A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 11: tiger head sea eagle

Lightning flashes and thunders in the sky, and the electric light wandering around is like a hole in the cloud layer, and the big raindrops crash down!

William\'s wand was aimed at the ground, and a crystal vial burst out of the ground.

The original sky blue solution has now completely turned into a blood red potion.

William looked at Hermione, and the girl nodded nervously.

William raised his wand, pointed the tip to the heart, and read: "Amado, Animo, Anima, Animagus."

He opened the cork cap and drank the potion in one gulp.

The liquid was icy cold, hot in the mouth, and quickly extended from the throat to the stomach.

It\'s like taking a sip of a bottle of 86-year-old Niulanshan Erguotou!

William could feel his heart beating violently, and it was two hearts!

But because of the different beating frequencies, William\'s eardrum vibrated violently, and his brain was rapidly congested.

Finally, the beating frequency of the heart was the same, and in his mind, the animal to be deformed appeared.

Luckily it wasn\'t a magical creature, otherwise it would mean his Animagus failed.

Animagus cannot become a magical creature, which is also a problem that has plagued the magic world for thousands of years.

William let out a breath, closed his eyes tightly, and focused on the transformation.

He could clearly feel his arms, which were slowly changing.

Muscles, organs, and structures in the body are also changing, albeit very slowly.

Even the clothes on William\'s body gradually merged into one body.

Professor McGonagall\'s advice echoed in William\'s mind: "Slowly increase the magic power. During this process, don\'t be nervous. It takes time to adapt to the physical changes."

After an unknown amount of time, the arm disappeared completely, as if it had been cut off.

William\'s wand fell to the ground, Hermione picked it up hastily, and looked at William nervously.

In her sight, the boy\'s hand was gone, replaced by something like chicken wings.

"A bird?" Hermione guessed.

Is it an owl?

William didn\'t have time to take care of Hermione, and was still trying to transform. The whole process was as slow as a difficult birth.

Although William has not had children, he feels that the difference should not be too big.

After an unknown amount of time, his right foot slowly disappeared, turning into the claws of a raptor.

The claws flickered with cold light, like steel, and they smashed the stones on the ground just by grasping them a little.

Lu Wei glanced at the pink meat pads of his claws, howled three times, and ducked away.

William looked so ugly now, like a bare Fox from the ashes.

Slowly, feathers extended from his neck to the sides.

He became a monster with a human head and a bird body.

Finally, the head also changed, and an orange-yellow beak with a slightly curved tip grew, but the iris of the eyes did not change, and it still maintained the dark green characteristics of William when he was a human!

The animals that Animagos turns into will retain more or less human characteristics.

William\'s body feathers are mostly dark brown with gray-brown vertical stripes. The forehead, shoulders, waist, upper and lower tail coverts, leg coverts and tail feathers are white.

The head has dark brown feathers with gray-brown vertical stripes that look like tabbys.

- Tiger head sea eagle!

Moreover, this sea eagle is much taller than ordinary sea eagles, at a full 1.4 meters, it can be called a giant.

William, who had transformed into a sea eagle, seemed to have lost his mind. The next moment, he rushed out and slammed into the valley.

Like a comet hitting the ground.

The earth cracked into a large pit full of cracks.

Lu Wei wailed, and the iron bowl the size of a washbasin was squeezed into iron sheets by the overbearing sea eagle!

That\'s what it usually eats with!

In an instant, the sea eagle collided again, and the exquisite kennel that Hagrid had given to Lu Weigai turned into a pile of ruins.

Lu Wei screamed angrily, but he didn\'t dare to rush up.


The dust has settled.

Hermione had appeared in front of the sea eagle, she tried her best to straighten her back, clenched her hands tightly, and hugged the head of the sea eagle, which was almost as tall as her.

"William, wake up!" Hermione called.

William\'s consciousness was wandering in a dark environment, he only felt a splitting headache, and his body wanted to keep hitting something else to relieve the headache.

This is one of the situations in which Animagus is used. After all, humans and beasts are different, and they will be confused for the first time.

The animal nature of animals and the reason of human beings,

colliding with each other.

If you can\'t recover your sanity, you will forget who you are and become an animal forever.

Therefore, Animagus is the dangerous magic.

Then, he heard a crying voice, Hermione\'s.

At that moment, William closed his eyes, his face full of pain.

I finally remembered who I was and what I was doing.

At this time, Lu Wei hid back again, guarding the hut where he was hiding the snacks, to prevent the sea eagle from continuing to go crazy.

But the irritable sea eagle suddenly squatted down softly.

The sea eagle made William\'s voice, and he said softly, "Sorry, it\'s alright, Hermione."

Hermione raised her head in surprise and smiled brightly, revealing two small dimples.

"Let\'s go, the sun is about to come out, I\'ll take you to see the sunrise." William squatted down slowly, his wings spread on the ground.

Hermione followed the wings and climbed onto the huge body of the sea eagle.

William stood up, and then fully unfolded his wings, which were four or five meters long.

"Hurry up and use magic to block the rain," William instructed.

Hermione nodded and hurriedly cast a \'waterproof and moistureproof\' spell on herself.

She took out another fleece poncho from the ring and put it over her body to prevent it from being blown by the wind, then tucked her head into the warm feathers.

Almost at the same time, William waved his wings, and Lu Wei only felt the strong wind blowing in his face, and stepped back again.

The wind blows and the dust rises.

William spread his wings and flew over the Forbidden Forest towards Hogwarts.

He landed on the spire of Hogwarts, and from this angle, the whole of Hogwarts could be seen.


Fox flew out of the window of the principal\'s office and wandered around William, looking curiously at the uninvited guest.

It quickly recognized William.

William once again spread his wings and flew high, passing through the thick clouds. For a time, there were lightning and thunder around him, but not a single lightning struck him.

But Fox was not so lucky. It flew a few hundred meters before it was hit by a purple lightning, screamed and fell from the air.

William sighed ~www.novelhall.com~ Didn\'t Dumbledore tell it?

In general, don\'t walk with people who have drank Fuling, especially on rainy days.

Because the other party is very lucky, if the thunder falls, it must be struck by the thunder with bad luck!

William continued to fly, and he finally passed through the thick rain cloud. The sea of ​​clouds was like a piece of satin being pierced by an awl, piercing a slightly sloping hole.

Hermione raised her head and looked up at the sky.

In the field of vision, the sea of ​​golden clouds and the morning glow fell down like feathers, splendid and moving.

She hugged William\'s neck tightly, looking at the gorgeous sky, her eyes blurred.



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