hermione\'s proud voice, William couldn\'t help laughing and crying: "He seems to be inferior to me."

"Be confident and remove the seeming!"

William took the fan in Hermione\'s hand. He was slightly stronger. After shaking the fan, both of them could feel the coolness.

It is obvious that they can use magic to become cool, but at this time, neither of them used magic.

Hermione felt the breeze, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, she turned sideways, stared at him, and didn\'t speak for a long time.



(Thanks to the reward of "Fellow Daoist, please stay".)