A Magical Hogwarts

v2 Chapter 113: Hermione hanging up

As a third-rate traveler, William did not file a record with the Time and Space Administration, and was an illegal smuggler.

What system is it, the plot is understood, he doesn\'t have it at all, such a tragic transmigrator is simply embarrassing for the majority of seniors.

William knew a little, though, that Harry had defeated Voldemort.

Otherwise, could the boss kill the protagonist?

But based on William\'s current observations, he doesn\'t think Harry can defeat Voldemort.

Talent, mentality, wisdom... There is no qualification at all, the only thing worthy of praise is probably courage.

Of course, Harry was young, and Dumbledore was clearly developing him.

Before, William thought that Dumbledore set up a restricted area just for fishing, leading out the mastermind behind the scenes.

It now appears that Dumbledore\'s goal has always been Harry.

He was building Harry\'s courage.

Dumbledore was probably holding everything in the dark at this time.

If it wasn\'t for Voldemort suddenly in the Quidditch field, made a basilisk to kill the Quartet and lead the Headmaster away, Harry would not have died.

It can only be said that Dumbledore also played a little bit, making the situation beyond his imagination.

Or rather?

Ravenclaw\'s ring is Dumbledore\'s last trump card, so he would ignore it, let the situation collapse so far, and hone another wave of William by the way?

To kill two birds with one stone?

If so, Dumbledore would be terrible.

Sure enough, people become refined when they get old.

However, William didn\'t know whether Harry had exercised it or not. The whole process of breaking through the level was more like Hermione who was still wearing full-level equipment, with two cute new mixes.

Harry didn\'t even make a little effort, like a scumbag.

For example, in Lu Wei\'s level, Hermione sang a lullaby, and Lu Wei fell asleep.

After opening the trap door, Harry tried to jump straight down, but was stopped by Hermione.

She knew that there was no devil\'s net below, so jumping directly was no different from suicide.

Hermione took out a bundle of long rope from the ring that had cast the traceless casting spell and wrapped it around Lu Wei\'s neck.

The three went down the rope to the bottom.

They quickly reached the room full of keys, and Harry found a few brooms in the corner.

Harry was about to ride his broom to grab the keys, but was stopped by Hermione.

"Don\'t, William cast a fire spell and a copy spell on the key, you will die when you touch them."

Hermione was a witch who had read the cheats, so she wouldn\'t make Quirrell\'s mistakes.

"Then what can we do?" Ron asked worriedly. "We can\'t open the door."

"It\'s okay, I have the key here."

Hermione took an antique key from her pocket.

"Where did you get the key?" Harry asked in surprise.

"When I first came to the customs, I put the key William got in my pocket and forgot to put it back."

Hermione opened the room with the key, and the three of them walked into the next level without any risk.

At this level, Ron showed his might and beat Professor McGonagall\'s wizard chess game, but he was also knocked unconscious by the White Queen and dragged into a corner where no one else was.

Harry and Hermione continued on to the next level.

The room where the troll was placed, and the troll was killed by Quirrell at the end of Christmas. There was only a pool of coagulated blood on the ground, and they entered the final stage safely.

The two crossed the threshold, and a flame rose up behind them, and black flames shot up at the door leading to the front.

Hermione went to the table, picked up the parchment, and read.

"Hermione, can you untie it?" Harry had habitually asked Hermione.

Little Zhuge Hermione just glanced at it, put down the parchment, and said, "It\'s a little more troublesome to reason, that\'s not the point.

This riddle is not the original one, it was written by William, and I don\'t know if Professor Snape knows the correct answer. "

Hermione thought for two seconds, then shook her head: "Don\'t take risks, if Professor Snape gets the answer wrong and we drink the potion, won\'t we die here?"

Harry asked again habitually: "So what?"

"It\'s okay." Hermione smiled smugly and took out a bottle of potion from the ring.

"William made this himself, and he gave me a bottle." Hermione said happily.

What can Harry say other than envy at this time?

Hermione wanted to go in with Harry, but was stopped by Harry.

Harry asks Hermione to write a letter to Dumbledore, asking him to come to the rescue, and then enters the final level alone.

William was always watching, and Harry, as Dumbledore wished, showed a unique courage.

In this regard, he is worthy of being a Gryffindor, and it is the only commendable part of his whole process.

William followed Harry into the Devil\'s Flame.

This time, it was no longer the principal\'s office, but a large, empty room.

William drank the booster and used the Disillusionment Charm and Occlumency. As long as he didn\'t stare at the Dark Lord\'s eyes, he could prevent the other party from discovering him.

However, there was no Dark Lord in the room, only Quirrell\'s soul, floating in front of a large mirror.

Quirrell turned his head, and William\'s pupils shrank.

It was clearly Quirrell\'s body, but his face seemed to have been scraped off by someone, and he was stuck to a pale face.

There were red eyes embedded in his face, and his nose was a slit, like a snake.

Voldemort occupied Quirrell\'s body, and he was in a special state, no longer a ghost, but more like Peeves.

Peeves is different from ordinary ghosts. His biggest feature is that he can touch entities.

Obviously, Voldemort has a body again, even if this body is different from the real physical body.

Voldemort waved his arm, and Harry floated to the mirror.

"How?" he asked sharply. "What did you see?"

Harry mustered his courage. "I saw myself shaking hands with Dumbledore, and I - I won the House Cup for Gryffindor."

"Lying, Potter, you\'re lying." Voldemort laughed worse than crying.

"No one can lie to the great Voldemort."

"Harry Potter..." he whispered.

Harry tried to step back, but his legs wouldn\'t do it.

"Look at what I\'ve become!" Voldemort sneered, "Only shadows and vapors are left... Even if there is a body now, it is short-lived.

But if you\'re lucky enough to wait for Dumbledore, save yourself.

I wrote a fake letter and tricked him into going to the Ministry of Magic. Of course, Dumbledore was so smart that he would probably see through my scheming.

So, I left him a big baby in Quidditch.

He doesn\'t care about you. He cares more about hundreds of students than your life... Hurry up and give me the Philosopher\'s Stone in your pocket. "

Harry\'s legs suddenly felt again. He staggered back.

Voldemort laughed, raised his wand, and said savagely, "Better keep your own little life and take refuge with me...or you will end up like your parents...they begged me before they died. Forgive..."

"Lie!" Harry exclaimed sharply.

He suddenly took out the Philosopher\'s Stone from his pocket, threw it in his mouth, and swallowed it in his stomach.

"No!" Voldemort was enraged, raising Quirrell\'s wand, and a green light shone on Harry.

Voldemort crouched down impatiently, ready to dig the Philosopher\'s Stone out of Harry\'s stomach.

But Quirrell\'s hands touched Harry\'s body, and he withdrew his hands as if scalded by the flames.

Quirrell\'s body seemed to be in great pain, a face constantly changing between Voldemort\'s and Quirrell\'s appearances, very strange.

A sharp roar sounded from within his body, as if it went straight to the depths of his soul~www.novelhall.com~ Voldemort spat out a mouthful of blood, knelt on his knees, covered his mouth with both hands, and blood dripped from his fingers.

Quirrell has become a ghost, where does his blood come from, it\'s Voldemort\'s own blood!

He broke away from Quirrell decisively, turned into a baby-like body again, turned and fled outside.

As Voldemort left, black blood oozes from Quirrell\'s eyes, and his ghostly body suddenly shattered, turning into a streamer and disappearing into the room.

William sighed and turned to leave.



(Thanks to the "from the original starry sky" for the reward.)

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