Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 538

Hearing Jingjing\'s guarantee, ye Wuchen nodded with his eyes down. There was no emotion on his expressionless face.

"In the southwest of the third district in the north, I\'ve found a place for you to live there for a while." Jing Jing continued, looking back at Tan Hu behind her again. "That guy has seen you for a long time. It\'s estimated that if he has something to say to you, I won\'t disturb you first."

"HMM." ye Wuchen nodded, raised his feet and walked directly towards Tan Hu.

Tan Hu obviously didn\'t expect that ye Wuchen would suddenly come towards him. He was stunned for a few seconds, and his drooping hands subconsciously pinched the corners of his clothes.

"What can I do for you?" ye Wuchen raised his eyes and asked.

Startled by Ye Wuchen\'s direct question, Tan Hu touched the blue and purple corner of his mouth, stared at ye Wuchen and said in a deep voice, "I have a question to ask you."

"If you are asking why you were beaten by me, don\'t ask." noting Tan Hu\'s small movements, ye Wuchen said bluntly, "I can\'t stand you for a long time."

"I\'m not asking this!" I think ye Wuchen\'s expressionless face doesn\'t look like a teenager at all. Tan Hu quickly denied, "I don\'t mind this."

"What do you want to ask?" ye Wuchen finally raised his eyes and looked at Tan Hudao with his eyes.

"I want to know..." seems to have made some determination. Tan Hu clenched his teeth and whispered, "brother Qingyuan... Did you kill song Qingyuan?"

"Yes." unexpectedly, Tan Hu would ask him this question, but ye Wuchen nodded and said without scruples.

Tan Hu was silent. He was silent for a long time. The dirty lines on his forehead wrinkled tightly. He could easily kill a fly.

"Are you a man of desire?" he asked.

"I have clearly said this before." coldly glanced at Tan Hu, and ye Wuchen raised his eyes by touching the sniper gun behind his back, "I am."

"Can you give us living environment?" Tan Hu asked in a low voice.

"No." ye Wuchen smiled, "do you still get anything from others? If you want a good living environment, fight for it yourself."

Regardless of Ye Wuchen\'s slightly sarcastic words, Tan Hu clenched his teeth and opened his muddy eyes like a small beast struggling in despair, "will you... Help us?"

"This is OK, but you have to be obedient." ye Wuchen walked towards the more than a dozen people left by the false desire alliance, and his words gradually became cold and inhumane.

"You want us to be your subordinates?" Tan Hu gritted his teeth.

"You have no choice." ye Wuchen didn\'t look back at Tan Hu\'s ugly expression. He went straight to those tired people waiting for you. His face was like covered with a hard mask, with a cold breath.

If they knew what they were like now, they would be afraid, right?

But... He had no choice.


The strange plants around the handover city finally retreated. The people trapped for many days ran happily among the crowd on the day of "seeing the sun again" and shared their joy together.

Mobile businessmen were also completely eliminated, some of the more suspected people were isolated, and Wen cuining tortured them whether they were the rest of the base.

Qin Feng doesn\'t have time to pester Yu Lan. There are many things to die these days. As the city master of the handover City, he can\'t care about anything. When Wen Suining has something to torture people, he can only honestly deal with his official business.

During this period, Yu Lan "kind" came to visit Qin Feng to find some zombies to play with her, but she was carried away by the angry ink.

Put Yu Lan beside the bed like a big teddy bear. Mo Wen looked at her more and more lively and hesitated to find a rope to tie her up.


Seeing that Yu Lan was caught, he didn\'t feel guilty about making a mistake. Instead, he looked around the room and a pair of small feet dangled by the bed.

"Lan Lan!" seeing that Lan ignored him, Mo Wen called again angrily, but there was a feeling of weiqubaba inside, "don\'t make me angry."

"Well." Yu Lan blinked his big wet eyes, his small nose wrinkled gently, and said wrongly than Mo Wen, "I didn\'t annoy you."

"You ran to Qin Feng just now." Mo Wen had to "remind" Yu Lan of his excessive behavior.

God knows his fear and hostility after knowing that Yu Lan went to find Qin Feng. At that time, he just wanted to tie Yu Lan back, beat her up and tie her into the cage.

Yu Tian or Qin Feng, these messy men are really more and more disgusting.

He should have killed Qin Feng and Yu Tian!

"I want to find a zombie to play." Yu Lan jumped out of bed, fell down in Mo Wen\'s arms, hugged his neck and gave him a mouthful on his face. Even a shoe on his foot was thrown out under her action, "not looking for Qin Feng."

"That\'s not good either." under the coquettish attack of LAN\'s intimacy, Mo Wen\'s anger didn\'t know where to go. He was flat faced, but his hand carefully hugged Yu Lan\'s waist, and his voice said, "Lan Lan, if you dare to escape my sight behind my back again, I\'ll really be angry."

Quietly Mimi\'s ink stuck out his tongue behind his head. Yu Lan stood up straight. The chicken pecked the rice and nodded his head. He said a lot of words of guarantee. The next second he threw it behind his head, as if he hadn\'t said it.

Men still have to coax, especially the kind of ink that can\'t be coaxed.

"Good." touched Yu Lan\'s small head, and Mo Wen\'s cold and hard face couldn\'t help but soften down, "in fact, I like you so active and jumping off, as long as..."

"You like what I look like as long as I\'m within your sight?" Yu Lan pie said narcissistically after interrupting Mo Wen\'s words.

Mo Wen pursed his lips, and Yu Lan was obviously right.

"Ah Wen..." poked the tip of Mo Wen\'s nose, and Yu Lan stood on tiptoe and gently kissed his lips. Just when Mo Wen was about to close his eyes, his arms suddenly emptied, and then opened his eyes. Yu Lan\'s figure had run out of the door.

"In fact, I like you so silly!" was pleased by the dull appearance of ink. Yu Lan ran outside the door and waved his hand with a smile. Under the black eyes of ink, he turned around and ran out like a rabbit.

The ink of Yu Lanyin\'s move was stunned for a second, and then he took his long legs to catch up.

At this time, there was neither gloom nor tyranny in the ink, but only helplessness and a trace of pleasure.

He finally got the life that normal people can have.