A Magical Hogwarts

v2 Chapter 116: New Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor

An explosion suddenly sounded in Hogwarts Castle.

The black flames were raging, and under the fire, the spire of Hogwarts Castle began to sink slowly, submerged in the flames.

But those falling buildings were blocked by an invisible wall before they landed on the ground.

This saved those students who were about to enter the castle from being attacked.

All the little wizards crowded together in embarrassment, watching Dumbledore appear in the gap on the fourth floor of the castle.

Voldemort was in a bad state at this time, and Quirrell\'s soul was about to collapse.

He waved his wand, the black flames rolled like boiling, and a huge black python bit at Dumbledore.

A red light shot out of Dumbledore\'s wand, facing the black snake that was engulfing the mighty thunder.

The black snake shattered at a touch and turned into nothingness.

Voldemort was wrapped in a black wind, turned and flew into the sky.

Instead of chasing, Dumbledore aimed his wand at the castle.

"Restore as usual!"

The flames vanished, and the shattered building returned to its original shape again.

Everyone looked at Dumbledore in awe, the headmaster was still so powerful!

William looked at Dumbledore thoughtfully. Logically, a wizard of this age should have a great decline in strength.

But Dumbledore doesn\'t seem to be affected by age.

He suddenly remembered the stories Nico had told him about one of the strongest wands.



Today is destined to be an unforgettable day.

William Stark scored 260 points on the Quidditch pitch, breaking the Hogwarts school\'s highest score and leading the team to the final.

Later, he killed a giant python on the field.

Defeated Slytherin House in Quidditch and killed the giant snake that symbolized Slytherin.

Two things that are obviously not related by cause and effect, but on the whole, they seem to be connected, and there is a hint of legend in the invisible.

William\'s popularity skyrocketed, and his Hogwarts fans grew to almost a frenzy.

Roger Davis told others everywhere that he and William scored 270 points together, and this shamelessness has reached a certain level.

Soon another rumor circulated at the school: The Boy Who Lived had prevented the Mysterious Man from stealing the Philosopher\'s Stone.

But for this rumor, most people did not believe it, because everyone saw the situation at the time.

Dumbledore stood in the firelight, repelling the mysterious wizard, and no one saw where Potter was.

Principal\'s office.

William sat in the chair and asked, "How is Harry?"

"Harry is okay." Dumbledore smiled with satisfaction: "At the last moment, I stopped him from swallowing the Philosopher\'s Stone, and he probably needs to be hospitalized for a while.

It\'s not convenient for me to see him, or Madam Pomfrey will take the feather duster and kick me out. "

William nodded slightly and looked at the magic stone on the table.

The stone was light in color and almost lost its luster.

It\'s a lack of magic.

This is normal, the Philosopher\'s Stone is not a perpetual motion machine, it is impossible to consume magic power forever, but it does not need to replenish magic power.

This kind of thing disappears after a while.

The time that can be used is related to the refiner. If the refiner\'s skills are not good, the quality of the magic stone is very poor, and the magic power will be exhausted within a few days.

Likewise, having a Philosopher\'s Stone doesn\'t mean you can live forever.

The magic stone is only an important part of the elixir, and it needs to be boiled.

"I will publicly announce that this Philosopher\'s Stone has been destroyed." Dumbledore said lightly.

William didn\'t look surprised.

Niko told him about it.

This is also a good way to avoid more trouble coming to your door.

But Nico won\'t just die like this, he said more than once, he hasn\'t lived enough yet.

He needed to forge a new Philosopher\'s Stone, which is why he found William.

"What about Professor Snape?" William asked.

"He said there was a basilisk today, it was unfair to Ravenclaw and asked for a rematch."

The shameless man William had seen many times, and it was the first time he had seen Snape so shameless.

In William\'s words: Don\'t be too Snape.

Dumbledore smiled and said, "According to the regulations, of course you can rematch, if both deans agree."

"Professor Flitwick let me decide." William smiled, "In another round, of course, I still have the confidence to win, but let\'s give Slytherin some face.

Otherwise, the next break may be the largest score difference record. "

Dumbledore nodded and said, "Are you confident of winning the title?"


"Unfortunately." Dumbledore said unhappily, "Gryffindor did not enter the final."

William shrugged, "Even if Gryffindor made it to the final, they couldn\'t win. When the final started, Harry was still in bed."

William suddenly had a hunch that the Gryffindor Quidditch team with Potter would not go well every year.

"The game is over, what about the Basilisk?" Dumbledore crossed his arms and leaned back on the chair easily.

William sighed and reluctantly said, "You can give Professor Snape some, but if I need any medicine, he must give it to me unconditionally."

"Of course," Dumbledore said with admiration, "Son, you are really good.

I think you\'ll get a \'Special Contribution to School Award\' again, which is an amazing achievement. "

William was calm and calm.

This kind of thing is like a pennant. After getting it once, he doesn\'t care too much.

William looked up and saw a job advertisement on the table again.

Dumbledore noticed William\'s gaze, and he said distressedly: "Our Defence Against the Dark Arts professors are never enough."

"Anyone applying?"

"Well...not currently, even though I have raised my salary by 30%."

Of course no one will apply, this position is so dangerous.

William was also curious as to who would be the next unlucky one.

"By the way, remember Lockhart?"

William thought for a while and said, "Remember, he wrote me several times, inviting me to attend his new book launch."

"Very good." Dumbledore said happily: "It\'s good that you have friendship. Can you write a letter for me and invite him to Hogwarts as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"I wrote it, will he come?" William raised his eyebrows, he didn\'t think he had such a big influence.

"Yes." Dumbledore said to himself: "Of course, you\'d better be able to hint more, as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, it will help the sales of the new book..."

William was speechless for a while, he just said, Hogwarts doesn\'t seem to charge tuition fees, but in fact, he secretly doesn\'t know how many kickbacks he ate at Diagon Alley.

Sure enough, it\'s time to start taking Lockhart rebates again.

"By the way, when it comes to writing letters, Professor, have you ever thought about changing the content of the Hogwarts acceptance letter a little bit," William said suddenly.

"What\'s wrong?"

"The content is too old-fashioned~www.novelhall.com~ can hardly keep up with the times." William shook his head slightly, "I heard that many students wanted to transfer to Babston when they first saw the admission letter.

Can\'t we polish it up a bit, it\'s very bad for our admissions in the UK. "

"Oh, do you have any good advice?" Dumbledore asked with interest.

William quickly wrote a long line of words on the paper and handed it to the headmaster.

The principal watched with interest.

William said "good night", then got up and left.



(Thanks to "Captain Pork Chop" for the tip)

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