Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 529

"Give him a good beating." he simply found a place to sit down next to him, thinking about whether he was drunk or not. Qin Feng should have no problem as long as he was still breathing.

Yu Lanzhu was lying on the back of the chair with his chin. He didn\'t mean to block the ink. He looked like a little fox with a smile.

In the past, if the ink had the meaning of killing, the man would not survive, but now

Looking at Mo Wen\'s face, which was cold but not violent, Yu Lan couldn\'t help laughing.

At this time, the ark pushed the door and entered. When he saw the chaotic scene in the room, he was stunned.

"What\'s the situation?" Yu Lan, who was sitting in the chair, dared not ask. The ark went to Shengge and asked, "how did it fight?"

"Qin Feng and drunken emperor died." Sheng GE\'s answer was straightforward, and the gentle Ning couldn\'t help but smoke the corners of his mouth.

"Then there\'s no way." smelling that the ark spread its hands, he simply sat next to the Sheng song and watched the "good play" with her.

Mo Wen was rational at the moment, leaving Qin Feng a sigh of relief. He took back his hand and moved his shoulders twice. Looking at the dying Qin Feng, he said coldly, "Qin Feng, if there is another time, no matter what the deal is, I will definitely kill you."

This undoubtedly gave Qin Feng face. Qin Feng coughed and lay on the ground feebly.

Seeing that Mo Wen stopped his hand, Xiuqi also quickly stopped the attack. He looked down at the drunk night who had been protecting his head and didn\'t fight back, pursed his lips and stretched out his hand towards him.

"Finished?" Zui Wuyi stretched out his left hand with just grown bones, held Xiuqi\'s hand and stood up.

"It\'s your life to make the boss die." Xiuqi sneered, turned and sat down beside Shengge.

"Brother Xiuqi." Sheng Ge quickly stood up and held Xiuqi\'s hand. Looking at the red print on it, he couldn\'t help blowing a painful tone, "pay attention to your body."

Xiuqi looked at Sheng Ge with a gentle look and held her hand.

"Arvin, you\'re a lot more lively."

When Mo Wen came back, Yu Lan took the initiative to get into his arms, held his hand and rubbed it painfully, raised his head and kissed Mo Wen\'s reward on his chin, "I like you so energetic."

Yu Lan was not shy when talking about this kind of confession. Instead, Mo Wen\'s heart turned into a pool of water, and his eyes softened.

"As long as you are by my side, you can change me any way you want."

Bent his eyes, Yu Lan\'s eyes narrowed cunningly, and his smile was much happier.

"Boss, are you finished?" Fang Zhou felt that he had stopped. Then he looked at Mo Wen and smiled carefully. He was afraid that Mo Wen was still angry in his heart.

"Well." Mo Wen raised his eyes, "have you judged it?"

"I\'ve asked everything I can." Fang Zhou and Anze have always been good at interrogating people.

"Talk about it." Mo Wen said. He was in a good mood and smiled friendly at the ark.

The ark only felt flattered and trembled in his heart. He hurriedly said, "the ark said that the K of hearts is still in the south. Stop the people in the south from sending support."

As soon as he heard the term "Heart K", Shengge immediately raised his head and looked at the ark. His eyes became a little complicated.

When she was reborn this time, in order to escape from the bad guys in the previous life, she mistakenly entered the zombie group. Although she narrowly escaped with the help of her petite body and powers, the next reception and care of Heart K is undoubtedly a timely help for her.

Although heart K is the person she hates most in the white base, she can\'t hate it anyway.

"Heart K..." Mo Wen lowered his eyes and followed Yu Lan\'s hair. "He and the clown should be the last high-level of the white envoy base now."

"That\'s what the square said." the ark proudly took out a small stone in his hand and said, "this is a secret order. The square said that with this thing, you can find the K of hearts in the south."

"Let me see." Sheng Ge jumped down from his chair and walked over. He stared at the dark order in the ark for two seconds. Then he nodded and said, "this dark order is true."

"Of course, what I asked can\'t be false." the ark said proudly and showed a ruffian smile. "Boss, if you want to enter the south next, you can start with the red peach K. according to the description of the box, the red peach K has a more stable position in the white envoy base."

"Blue?" Mo Wen didn\'t respond to the Ark\'s words. He just looked down at Yu Lan in his arms.

"If we can take this as an opportunity, it would be great." Yu Lan replied to him with a smile.

At present, Yu Lan doesn\'t even have any influence in the south. Even with the help of the handover city and the desire alliance, it\'s not easy for her to break into the South without causing the suspicion of the senior management in the south.

However, Heart K has now successfully entered the southern interior. If you take her as a stepping board, the success rate of entering the southern interior will be higher.

"Then do as you say." Mo Wen smiled.

Although Mo Wen\'s eyes were on Yu Lan, Fang Zhou took his words as what he said to himself. At present, he replied happily, "OK."

"Tut." Zui Wuyi tut tut Tut, who was healing Qin Feng, was very unhappy with the dogleg of the ark.

Sheng GE\'s eyes became more and more complex. She looked back at the ink and opened her mouth hesitantly.

"Sheng Ge." almost noticed the abnormality of Sheng Ge at a glance. Xiuqi frowned and asked directly.

Xiuqi spoke, and Sheng Ge simply took this opportunity to say, "I just hope... If you try your best, don\'t kill the K of hearts."

"Why?" Mo Wen put his eyes on Sheng Ge and said faintly, "since blue and blue want to enter the south, the remnant Party of the white base, Heart K, must be removed."

"But heart K, she saved me before." she felt that Mo Wen\'s eyes on her were cold, but not dangerous. Sheng Ge summoned up the courage to continue, "if you can, I just hope you don\'t kill her."

Seeing Mo Wen wring his eyebrows, Yu Lan reached out and touched the center of his eyebrows, looked sideways at Sheng Ge and said, "OK, I promise you, as long as she doesn\'t do anything to hurt us, I won\'t kill her."

"Thank you very much!" Sheng Ge said gratefully. She has now been able to determine that the difference of Mo Wen\'s life has a great relationship with Yu Lan.

"Well, you\'re welcome." Yu Lan looked at Sheng Ge with a smile and almost stretched out his big tail and threw it two times.