A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 12: unbreakable oath

William wrote to Professor McGonagall the next day after completing the transformation of the Animagus.

Professor McGonagall is his tutor and knows his learning progress, and the placement of the potion is also the professor\'s help.

Therefore, there is absolutely no need for him to hide the identity of Animagus.

Professor McGonagall wouldn\'t let William do that either.

Animagus is reasonable and legal, but if it is hidden and not reported to the Ministry of Magic, once it is discovered, it will be difficult to speak.

Professor McGonagall wouldn\'t allow his best students to make such a low-level mistake.

When Mag replied, he also expressed his congratulations to William.

Professor McGonagall also regretted not being able to watch by his side, but there was no way, no one could decide when the thunderstorm would come.

In the letter, Professor McGonagall suggested William to write a paper on the transformation of the eagle and publish it in the journal Transfiguration Today.

During the summer vacation, she will submit files, review manuscripts, and then discuss with the editor-in-chief, and award William the "Most Promising Newcomer Award" after the school starts.

Emmmm... You don\'t need to go through the process, just review the papers for your students in advance, there are people on it, it\'s a good thing!

Of course, Professor McGonagall did this because she was too happy. She hadn\'t seen her student win an award for a long time.

At the end of July, William took Hermione and Anne to Cedric\'s house.

Their house was on the other side of Ferret Mountain, a few hours away from William\'s house.

Autumn is here too, much to Cedric\'s delight.

Cedric has been in Ollivander\'s shop recently, and has only been free for the past two days.

He also wanted Qiu to stay at his house for a few days, but unfortunately the conspiracy failed.

Cedric sighed and wanted to move out like William.

But no money.

He obviously made a lot of money, and he let his father store it in the vault.

In old Diggory\'s words, \'Stay here for Seid\'s marriage! ’

Cedric really believed it.

This kind of words are like those lucky money saved by their parents, and they will never come back for a lifetime.

The next day, William received another letter from the twins, who invited the William family to dinner.

Anne and Hermione rode a unicorn, and the two of them had regarded the unicorn as a means of transportation.

Poor unicorn...

William pinched the point and used Apparition. When he reached the outskirts of the Burrow, the twins were waiting for him at the entrance of the village.

Let\'s say wait, but the two are pestering a girl.

Fred was making card magic for the girl, but he actually used magic secretly to change the desired card.

After playing for a while, the girl went back to eat, and the two were still watching reluctantly.

As William approached, he greeted them.

"Why did you come out from behind?" Fred asked in confusion. "Oh, it\'s Apparition!"

George envied: "Oh, it\'s good, we also want to learn."

William said, "Then learn, it\'s not too much trouble."

Fred shook his head and sighed. "You can\'t use it even after you\'ve learned it. If my mother finds out, we\'ll learn this kind of magic secretly when we\'re not adults..."

"The kind that will hit us, to the death!" George echoed.

"Come on, Mrs. Weasley would be willing to hit you?" William\'s face was full of disbelief. "Did she hit you?"

"Really, beaten hard many times." George looked melancholy.

"The worst was when Ron was five years old. Fred and I wanted him to make an unbreakable oath..."

"Wait? When Ron was five?" William squinted. "You were only eight then?"

"Yeah, we don\'t have wands, Percy stole," Fred replied.

"It\'s not about the wand, the unbreakable oath when you were eight?" William questioned.

The Unbreakable Oath is a magical spell used to form oaths between wizards. If the oath is broken, the person who breaks it dies.

This is a relatively high-end spell, and not everyone can use it.

The twin brothers were only eight years old at the time, which was less reliable than learning the Patronus Charm in the first grade.

"Who knows, we just tried it according to a magic book. Mom said we almost succeeded..." George said.

"Wait...George." Fred asked suspiciously, "I\'m a little weird when I say that.

How did I not know that when I was eight years old, I had such outstanding magical attainments?

Am I being beaten stupid because I was beaten up? "

"Come on, Fred, Mom only hit your butt, not your head." George raised his eyebrows and squinted: "So, Mom is lying to us?"

William also felt that Mrs. Weasley was deliberately intimidating them, just didn\'t want them to bully little brother Ron, and then deliberately exaggerated the results.

"Really, I\'m so stupid!" Fred looked unhappy. "I regretted and blamed myself for a long time at that time, and gave Ron\'s pocket money for two weeks."

"I also gave pocket money for a month." George said annoyed.

"Most importantly, Mom and Dad hung me up and beat me." Fred rubbed his butt. "From now on, my left half-pulled **** is different from the right one."

"William, do you want to take a look?" George asked.

"No, you two can just keep it for yourself." William waved his hand quickly.

But he was still very puzzled. If it didn\'t work out, why did Mrs. Weasley beat Fred?

He held his chin and asked, "So, what oath did you make?"

"Well, it\'s not too much of an oath." Fred tutted, "I want Ron to be single for the rest of his life, not to find a girlfriend, not to get married."


No wonder he was beaten!

Such a vicious oath, even if it was William\'s words, Fred would have to be hanged and beaten!

"By the way, who was that girl just now?" William asked curiously as the three approached the Burrow.

"There is a paper shop in the Muggle part of the village where Lysa works," explained George.

Fred grinned and said, "William, I know you and Hermione are happy living together, but you can\'t leave the house all day, can you?

There are still many other landscapes in the village, and we must learn to appreciate them. "

"Like Lysa just now?"

"Yeah~www.novelhall.com~ It\'s pretty, isn\'t it?" Fred said with a smile.

"Yeah, I think Angelina will be very interested when she hears this news, beautiful paper girl." William smiled maliciously.

"Angelina? What\'s the matter, does she and Lysa know each other?"

George is obviously a very smart person, but he is slow at this time, and he has not found out that Fred likes Angelina.

He probably still can\'t believe that his favorite Fred, behind his back, secretly fell in love with other women.

If George knew, Fred would probably have made an unbreakable vow with him that he would be single for the rest of his life.



(The first update, the latter two are a little later, please ask for a recommendation ticket.

By the way, I sacrificed a book "Connor\'s Hogwarts", which is also a colleague of Harry. It has 500,000 words. It can be slaughtered. If you like it, you can take a look. )