A Magical Hogwarts

v2 Chapter 118: gift for ginny

A week before leaving school, the exam results were finally released.

William once again scored full marks in all subjects, ranking first in his age.

People had to bow their heads under the eaves. No matter how unwilling Snape was in his heart, he wanted to use the materials of the Basilisk... This face still had to be given.

Of course, William also grew a heart, and he asked Dumbledore to help him watch it during the summer vacation, and don\'t let the professor madly steal materials, like stealing fire dragons.

During the time loop, William was in Snape\'s box and saw a small half-frozen fire dragon corpse!

This is William\'s property!

Hermione was undoubtedly the first in the first year, but she did not get full marks in all subjects, so she was deducted ten points for potion cooking.

According to Snape\'s professor, ten points were deducted for fear of Hermione being proud.

Professor Snape is really a good professor who cares about his students. I\'m sorry for not giving him one of the "Top Ten Outstanding Young Men in the Magic World".

Cedric is still the No. 1 in his junior year.

In this way, William\'s circle of friends is really haunted by school tyrants, monopolizing the first place in most grades, not giving other people a chance to survive.

At the end of term, everyone\'s luggage was put on the train, and they left school to take the Hogwarts Express home.

William, Cedric, Hermione, Cho, the twins, Harry, and Ron, a group of them occupied a single cubicle.

Soon, the twins left, and they went to the bathroom.

After going to the toilet, you can see that the two are going to do bad things.

As the train was about to arrive at King\'s Cross, Cedric suddenly remembered something.

"William, you must come to my house during the summer vacation." Cedric invited. "My dad keeps nagging about it."

"Of course there\'s no problem, Qiu, are you going?" William began to act as a professional wingman again.

Cedric secretly gave William a thumbs up, this brother is worth it!

"Okay, I\'ve been staying at home this summer." Qiu quickly agreed.

Ron also started inviting Harry to his house, but Harry\'s eyes were always on Cho.

Hermione sat next to William, leaning against the window, reading. The girl borrowed another thick hardcover book from the library as a travel entertainment.

**Tea was lying by the window, her tail swept up and down, deliberately disturbing Hermione.

With a wave of the girl\'s wand, a string wrapped around her tail and tied a pretty bow.

William watched **cha play with Hermione, smiled, and continued: "By the way, I\'m going to buy a house."

"Buying a house?" Cedric was taken aback.

"Yes, buy a house." William laughed. "Use the prize money from the Daily Prophet."

William memorized the winning numbers in the time loop, and after he left, he sent the owl to buy two sets of numbers.

So he won the second and third prizes, worth 744.3 Galleons.

This incident caused a great sensation at Hogwarts, and the students were envious and jealous.

William unwittingly caused a wave of buying the Daily Prophet raffle.

William is not very short of money now, and the Akali Mystery Shop shop has made a lot of Galleons.

But he wasn\'t ready to spend the money.

Capitalist reproduction is characterized by expanded reproduction, and William is ready to invest this money in the purchase of raw materials, further expanding the size of the store, and grabbing more profits.

Therefore, there is not much working capital that he can use, and more than 700 Galleons are just spare money to buy a house.

Houses in the magical world are not as expensive as those in the Celestial Dynasty. The price is very cheap, and it doesn\'t cost a few hundred Galleons.

After all, most wizards live in small villages far away from people.

The most troublesome is the formalities, which need to be reported to the Ministry of Magic.

William was just a child and only qualified when he was an adult, and William\'s parents were Muggles and also ineligible.

But Dumbledore could have done it with ease.

Sometimes, there are people up there, and it\'s not a nasty thing either.

"Where are you going to buy it?" Cedric asked.

"I don\'t know, Professor Dumbledore suggested that I buy it in Godric\'s Hollow."

Godric\'s Hollow is a village in the western counties of England, known as a wizarding village, named after Godric Gryffindor.

Many prominent wizarding families have lived here, including the famous wizarding historian Bathilda Bagshot.

William continued: "Niko suggested to me, just build a house near his manor and be a neighbor with him."

Qiu asked, "Then where do you want to buy it?"

William pondered for a moment and said, "Actually, I prefer to be neighbors with people I know well. How about Autrey San Cachipol Village?"

"Great, yes!" Cedric was very excited. "You can be our neighbors."

"I haven\'t decided on the specific house yet. Dumbledore will help." William smiled.

Harry looked at William enviously. He also wanted to have a house of his own outside. He couldn\'t wait to leave the Dursleys.

Harry remembered that he also had a lot of gold in his vault, and maybe he could apply to Dumbledore and buy a small house outside.

"By the way, how\'s your wand, Cedric?" William asked again.

The wand that Cedric had previously made for William was made of elm wood with a unicorn tail core, but it had frequent poor contact.

Later, Cedric made a few more, and the technology was finally better, but the power was still insufficient.

After the Basilisk\'s death, William gave Cedric the Basilisk\'s horn, hoping that he would use the Basilisk\'s horn as the core to make a stronger wand.

Cedric shook his head and said regretfully: "No, I checked a lot of information and couldn\'t find a good match.

I\'ll go back and discuss with Mr. Ollivander again to see which material is more suitable. "

"Okay." William nodded.

Soon, the train will arrive at the station.

"Where\'s George and Fred?" Qiu wondered, "Didn\'t they say to go to the toilet? It\'s been half an hour, so you won\'t fall in it, right?"

At this moment, an explosion suddenly came from the car in the distance.


After the incomparably clear explosion, even William and the others on the side of the carriage could feel the train shaking, and then there was a tidal sound.

Percy ran over angrily, but instead of opening the door of the train toilet immediately, he leaned vigilantly against the crack of the door, glanced inside, and ducked far away.

Under the mischief of the twins, he has trained an unreasonable intuition.

His wand was far away at the toilet door, "Araho hole open!"


The toilet door opened.

A huge current rushed out suddenly, and Malfoy was swimming hard in the two-meter-deep pool.

In that stream of water, there were also some yellow, unidentified, foul-smelling objects floating around.

"Quick, help... me!" Malfoy plunged into the water again, "I can\'t... swim!"

In fact, there was no need for the prefects to come to the rescue, and the water level dropped very quickly after the current rushed out.

Every student burst into laughter when they saw Malfoy like this.

"How did they do it?" Qiu asked excitedly, pinching his waist.

The twins must have done this, no doubt about it.

"I think...the two of them should have put the laborious fireworks into the salamander\'s mouth~www.novelhall.com~ William held his chin and analyzed.

"When the salamander swallows it, it spit out a series of explosives."

"Speaking of which, why did they do this?" Cedric asked in confusion.

"Well..." William thought for a moment. "I remember Fred seemed to have said, \'Give the toilet seat to his sister Ginny\' or something."

"It\'s probably the meeting that Fred and George prepared."

Several people laughed, the train stopped slowly, and platform 9? finally arrived.



——Niccolome\'s Magic Stone Scroll, End!

(Thanks to "Hellcat" and "20191007135339681" for their tips)
