A Magical Hogwarts

v2 Chapter 114: time loop ends

Principal\'s office.

After watching William\'s memories, Dumbledore took him out of the Pensieve and returned to the room.

The principal closed his eyes and thought for a long time before he let out a long sigh, and his worries became more and more serious.

"William, your memory is very important.

I\'ve always wanted to see Voldemort\'s state up close, and this passage confirms many of my assumptions, especially about his undead magic. "

"What magic is it, Professor?" William asked curiously.

"I can\'t tell you yet, the entire chain of evidence lacks the most crucial material evidence." Dumbledore sighed and began to divert the topic.

"Since you came to me with your memory, you naturally want to leave the time loop. Is there anything unclear? About the whole thing."

William nodded, and began to ask with ease:

"Didn\'t Quirrell become a ghost? Why did Voldemort occupy his body?"

Dumbledore leaned back in his chair, folded his hands, and said after a moment of thought, "This is a long story. I told you when I was in the Forbidden Forest that Voldemort had always controlled Quirrell."

William nodded slightly.

"Actually, he was hiding in the back of Quirrell\'s head."

William was stunned.

Some time ago, he offered a high price for a reward to let the students explore what was under the scarf, and even more violent beatings... Are the emotions hitting the Dark Lord\'s face?

It\'s a big joke!

Wait, William didn\'t seem to have done it himself, but Slytherin\'s students were the most desperate, and they didn\'t show any mercy.

It\'s a pity that there is no evidence left, otherwise when Voldemort rises again, he will pack the evidence to him.

Among the parents of these students, there should be many Death Eaters, such as Lucius Malfoy.


William felt a little pity.

Dumbledore didn\'t notice William\'s distraction, he continued: "This kind of host parasitism will greatly reduce Quirrell\'s vitality, especially after fighting you twice, Quirrell probably only has a few months left to live. .

I guess that\'s when Voldemort suddenly thought about giving up Quirrell. "

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes and said calmly:

"Voldemort has no friends without a doubt, and his men are servants.

He can sacrifice anyone, even if that person has helped him.

So Voldemort sent Quirrell to the restricted area to die, and then used black magic to transform him into a ghost.

After Quirrell became a ghost, there was a wave of confusion, trying to make me relax, but Voldemort himself remained hidden in the school until today. "

"But isn\'t the ghost unable to touch others? I think he can touch Harry." William wondered.

"William, do you know how Peeves formed?" Dumbledore raised his right hand slightly, and a book floated over.

"I don\'t know." William has always been curious about why Peeves is different from ordinary ghosts.

"Peeves has been living in the castle since the beginning of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

To be precise, he was born with the whole building, especially when the castle gathered a large number of children.

He is a strange creature formed by the minds of the students. "

Dumbledore handed William the Hogwarts Secret.

William took a quick glance and looked at the contents of Peeves above.

It records the birth of Peeves and what the school administrators fought against him.

"I\'ve thought more than once that Voldemort was the best student at Hogwarts, and he took advantage of the school\'s special circumstances to transform Quirrell into this form.

Afterwards, he sacrificed Quirrell\'s soul with black magic to create an ephemeral body, even if it was different from a normal body. "

"Then why couldn\'t he touch Harry\'s body, I saw him touch Harry\'s body with a pained expression."

"I told you once, William." Dumbledore showed a very sad expression: "Lily cast a magic to protect Harry."

"Prehistoric mystery." William said.

"Yes, that power is extraordinarily powerful, not only rebounding Voldemort\'s death curse, but also keeping the power of love in Harry\'s body to protect him until he reaches adulthood.

That power was in Harry\'s blood and skin, and that was why Quirrell couldn\'t touch him.

Quirrell, filled with hatred, greed, and ambition, sold his soul to Voldemort, and it would have been excruciatingly painful for him to touch someone marked with Lily\'s power, especially in his state. "

Dumbledore told William more than once about prehistoric mysteries, until today when he saw Quirrell\'s appearance, he found that this power was really powerful.

Dumbledore seemed to know what William was thinking, he explained: "I know you are curious about the prehistoric meaning, I do know a little."

Dumbledore waved his wand, and a phantom of a building appeared in front of William.

"This is the Ministry of Magic. On the ninth underground floor, there is a Department of Mysteries."

William said, "I\'ve heard from the Department of Mysteries that Tywin is the time-turner that was stolen here."

Dumbledore nodded, "Yes, but there\'s more than just a time-turner hidden here.

Much of the content of this department is highly classified. Only a few wizards in the Ministry of Magic could know what was in the Ministry.

The Department of Mysteries studies many of the mysteries of the world, such as love, space, thought, time, death, and more.

These things are all extensions of prehistoric mysteries.

In the depths of the Department of Mysteries, there is a locked room that hides a part of the prehistoric mystery, even the Ministry of Magic has been able to open it for centuries. "

William squinted, this was the first time Dumbledore had told him the whereabouts of the Prehistoric Artifacts.

But since the Ministry of Magic couldn\'t be opened for centuries, William didn\'t think he could.

Just because he is handsome? nonexistent.

Dumbledore leaned back in his chair and said relaxedly, "Is there any problem?"

"The last one, where did that basilisk come from?"

"Oh, you asked a question that embarrassed me too." Dumbledore sighed.

"You should have checked at the Quidditch field?"

"That\'s right."

After the basilisk was killed, William went through the deep hole in the ground to search for the trace of the basilisk, but found nothing.

Because of the underground in the center of the Quidditch field, there is a pipe that leads directly to the Black Lake.

In other words, the basilisk swam from Black Lake, and then drilled out of the Quidditch field through a pipe.

But Black Lake is too big.

"There is a legend that Salazar Slytherin built an underground building under the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry - the Chamber of Secrets."

Dumbledore summoned a book again and handed it to William.

"Slytherin closed the Chamber of Secrets before leaving so no one could open it until his true heir arrived at the school.

Only the heir can open the secret room, release the horrors inside, and let it purify the school and remove all those who are not worthy of learning magic. "

"A scary thing is a basilisk?" William wondered.

"I think what Slytherin left behind is indeed a basilisk." Dumbledore said seriously.

"But he left the basilisk for another purpose, never to eliminate Muggle-born students.

In fact, rumors of the Chamber of Secrets only started circulating at Hogwarts centuries after Slytherin left the school. "

"Someone deliberately distorted Slytherin\'s meaning?" William raised his eyebrows.

"That\'s right." Dumbledore was obviously reluctant to talk deeply, he said lightly: "Voldemort found the Basilisk, put it on the Quidditch field, and attracted me away, so he had enough time~www.novelhall.com ~Deal with Harry and take the Philosopher\'s Stone."

William nodded, he had fully understood the whole thing, and there was no more doubt.

The ring of the right index finger suddenly became hot, and an eagle flew out of the ring and stood on William\'s shoulder.

It stared at Dumbledore, suddenly grabbed William by the shoulders, and carried him up.

William fell into a vortex, and when he woke up again, he was already lying on his bed.

The time loop is finally over.



(Thanks to "devilden" and "Feng Ling 15" for their rewards)

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