A Magical Hogwarts

v2 Chapter 117: end of period

Days become muggy and cloudless as we enter June.

Everyone just thinks about taking a walk outside, with a few pints of iced pumpkin juice, and falling in love on the grass;

Or play a game of stone throwing that is out of high-level fun at will, and the loser has to take off a piece of clothing until he is naked;

Otherwise, just sit by the black lake and wait for the Dragon King to come out and spray water.

But they can\'t do it.

As the exams approached, the students had to stay in the castle, enduring the temptation of the summer wind blowing from the window, forcing their brains to study hard.

Everyone is actively reviewing, only William has nothing to do and is making various alchemy items all day.

What is the difference between a scholar and a scholar?

Those who study hard all day and get high marks in the end are the Xueba; those who do not study all day and still get high marks...that is the **** of learning.

In everyone\'s opinion, William has reached the level of being a god.

However, William knew that he was not a scholar.

But that didn\'t stop him, he was going to play for a month first, and then return to his studies during the summer vacation.

As for the exam... When your level is far higher than the graduating class, do you still care about the second-year exam?

On the other hand, Hermione, she had started planning to review for Christmas, and since Easter, she had also reviewed various courses several times, but she was still working overtime at this time.

She hopes that she can get full marks in all subjects like William in the first year.

Look, what other reasons are there for this kind of student to fail?

William has really witnessed Hermione\'s various excellences with his own eyes.

But such an excellent child does not have many friends, can you believe it?

He could only blame Hermione for not having high EQ, otherwise he would be able to attract a lot of licking dogs just by relying on the strategic material of Xueba\'s notes.

And what about Harry and Ron? I didn\'t have any self-awareness of being a scumbag, and I was still paddling in the water all the way, leisurely wandering ~www.novelhall.com~, and I haven\'t been distracted.

No wonder, if the scumbag is conscious, is it still a scumbag?

In addition to reviewing, Hermione also collected William\'s first-year exam questions.

Although William told her that it was useless, she took the test last year, and many knowledge points will not be tested the next year, but Hermione stubbornly reviewed it several times.

This reminded William that he was going to take a paid recall question after the exam.

He summed up the questions from the six grades and sold them to the students as the real exam questions over the years.

Exam questions over the years must be collected, and cheating tools are of course indispensable.

William made a number of self-answering quills, memory balls, and cheat sheet loose-leaf sleeves and self-correcting ink.

The students are buying like crazy, after all cheating is tempting to them.

But this can only serve as a psychological comfort, the school will take high precautions against this, and each test paper will have a particularly severe anti-cheating spell.

The professors also seem to have piercing eyes and won\'t let anyone bring cheating tools in.

Soon, it\'s time for the exam.

Without the slightest surprise, the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam was canceled.

This has been canceled at Hogwarts for two consecutive years. From the perspective of teaching, the quality of the students in the school is not very high.

They take the written test first, and after the end, there is the application test.

Professor Flitwick called the students into the classroom and asked them to use the flight spell to control the key to fly in the complex environment.

For a time, the entire classroom was the key.

Obviously, everyone regarded this as flying with the sword.

William controlled fourteen keys by himself to form a Quidditch match, and Professor Flitwick gave him full marks on the spot.

During the Transfiguration exam, Professor McGonagall gave everyone a few pebbles to turn them into tables and chairs.

The more beautiful the table and chairs, the higher the score.

William conjured up a set of sofas and a high-end mahjong table.

It\'s a pity that Professor McGonagall doesn\'t know how to play mahjong.

When taking the potions test, everyone desperately recalled the steps of the hair growth potion.

Marietta sat behind William and kept asking him in a low voice how many mouse tails would make sense.

Snape watched closely from behind, the cool air could be felt on the backs of their necks.

Under such great pressure, it has affected many people.

For example, Shabby from Hufflepuff burst into tears during the exam, whimpering that he was too stupid to take the exam, and seeing Snape\'s face was disgusting, and now he wanted to leave school.

Snape was black-faced the whole time.

If it weren\'t for the teacher\'s professionalism, Snape would probably hang Sharbie up and give him an enema with the potion that Sharbie brewed.

William was not afraid. He wrote the word "basilisk" on the morning test paper, and was not worried that Professor Snape would not give him full marks.

The astronomy exam is at midnight, and they need to go to the tower to observe the motion of the planets.

In this exam, they were asked to identify all of Saturn\'s moons, and to fill in the exact positions of the stars and planets observed with the telescope on a blank star map.

The final exam is the history of magic.

The content is fairly conventional, and it examines magic wand legislation and breach of confidentiality laws, the reasons for the establishment of the International Federation of Wizards, and explains why Liechtenstein wizards refused to participate.

All the students cheered when Professor Binns told them to put down their quills and roll up the parchment to answer the questions.

A week later, Ravenclaw defeated Hufflepuff and they finally won the Quidditch Cup after nine consecutive years without a title.

During the game, William played bravely, he scored two hundred points alone, but Cedric caught the Snitch in the end.

This annoyed Qiu for several days.

The Hogwarts dinner, as always, was lavishly decorated in Ravenclaw blue and bronze to celebrate their House Cup victory.

Professor Dumbledore stood up, his beard gleaming in the light of the candle.

"Right now, as far as I know, we\'re going to have the Academy Cup award ceremony first.

The specific scores for each house are as follows: fourth place, Hufflepuff, 365 points; third place, Gryffindor, 360 points; second place, Slytherin, 426 points points; first place, Ravenclaw five hundred and twenty points. "

There was a burst of thunderous cheers and stomps on the Ravenclaw table.

This is their second consecutive championship.

"Yeah, well done," said Dumbledore. "However, a few things that happened a few months ago have to be counted."

Dumbledore cleared his throat. "Let me see. By the way...the first one -- Mr. Ron Weasley...he won a wonderful game of wizard chess, and I reward Gryffin for that. Fifty points from multiple colleges."

"The second item—Miss Hermione Granger...she keeps breaking through the levels and accomplishing things Quirrell hasn\'t done. I\'m going to reward Gryffindor House with fifty points."

The Gryffindor classmates around them were ecstatic, jumping up and down around the dinner table - they were up a full percent!

"The third item - Harry Potter..." said Dumbledore. The auditorium suddenly became extraordinarily silent.

"...he showed daring courage and extraordinary courage, and for that, I would also reward Gryffindor House with sixty points."

The noise was deafening, and Gryffindor was now five hundred and twenty—exactly the same score as Ravenclaw.

Qiu whispered, "Then isn\'t our Academy Cup going to be shared with Gryffindor?"

William smiled and comforted: "No, Qiu, don\'t forget, I also killed the basilisk."

Sure enough, Dumbledore continued: "William Stark killed the Basilisk alone and saved countless students. He won the \'Outstanding Contribution to the School Award\' for the second time, for which I will reward him with one hundred percent. "

Everyone applauded, and the Ravenclaw table was boisterous again.

William raised his goblet and toasted Dumbledore from a distance.

Dumbledore blinked ~www.novelhall.com~ and took up the cup in front of him.

The two were silent.

Snape was on the sidelines, drinking tons of wine alone, if it weren\'t for Stark, they might have won the championship seven times in a row.

Snape muttered: "Seven consecutive championships, seven consecutive championships..."



(Thanks to "Hellcat", "20181127230222438", "

Fengling Fifteen", a reward from the three bosses\\(//?//)\\

I took a look, and found that the "Hellcat" boss, unconsciously, has already become the master of the hall. Well, I owe it two more shifts, and I will make up for it slowly. )

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