Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 528

"If Qin Feng doesn\'t continue to approach blue and blue," Mo Wen\'s eyes swept faintly from Wen Suining\'s face, his voice was very cold, and he didn\'t even bother to maintain his hypocritical smile.

"Don\'t even think about it!" Qin Feng clenched his teeth. "Angel is not your own!"

It seemed that he heard the sound of knuckle friction. Drunk all night, he stretched his neck and looked at the ink. He found that he was constantly pinching his fist, loosening and pinching it tightly. It seemed that he was moving his fingers.

"Qin Feng, you\'re crazy!" Wen cuining glanced back at Qin Feng. Seeing that he disdained to turn his eyes on himself, he bit his teeth, turned his head to suppress his anger and said to Mo Wen, "Mr. Mo, please ignore Qin Feng, a madman. He is not qualified to decide such a thing."

"Can you decide?" Mo Wen raised his eyes and smiled, looking completely gentle and harmless.

"I can stop Qin Feng from coveting Miss Yu." wensuining took a deep breath.

Mo Wen\'s eyes drooped, making it impossible to see his emotions.

It seemed that Mo Wen was not as dangerous as before. After a pause, Wen Xi Ning continued, "according to the deal said by the drunk emperor, we will fully support Miss Yu to seize the south."

She knew that it was also very necessary for Yu Lan to win the help of the southern handover city. Mo Wen gradually restrained his anger, raised his eyes and said with a faint smile, "no next time."

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Feng began to jump again. He opened his mouth and shouted sadly at Wen Ning, "how can you treat me and my angel like this!"

His? Mo Wen, who felt his temper had improved a lot, sank his face again.

It\'s like children always like to play with caterpillars. At this time, Qin Feng\'s obsession with Yu Lan is probably the same feeling.

He pointed to the drunk night and said, "drunk night, he still owes me 86 photos of angel!"

As soon as these words came out, the drunken night who was watching the good play with interest jumped up suddenly, pointed to Qin Feng and angrily said, "Qin Feng, don\'t talk blood!"

Yu Guang glanced obliquely at the gloomy face of Mo Wen. He was drunk all night. He secretly held his little heart and decided not to admit it.

"Drunk without night, you lost to me in chess!" Qin Feng couldn\'t help biting his teeth and said, "how can you not promise!"

"... lost in chess?" Mo Wen\'s eyes were obviously frozen for a moment. He looked at drunk without night, and suddenly smiled and said, "drunk without night, can you explain?"

"Boss, this problem is actually very difficult to explain." drunk Wuyi coughed and glared at Qin Feng.

Hearing that his photo was used as a bet, Yu Lan blinked, propped his chin and continued to watch them make trouble.

At this moment, Mo Wen is obviously on the verge of reason. He has his hands around his arms, a faint smile on his mouth, and his eyes fall sharply on the drunk night, obviously waiting for his explanation.

Looking at this kind of ink, drunk all night knew that it was useless to say anything. He turned his mouth and hardened his head. He simply explained that he had never played Qin Feng in Gobang and lost 86 photos.

The room was quiet for a moment. I swallowed my saliva when I was drunk all night. I didn\'t have the courage to see ink.

"Look, this is the truth." Qin Fengli said with a strong smile, looking like a villain\'s success. "How about ink, won\'t you not admit it?"

He has been keenly aware of the anger of Mo Wen. Yu Lan\'s eyes are dark. Obviously, he also has some unhappy eyes. He is drunk and Qin.

Bet on her picture? Good.

"Very good." just when the blue heart was secretly feigning, Mo Wen suddenly smiled. His figure flashed quickly. The next moment, he raised his drunken collar and punched him hard in the face.

Drunk night raised his hand to block, but he was directly broken by ink.

"Boss, Ow!" the ghost howled twice. Drunk all night, he simply put on a dead skin and pretended to be dead on the ground.

Anyway, he\'s healing Level 3 now. If Mo Wen wants to kill him, it must take some effort.

What\'s more, if he dies, he won\'t have to deal with the documents for the bastard Mo Wen. He doesn\'t believe that Mo Wen will really kill him.

At this time, Mo Wen didn\'t know what drunk Wuye was thinking. He just looked at the dead skin of drunk Wuye faintly. After thinking about it, he loosened his collar and threw him on the ground.

"Xiuqi." Mo Wen looked up at Xiuqi and said softly, "do you remember what you said when I asked you to partner with drunken night."

Xiuqi was stunned and hesitated after thinking about it for a few seconds. "I said at that time that if I was drunk and dishonest, I would kill him."

"Then do it." Mo Wen smiled.

Drunk without night, he was stunned at his speech and quickly begged, "boss, I\'m wrong. Don\'t come really."

It\'s not hard to imagine Xiuqi\'s reaction after hearing this. He will definitely kill him without hesitation!

Mo Wen ignored the drunkenness and just looked up at Qin Feng.

"Boss." after looking at the drunken night, Xiuqi\'s reaction was out of the expectation of the drunken night, "do you really want to kill him?"

"Kill." Mo Wen didn\'t return.

"But I think he can handle things well. I\'d better beat him half to death, otherwise he won\'t have a long memory." Xiuqi said seemingly firmly. In fact, he begged a favor for drunk night.

He\'s been working with drunken night for so long. If he really wants to kill him now, he really feels a little upset.

Mo Wen looked back at Xiuqi and his eyes flashed slightly.

"OK," he said faintly, "look at you."

With the approval of Mo Wen, Xiuqi sneered and walked towards drunk night.

"Xiuqi, I didn\'t expect you to be so righteous." Zui Wuyi stood up and patted Xiuqi on the shoulder. When he wanted to say something, Xiuqi suddenly waved his fist and beat him out.

The strength of this punch was no less than that of the punch hit by Mo Wen just now. When I was drunk all night, I just felt dizzy in my head. I staggered at my feet and directly sat down by the wall.

"Hey!" he raised his eyes and just about to complain, Xiuqi hit again.

Drunk all night holding his head, he didn\'t mean to fight back.

After provoking the boss, I just got a fat beating. It\'s a very lucky thing, isn\'t it.

On the contrary, Qin Feng is miserable. The ink is basically dead. It is estimated that Qin Feng may have a breath left after he vent.

Wen Suining stood beside him and couldn\'t bear it, but he thought he had just tried hard to help Qin Feng. As a result, Qin Feng didn\'t appreciate it at all and continued to die. He had no sympathy in his heart.