Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 649

Yu Tian\'s words made Yu Lan suspicious. She looked sideways and asked, "I didn\'t find any changes in the zombies under the ground just now. How did you find it?"

"Just feel it." Yu Tian said with a smile. He looked at Yu Lan directly. The sincerity of his eyes made Yu Lan unable to ask any more.

For the time being, I don\'t want to worry about these with Yu Tian. Yu Lan looks at them in ink, and his face is a little dignified.

"You\'re right. Since Xu Jielin dared to come here so recklessly, he couldn\'t have no cards." Yu Lan thought, his face suddenly changed, raised his feet and ran directly towards Mo Wen.

"Watch out for the night!"

As soon as Yu Lan\'s voice came into Mo Wen\'s ear, he suddenly felt that something had broken into his field. He turned his back to block the attack on his back, but he didn\'t want to feel a severe pain in his chest.

Originally in front of him, Xu Jielin didn\'t know when it turned into night stop, and he just blocked the attack from behind. It was Xu Jielin\'s claw.

"Mr. Mo Wen, I haven\'t seen you for a long time." the sound of night stop sounded, and one of his hands pierced Mo Wen\'s chest. Mouth, stabbed out from behind, even with dazzling blood on the fingertips.

"Ah Wen!" Yu Lan\'s face changed greatly. He threw three tails directly behind his back and rushed to Mo Wen in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that Yu Lan\'s tail was about to stab him in the throat, Yezhi took back his hand with a smile and stepped back lightly.

"Ah... It\'s dangerous." he stretched out his tongue and licked the blood stains on his fingertips. Yezhi politely said hello to Yu Lan, "Miss Yu Lan, haven\'t seen you for a long time."

Yu Lan couldn\'t take care of him at this time. She held Mo Wen and immediately established an isolation layer around her.

He tried to cover the wound on Mo Wen\'s chest, but the blood still couldn\'t stop seeping from his back.

Yezhi\'s blow directly hurt the key of ink. Not to mention ordinary people, ordinary powers may not survive after taking the blow.

"... I\'m fine."

Mo Wen exhaled and comforted LAN Dao.

His powerful power body is trying to heal itself, although the effect is not very significant.

To hurt, even a power like ink can\'t recover as quickly as a skin wound.

"Sister." Yu Tian also ran over. He stared at lying in LAN\'s arms, covered with blood, and slightly sipped his lips.

"It\'s all right?" Yu Lan stared at Xu Jielin and ye Zhi with resentment, and his gray eyes were gradually stained with scarlet.

"At the end of the night, I will tear you alive!"

Yu Lan\'s hostility is chilling. Even Mo Wen knows for the first time that she can still have this murderous spirit.

"It\'s terrible," Yezhi sighed, "but you should know that if I don\'t use Xu Jielin to distract Mr. Mo\'s attention, I may have to spend some time with him. In fact, I really don\'t have such a leisurely mood."

"Yu Tian, let\'s go to get drunk first." Yu Lan said to Yu Tian with anger.

Yu Tian was stunned, "now?"

"That\'s right." Yu Lan lowered his eyes, looked at Yu Tian and said softly, "let\'s work together."

Now Yu Lan knows that he has no chance of winning the words of shangyezhi and Xu Jielin at the same time. There is no way to delay the situation of Mo Wen. He must find drunk without night as soon as possible.

"Lan Lan, I\'m not so fragile." seeing that Yu Lan wants to carry himself, Mo Wen couldn\'t help laughing bitterly, "I can go by myself."

"Don\'t make trouble, when is it?" Yu Lan clenched his teeth. "Don\'t you see what your blood looks like!"

Yu Lan\'s words are all right. Mo Wen\'s coat has been red with blood. Even so, his wound is still running out of blood.

Mo Wen took a breath and felt a light on his body. He was directly carried away by Yu Lan.

Yu Lanfei ran towards Shoucheng with ink on his back. At the same time, he also grabbed Yu Tian\'s arm.

Yu Tian is an ordinary person. Even if she runs with all her strength, she can\'t catch up with her speed.

Looking at the slender hand on his arm, Yu Tian blinked, and a happy smile appeared in his drooping eyelids.

"I\'m here to solve your troubles. If you run away, why do I toss for so long?"

When the sky was running wildly, Yezhi suddenly appeared beside them, said in an almost ironic tone, and raised his hand and punched Yu Lan.

Yu Lan couldn\'t empty his hands. He could only use his tail to establish an isolation layer on his side, barely blocking the attack of Yezhi.

The body was pushed in another direction with great strength. Yu Lan clenched his teeth and threw Yu Tian out before falling to the ground. He fell on the earth slope not far away without any injury.

"I\'m so bored." he put the ink on the ground temporarily. Yu Lan built an isolation layer around him before looking at the end of the night. A layer of defense with barbs grew rapidly on her arm, and she was fully armed in an instant.

At the end of the night, he smiled and suddenly stretched out his finger to the place where Yu Tian had just landed. Only an explosion was heard. The position where Yu Tian stood burst in an instant, and the instant diffuse dust buried him directly under the loess.

"Yu Tian!" Yu Lan opened his eyes, but he couldn\'t see Yu Tian\'s figure from the diffuse yellow sand.