Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 537

He has left a mark for Jing Jing. Jing Jing should arrive soon.

"Ye Wuchen?" Jing Jing, who received the news, found ye Wuchen quickly. He was carrying a backpack, wearing a neat combat suit and still biting a bamboo stick at his mouth, "are you okay?"

"Elder brother." seeing that Jingjing finally came, ye Wuchen was relieved and stood up shaking the wall. "Did you bring a medical bag and food?"

"Yes." Jing Jing nodded and handed the dark backpack to ye Wuchen.

Ye Wuchen didn\'t open his backpack, but threw it back to tan Hu behind him.

Tan Hu caught the dark cloth bag and opened it with some heavy on his face. Looking at the compressed biscuits and bandages inside, he couldn\'t help but red his eyes.

"This thing is the one that can save your life." holding Huo Yuzhi up, ye Wuchen attached to tan Hu\'s ear and said faintly before walking to the nearby ruins.

Looking at several people who silently took out bandages to bandage the wound, Jing Jing silently moved her wrists twice and squatted down to help a teenager bandage the wound.

The young man was still a little defensive at the beginning, but when he saw that Jing Jing had done nothing except bandaging the wound, he gradually put down his guard.

"Are you... The one who wants to league?" the young man hesitated.

"Yes." Jing Jing nodded and slowly tied a small bow on the boy\'s wound. The bamboo stick in his mouth swung up and down with his speech.

"Do you... Have a God?" the young man\'s eyes were slightly bright, looking forward to Jing Jing and asked.

"God?" Jing Jing smiled. "How could it be? We don\'t believe it at all."

After that, he patted the boy on the shoulder and got up to help others deal with their wounds.

The boy sitting in place covered his eyes with his hands and almost burst into tears.

The God who has always believed in is really just a mirror.

After Jing Jing has treated all the wounded, the sky has been slightly bright. He gets up and stretches. He doesn\'t find ye Wuchen\'s figure.

"Where\'s the boy?" Jing Jing murmured, walked a few steps outside the ruins, and saw ye Wuchen\'s weak figure through the rising sun.

Ye Wuchen is struggling to dig the ground blasted under his feet with a few steel bars. After digging to a certain depth, he puts Huo Yuzhi in.

"It\'s so kind of you to dig a tomb for others." Jing Jing stood behind him with his hands around his chest and said with interest.

"She still believes in the God of desire alliance until she dies." ye Wuchen squats on the ground and touches Huo Yuzhi\'s face. Even if the sun shines on his back, it still makes him cold, "what a fool."

"Distressed?" Jing Jing sat down on a erected cement board and raised her legs. "You don\'t like her?"

"How is it possible?" ye Wuchen shook his head. "In this world, I don\'t have the heart to think about these."

"Well, love is not a normal idea. It\'s almost your age." Jing Jingzhu said with a smile, "if you want to talk about a vigorous love, I\'ll raise my hands and feet in favor."

"You\'d better put down your feet." ye Wuchen glanced at him, walked to the side and began to shovel up the soil and cover Huo Yuzhi.

Jing Jing looks like she\'s watching a good play. She doesn\'t mean to help at all.

"Don\'t you set up a tombstone or something?" seeing ye Wuchen laboriously shoveling the soil, Jing Jing looked at it for a while, simply jumped on the ground bored, looked around and said, "don\'t look, it\'s deserted here now, and it will be rebuilt soon. You can\'t find anyone to be a cemetery here."

"You can\'t miss it." ye Wuchen hammered his chest with his fist and looked at Jing Jing seriously. "Here, I\'ve remembered her and won\'t forget her."

"Do you like her?" Jing Jing\'s mind seemed to be thinking about it.

Ye Wuchen is speechless. He simply lowers his head and continues to bury Huo Yuzhi. He doesn\'t want to talk to this bastard at all. "She\'s just my friend."

Ye Wuchen didn\'t think of such a day before, but it was impossible that Huo Yuzhi didn\'t feel at all when he really died.

Huo Yuzhi is a friend he will never forget on his way to know the end of the world step by step.

"OK, just kidding." seeing ye Wuchen seems a little unhappy, Jing Jing immediately apologized, "what are you going to do next?"

"Haven\'t thought about it yet." ye Wuchen said with drooping eyes, "I feel very tired now."

Seeing the tired color on ye Wuchen\'s face, Jing Jing spit out the bamboo stick in her mouth, stooped over and looked at him and said, "well, let me give you a hint."

Ye Wuchen raised his eyes and tamped the filled ground with steel bars.

"You have two choices now." ignoring ye Wuchen\'s cold treatment, Jing Jing smiled, "first, stay in the north and we will give you enough supplies. You expand your manpower by using the method used by the false desire alliance to collect contacts, so as to become an armed force that we can stay in the north for a long time."

"It\'s really easy to say." ye Wuchen rubbed his temples and gave a tired sneer.

"It shouldn\'t be too difficult to do it. Anyway, I don\'t care about it. Even if I\'m tired, it\'s you." Jing Jing said faintly, "the second choice is to leave Yumeng. Yumeng never needs useless people."

"Oh." ye Wuchen raised his eyes and looked at Jing Jing jokingly. "Where did you give me two choices? I\'ve been on the ship of desire alliance. Can I have my life to leave?"

"Maybe you\'ll leave with good luck." after knowing ye Wuchen\'s choice, Jing Jing smiled approvingly, "but I won\'t give you this kind of luck."

Ye Wuchen skimmed his mouth.

"We can see your ability." Jing Jing sat back again, looked back at Tan Hu standing not far away, and said, "it would be a waste if you didn\'t do anything."

"Now that I have joined the desire alliance, I will try my best." ye Wuchen has long recognized his situation. He looked down at the place where Huo Yuzhi was buried and turned to tan hujingjing for two steps, "but next I\'m going to meet my brothers and sisters. I haven\'t seen them for a long time."

"I don\'t need you to see them. I can have them sent over." Jing Jing said faintly, "you can see the current situation. It\'s impossible to give you time to go back."

"... can you guarantee their safety?" ye Wuchen raised his eyes and asked after expecting Jingjing\'s answer.

"Of course." Jingjing smiled, "I promise to send your brother and sister safely. Xinxin also lacks a playmate."