Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 722

"Get it." Gu Cheng answered, and looked at Yang Chu with interest.

In addition to the blank, all ministers of the desire league are partners who have lived and died with him. Now there is an heir in the drunken position... It\'s a little uncomfortable.

Yang Chu has recovered his previous composure now, and let Gu Cheng look at him expressionless.

"Very calm, don\'t you have an expression?" Gu Cheng looked like an old uncle, but he spoke casually. On the contrary, although Yang Chu looks young, he doesn\'t have much vitality to do things.

Yang Chu looked at Gu Cheng and nodded politely. There was still no expression.

Gu Cheng covered his forehead with a sigh and sighed at the ink, "boss, if you find me a successor, don\'t look for such one. A stick can\'t even fart. It can kill me."

Without waiting for Mo Wen to make a sound, the drunken night on one side joked, "Gu Cheng, you think too much. Who else can replace your weapons Department except your brother?"

Yang Chu is his man now. You can\'t let Gu Cheng bully you casually, or where will their defense department face go.

"Then why don\'t you let your sister Zui Linxue take your place?" Gu Cheng picked his eyebrow and took it back.

"Linxue is an ordinary person. Unlike your brother, he is a powerful power, but he doesn\'t even dare to return to the desire alliance." drunk night spread his hand and smiled.

Gu Cheng was cold, but he didn\'t mean to be angry.

"Gu Yi won\'t come back. Even if he comes back, the weapons department can\'t give it to him." Gu Cheng restrained his smile and obviously didn\'t want to continue this topic.

Now, even if Gu Cheng only hears the word "brother", he will be in a bad mood for a long time.

However, Mo Wen has never been used to looking at other people\'s faces. Seeing that the people were silent, he thought and said to Gu Cheng, "I have no plan to choose the next Minister of the weapons department for you now."

"Ah?" Gu chengleng said, "then why do you choose to be drunk all night?"

"I\'m afraid he won\'t come back if he goes here." Mo Wen smiled. "I\'ll be very embarrassed if no one deals with the matter of desire alliance."

"..." just now, he was drunk and stunned. He stared at the ink in disbelief.

What? I hope he won\'t come back!

Mo Wen just nodded to him, calmly got up under the drunken night like a real eye knife and said, "you arrange to leave the necessary supplies, I\'ll go back first."

He originally came to arrange people to go to country M. now that things are arranged, there is no reason to stay.

Seeing that Mo Wen said to go, the people left in the room looked at each other. In addition to Yangchu and drunkenness, they could see each other\'s distorted face because of holding back a smile.

"Drunken emperor, you\'re sorry." Lv Shi even smiled with a gentle look, but the ridicule at the bottom of his eyes was real. "I still hope you don\'t come back."

This is a naked provocation.

Drunken night slanted LV Shi\'s eye and sneered, "it doesn\'t matter if I don\'t mourn on my day. I only know that you don\'t step out of the door like a lady. Now you talk more and more Niang."

"Poof." Xiuqi smiled to his face.

LV Shi\'s face was slightly stunned, his eyes were slightly calm, and he was drunk all night.

Drunk night didn\'t pay attention to the combat effectiveness of LV Shi\'s mouth gun at all. He turned his head and pulled the blank he was going to leave. He leaned down slightly and said, "Linxue, look after it for me. If I don\'t see her when I come back... You\'ll prepare the coffin. I\'ll make your life worse than death."

The blank complexion was slightly white, and his face was ugly. He lowered his head and didn\'t respond to the words of being drunk all night.

Drunk all night, I don\'t think this guy has the courage to face himself. After that, he winked at Xiuqi and went out together.

Blank looked at LV Shi and Gu Cheng who didn\'t pay attention to him at all, bit their lower lip and walked out without any sense of existence.

"Don\'t be angry, LV Shi. Isn\'t the mouth of the drunken emperor like that? You should get used to it for so many years." Lv Shi leaned back in front of his chair and said drowsily. He didn\'t mean to leave. He had long forgotten that it was still a drunken room.

"I\'m not angry." Lu Shi said faintly.

"I\'m not angry. Your whole face is twisted now." some regret that he doesn\'t have a mirror at hand. Gu Cheng looked at Lv\'s ugly face and sighed slightly.

LV Shi was stunned and touched his face.

"Is it that obvious?"

"Obviously." Gu Cheng said seriously, "I remember that at the beginning, your relationship with Zui Di was not good, but it was not bad. How is it now?"

LV Shi shook his head and didn\'t give Gu Cheng any interest in gossip.

Seeing this, Gu Cheng just spread his hand, got up lazily and walked out.


When Yu Lan woke up, he found that Mo Wen was sitting at the table next to him, tidying up something, and his focused side face was pleasing to the eye.

She turned over quietly, lay on the pillow and looked at the ink. When she saw him, she closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

Mo Wen looked at the little guy lying on the bed and woke up. He had to pretend to sleep. He couldn\'t help shaking his head.

Looking at the map on the table, he carefully marked several points that needed attention.

At this time, Yu Lan began to climb down from the bed, trying to scare him around behind Mo Wen.

The practice is very naive, but it also effectively pleases the ink.

I saw that the ink text was at the moment when LAN rushed over, and immediately turned around and grabbed her wrist and held her in his arms.

"HMM... still want to sneak attack?" he pinched Yu Lan\'s nose.

"Did you find that you still pretended?" Yu Lan sneezed, accusing him of poking Mo Wen\'s chin.

"Aren\'t you still pretending to sleep when you wake up?" Mo Wen leaned down and stuck to LAN\'s ear and said happily, "Lan Lan, you can\'t only allow Zhou officials to set fire and people to light lights."

Is the word "..." used in this way?

Yu Lan angrily grabbed Mo Wen\'s hair and held his head.

Mo Wen looked much more calm. He gently rubbed against blue\'s chest, and then was brutally pushed from his chair to the ground under blue\'s exclamation.

"Pervert!" Yu Lan complained with his chest.

"Pervert?" Mo Wen pointed to himself and felt that Yu Lan\'s pervert at this time didn\'t mean that he killed people, but should mean... More obscene?

His eyes fell on the chest held by blue, and the corners of his mouth raised a smile, "blue, now you want a chest without a chest, a butt without a butt, how can I abnormal you?"


Yu Lan looked at Mo Wen\'s innocent face without expression, and silently stretched out his claws.

Yu Lan, who was directly blown up, fell to the ground, and Mo Wen helped her to avoid where she hit.

"Lan Lan?" he smiled at Yu Lan and said innocently, "what\'s the matter?"

"You bully me!" Yu lanliang brightened his shiny nails and smiled insidiously, "I\'ll beat you!"