Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 650

At the same time, Xu Jielin, who had been standing on the side, suddenly rushed over. His sharp hands hit the blue isolation layer heavily, and only heard a crisp sound of fragmentation. The isolation layer used to protect ink was cracked from top to bottom.

"Sorry, Lanlan, this man will die this time." he raised his eyes and stared at Yu Lan\'s round eyes. Xu Jielin dropped his hand again, leaving another crack on the isolation layer.

"Asshole!" he bit his teeth hard. Yu Lan turned around and just wanted to stop Xu Jielin. He felt that his arm was grabbed by a great force, and then he was thrown in the opposite direction.

"Miss Yu Lan, Mr. Mo is the biggest variable in my plan. As long as he dies, everything will return to the right track." the fleeting fall lies where LAN gang has just been thrown. Yezhi easily clamped her hands and looked harmless, "so don\'t make trouble for me again, okay?"

The whole person was suppressed by Yezhi and couldn\'t move. Yu Lan struggled to twist his neck and looked at Xu Jielin. His scarlet eyes almost protruded from his eyes.

[all of you, come here to help Arvin!]

The consciousness in my mind was unprecedented strong. Yu Lan ordered all the zombies around to obey her. The hostility of the whole body made the zombies who heard her voice shiver together.

The Firebird, who was biting the zombie controlled by Xu Jielin, was the first to flap its wings and leave the battlefield and fly directly in the direction of Yu Lan.

Then the rabbit and the snake also chased up and disappeared in place like lightning.

"What did you do?"

Aware of the changes around, Yezhi frowned and looked around.

"It\'s just to find a way to solve the self righteous person like you." Yu Lan sneered. His tail, which had been hanging behind him, became violently agitated, and the spikes all over it began to turn dark from the root, emitting a dark light.

At this time, Xu Jielin had completely broken the isolation layer protecting the ink, and the isolation layer sent out a dull burst sound, setting off a violent dust storm in an instant.

Unable to see the scene between the loess, Yu Lan clenched his teeth and stared back at the night.

"You should all die!" the last reason disappeared no longer. Yu Lan opened his mouth and gave a harsh scream, like a fierce ghost falling into hell, but despair was also full of killing intention.

The night that had not paid attention to Yu Lan was stunned. The next moment, I felt that I clamped Yu Lan\'s hand, and then I completely lost consciousness.

Sharp tail easily cut off Yezhi\'s arm. Yu Lan staggered to his feet and stared at him with a cold smile.

"Do you underestimate me too much?"

Listening to Yu Lan\'s crisp voice, Yezhi silently looked at his cut arm and stretched out his hand to cover the wound.

Soon, a new arm grew out of his wound, and some fresh blood stains even remained at the fracture.

"I underestimated you." Yezhi smiled angrily, stared at Yu Lan and raised his hand.

She felt something scraping her face, and the explosion behind her made Yu Lan not care. She suddenly bent down and rushed towards the night. Even if her sharp nails touched, they might bring countless blood flowers.

If Yu Lan\'s attack speed before can only be regarded as fast, her speed now is several times faster than before.

Yezhi finally raised his mind to deal with it. He raised his hand to stop Yu Lan\'s attack. Suddenly, he turned back to attack and grabbed Yu Lan\'s tail quickly.

"Are you looking down on me too much?" sneered. Yezhi just wanted to throw Yu Lan out again. Unexpectedly, he raised his eyes and looked at a pair of cold eyes.

Yu Lan bit his teeth and directly tore off his tail held by Yezhi. He stepped back and landed seven or eight meters away from Yezhi. He turned and ran quickly towards the direction of Mo Wen\'s room.

Aren\'t you taking yourself seriously?

The night stopped to pick her eyebrows. Naturally, she wouldn\'t let her run away like this. As soon as she was about to chase, she heard the friction sound of forehead Qing Yue coming from the tail in her hand, as if countless scales were rubbing on it.

There was a stabbing pain in the palm of his hand. He looked down and saw that Yu Lan\'s tail curled up like dehydrated and wrapped his hand tightly in it.

At the same time, the wrapped part was gradually spreading over his arm, and it was about to spread to his shoulder.

"The virus can suddenly become like this..."

At the end of the night, Yu Lan\'s tail had spread to his neck. He didn\'t dare to hesitate any longer. He quickly raised his hand and connected his shoulder to cut off the place touched by Yu Lan\'s tail.

The tail wrapped around his arm fell to the ground with the broken arm and fluttered gently twice.