Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 723

"OK." Mo Wen spread out his hands and lay flat on the ground, with a frank appearance of "as long as it\'s blue, you can kill or cut".

Seeing that Mo Wen was so naughty, Yu Lan didn\'t know how to bully her back. She frowned and finally got up and stepped on Mo Wen.


The hum sounded like a spoiled feeling. Mo Wen couldn\'t help laughing. Seeing that Yu Lan got up, he quickly hugged her from behind.

The two people laughed for a while before they stopped. Yu Lan lay down by the bed, looked at the ink sitting in front of him and began to work, closed his eyes and contacted the Firebird.

Firebird is very happy at this time.

It was flapping its huge wings back and forth on the lake to catch the black fish, and the black fish jumped out from under the lake and bit him from time to time.

Spider and snake sat quietly beside them, watching Firebird bully black fish without image.

After biting for a while, the black fish and the Firebird shook their tails bored, glanced at the Firebird disdainfully, and swam under the water without looking back.

It was just curious about the new zombie buddy. Who knows, the Firebird came to bite it when it saw its head coming out. It was like a wind for some reason.

The Firebird saw that the black fish turned over and swam to the bottom of the lake. He proudly raised his head and gave a long cry, and landed steadily in front of the spider.

"Roar -"

See, I\'m much better than this dark guy

Before, he was chatting with the spider. However, as soon as the black fish showed his head, the spider\'s attention was all attracted. Isn\'t it obvious that its attraction is not comparable to that of the black fish.

But now, the black fish ran away, and the new little friend wouldn\'t focus on other zombies.

The spider looked at the Firebird suspiciously and looked at the lake again. She didn\'t understand what it meant.

However, the long snake, who had been with Firebird for some time, spit out its tongue in contempt and lay on the ground uninteresting.

The Firebird didn\'t know that it had been rejected. When it flapped its wings and was still talking to the spider, Yu Lan\'s voice came into its brain.

[Firebird, go to the forest of death and bring more crystal nuclei back.]

Going to the forest of death again

The Firebird complained a little, but he hurried down.

Its small eyes looked at the spider\'s quiet appearance, raised its neck and roared again.

I\'m going to the forest of death when I get back

The spider looked at it innocently and finally nodded in response.

The Firebird flapped its wings and flew directly to the sky.

[you don\'t have to pay attention to this fool.] when the long snake saw that the Firebird flew away, he said to the spider: [this guy is basically useless except that he can fly.]

The black fish also came up from the lake. It shook its huge tail and swam to the spider twice.

Spiders look at this and that, and they don\'t know anything.

[you\'re so quiet.] the black fish couldn\'t help saying.

The spider lowered its head and looked shy.

The black fish and the long snake looked at each other, and there was some helplessness in their milky eyes.

Everyone is a zombie. Why are you embarrassed.

The snake shook its tail and was about to comfort the spider when a dark shadow appeared in the sky.

Is the Firebird guy back?!

The black fish wagged its tail, and some alert raised sharp barbs on its back.

Not a Firebird

It growled, its whole body lurking under the water.

The spider and the snake were on alert together. They crawled slightly, stared at the flying shadow and roared.

The shadow is also a zombie, but it looks like a flying mouse with a tail two or three meters long behind it.

The flying mouse zombie soon fell on the ground. Before making a response, the long snake jumped up and bit at its neck.

The flying mouse zombie was startled. Because of the level gap, it was subdued on the ground without even a chance to struggle.

"Roar -"

[who are you!] the long snake roared.

With a dry roar, the flying mouse zombie stared at the long snake pressed on his body and slowly stretched out his tail.

The level of the flying mouse zombie was obviously not enough to communicate with the long snake. At the moment, it just struggled with instinct.

[what are you going to do?] the long snake shouted suspiciously.

The flying mouse zombie still stretched its tail, stretched its limbs and struggled harder and harder.

The spider watched, walked over with six claws, bit a small bulge on the tail of the flying mouse zombie, and then vomited twice to the ground.

A paper ball was spit out by it and lay quietly on the ground.

Seeing that the things on the tail were bitten off, the flying mouse zombie no longer struggled to lie on the ground, and a pair of raised eyes were still staring at the long snake.

[what\'s this?] the long snake let go of the flying mouse zombie and picked up the paper ball on the ground with his mouth.

The flying mouse tilted his head and understood the meaning of the long snake for a long time. He opened his mouth and roared low:

Give this to the king

The snake looked suspiciously at the zombie of the flying mouse, and then at the black fish and spider behind him.

The spider\'s round body lay on the ground, unwilling to say anything.

The black fish thought it was better to give the paper ball to Yu Lan. After all, they didn\'t know the words or what was written on it.

[spider, look at this guy and I\'ll send the letter in.]

The long snake also thought it was feasible. It nodded, picked up the paper ball on the ground with its mouth and walked inside the desire League.

The spider opened its mouth and lay in front of the flying mouse zombie, staring at it without blinking.

The black fish vomited a bubble. Although the long snake said it was right to let the spider look at this guy, it didn\'t say it was staring at him without blinking, did it?

The long snake passed the desire alliance, so several desire alliance people greeted it warmly as soon as they saw it.

The long snake shook his tail as a response, and then contacted Yu Lan in his heart.

Yu Lan was also stunned when she received the news from the long snake. She frowned, raised her eyes and said to Mo Wen, "ah Wen, the long snake just received a letter. Can you send someone to take the letter?"

"Letter? Let drunk night go." Mo Wen raised his eyes and didn\'t ask the origin of the letter. He directly contacted drunk night with the contact device.

Drunken night was preparing to have two drinks with Xiuqi. After receiving the news, he could only angrily drink a glass of wine just poured in front of him, get up and go out.

"Mo Wen, you bastard, really think I\'m omnipotent!" he whispered a curse on Mo Wen, but the speed under his feet was not slow.

When zuiwuye saw the long snake, it was sitting in the desire alliance hall, with a sticky, wet and disgusting paper ball in front of it.