A Magical Hogwarts

v2 Chapter 115: Snape mutated

The Quidditch field was full of people.

William rode the Nimbus 2000 through the race.

It stands to reason that the normal operation after leaving the loop should look like this:

Many professors surrounded the basilisk, each took out their own sticks, performed bells and whistles, shot a mess of magic spells, and beat the basilisk to death with random sticks;

Dumbledore personally went to the restricted area on the fourth floor, and had a thrilling battle with Voldemort...

There is no problem with the development of the plot. After all, with William\'s reminder, there will never be a situation where so many students died at once.

But after William went to Dumbledore in the morning and told him all the facts, the professor firmly disagreed with this plan.

He insisted that Harry face Voldemort alone and forbid William to tell anyone else.

It can only be said that the headmaster was brokenhearted by Potter. If someone was here, he would probably grab Potter\'s collar and ask him, "What makes Dumbledore like you so much?!"

At this point, the score between the two teams has come to 210:50, with Ravenclaw taking the lead.

William seemed to be on drugs, scored points frantically, and started an appalling scoring performance.

William wants to hit a high score, it\'s really a simple thing.

He played no less than two hundred games against the Slytherins in the time loop.

William knew the weaknesses, positions, and coordination of everyone in the Slytherin team.

And the state of the Slytherin players is certain, how to play to score the fastest, William has long been familiar with it.

What\'s more, his current level has increased a lot from before entering the time loop, and his technical level is almost the same as an old player who has played for six or seven years.

And in front of the Slytherin Quidditch team he didn\'t know, it was easy for him to score points.

The voices of the Ravenclaw students were hoarse, and they cheered hard, as if they saw victory beckoning.

There was silence in the Slytherin auditorium, and Snape\'s face was dripping with water.

If it weren\'t for his status as the dean, he would have rushed into the arena, took William down, and conducted a urine test on him.

I\'m going to call the police, Shit Tucker absolutely drank Flux!

William\'s crazy scoring reminded Snape of a nightmare more than a decade ago.

In the sixth grade game, James Potter was so powerful, slaughtering Slytherin in the final.

And James Potter\'s position is the Chaser!

Outrageous, Snape felt that today he was going to create the biggest score difference in Hogwarts history.

But William knew not.

With eight minutes left, the Basilisk will appear, and the game will be over.

With such a big difference in points, according to the rules, there will be no rematch. William must score as many points as possible to make up for the 150 points of the Golden Snitch and ensure that they enter the finals.

In fact, William was able to catch the Snitch in thirty seconds at the start, and he knew where the Snitch was.

After William can catch it, and then secretly throw it to Qiu, he is confident that no one will find out.

But this is undoubtedly illegal. On the field, no one except the Seeker can touch the Golden Snitch.

William still has this integrity.

Two minutes before the basilisk appeared, William suddenly waved and called for a timeout.

According to the rules of the game, Mrs. Hooch agreed to William\'s suspension.

Soon, Voldemort\'s icy voice reappeared.

He\'s going to let the snake go!

In the middle of the arena, the ground suddenly collapsed, and the Basilisk appeared from inside.

But earlier, William\'s wand had been aimed at the opposite.

"The mist is misty!"

A large amount of smoke enveloped the center of the Quidditch arena, completely obscuring the basilisk.

William thought he could go back and write a paper for publication in the magazine "Magic Fighting Today".

The title is called: "Killing the Basilisk - On the Importance of Sealing the Smoke"

William hovered in the sky on a broom, his hands detached from the broom, and he jumped down from a height of tens of meters.

Everyone looked at William, who fell from the sky, with a look of astonishment on his face.

The ring on William\'s left hand suddenly turned into a long sword, and he waved his right wand gently, forming a string of strange words on the sword.

- Ancient Rune.

This string of runes will increase the magic-breaking effect of this sword, capable of piercing snakeskin with ease.

Professor Flitwick looked up at the sky and muttered to Professor McGonagall, "Minerva, do you remember a magic trick that fell from the sky?"

Golden light flickered on William\'s body, and another rune appeared on his robe.

As if casting a floating spell, his speed rapidly decreased.

William passed through the smoke and landed precisely on the basilisk\'s head.

He took a step forward with one foot, stepped back with one foot, bent his knees slightly, stabilized his body, waved his right wand, and struck the basilisk\'s eyes with two eye spells.

He raised the sword in his left hand, the tip of the sword pointed directly at the head of the basilisk.

The golden light wrapped around the blade, pierced through the basilisk snake skin and hard skull.

From the point of the sword into the distance to the point where the hilt is submerged, intermittent runes burst in sequence from time to time, golden light sputtered, and occasionally bits and pieces fell to the ground, and suddenly the mud lashed, forming a big pit.

After a while, the smoke cleared and there was only a dead basilisk on the ground.

Both of its eyes were smashed, and its head, the size of a bowl, was cut off by a sword.

That technique is extraordinarily skilled, exactly the same as Dumbledore killing snakes that day.

The Quidditch field was in shock, and everyone looked at the python in panic.

Professor McGonagall turned pale, declared the game over, and directed the students to evacuate toward the castle.

Snape strode forward and circled the python several times. After a while, he finally asked knowingly, "Is this a basilisk?"

William was carrying a small bottle and was collecting basilisk venom. He rolled his eyes when he heard Snape\'s words.

"I killed it, Professor Snape."

"I didn\'t say you didn\'t kill it. Look at your attitude, deduct... Ravenclaw plus one point!"

Yashou, Snape actually gave extra points to other colleges, this professor\'s style of painting is wrong!

The style of painting is more than wrong. Professor Snape showed unprecedented patience, and his voice seemed to soften, and he began to jump up and down around the basilisk, showing his presence.

William asked again: "Professor, don\'t you have to organize the Slytherin students back to the lounge?"

The implication is, professor, you should get out of here!

But Snape pretended to be deaf and dumb, and he looked at it for a while before he said softly, "Professor McGonagall can help you with this kind of trivial matter, otherwise why would you need the vice-principal?

Don\'t you just do this kind of chores? ! "

Snape pulled out a small bottle out of nowhere. "Here! Be careful."

William felt warm in his heart. Professor Snape was indeed cold-hearted, and he knew to remind William to be careful so that he would not be poisoned.

Who knew the professor\'s next sentence made William\'s warmth thrown into the clouds.

"Be careful, don\'t sprinkle it, the venom of the basilisk is very precious."


William sighed and repeated: "Professor, I killed the basilisk."

"It\'s school public property!" Snape insisted. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"The principal promised me."

"No..." Snape laughed angrily, and he said viciously, "Why does Professor Dumbledore make his own decisions?"

"Didn\'t Professor Dumbledore make such a decision, otherwise why would the Headmaster do it?"


At this moment, the two suddenly looked up at the sky.

(Ask for recommendation votes, everyone.

Thanks to the two bosses "Hellcat" and "Benbang Paella" for their rewards. )

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