Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 517

The leader?

Jiuming looked at Qinhuai and took the lead, "I\'m the leader."

It\'s right for them to manage the more than 30 people brought this time.

Looking at the nine lives who came forward, there was no change in the cold expression at the beginning of Yang, but the lines of the face were faintly soft, which could not be seen without looking carefully.

"Hello, my name is Yangchu." Yangchu\'s voice is too flat to make waves.

"Hello." Jiuming looked back at Qinhuai again and said, "my name is Jiuming."

Noting the interaction between Jiuming and Qinhuai, Yang Chu gently lowered his eyelids, stretched out his hand and whispered, "I have received the above order to make a deal with you."

"Trade?" Qin Huai narrowed his eyes.

Looking at Qinhuai, Yang Chu\'s eyes flashed clearly, "the transaction content is very simple. As long as you obey us, you can live."

Yang Chu\'s voice was very flat, but they all heard the meaning of arrogance.

Jiuming couldn\'t help laughing. He took his fingers and looked up at the beginning. The whole person couldn\'t stand up. "Ha, where are you trading? Is that a dream?"

Then he immediately raised his gun, and more than 30 people behind him followed his action and raised their guns at Yangchu.

Zheng Yunfei helped his helmet. Under such a lineup, he was not afraid at all.

He was directly pointed on his forehead by the muzzle of nine life\'s gun. He didn\'t make a sound or take out the gun. He just looked up at the Firebird hovering in the air and suddenly stretched out his hand.

The Firebird noticed Jiuming\'s action. It hesitated and immediately asked Yu Lan whether to go there.

[let\'s go.] Yu Lan, who has been paying attention to the Firebird, whispered in her heart. At this time, she was sitting on Mo Wen\'s shoulder and lying on Mo Wen\'s head.

With Yu Lan\'s consent, the Firebird flew down toward Yangchu with a wing, and then Qinhuai\'s frightened eyes fell on the ground, and their huge wings brought a large shadow.

"So," Yang Chu said faintly after the Firebird fell, "this is the deal."

It\'s a threat!

Looking at the huge size of Firebird, Qin Huai subconsciously stepped back. The power of this zombie is not comparable to them. Even if they can defeat it, it is estimated that they will lose 8000.

"Can you control the zombie?" Qin Huai asked in a low voice, with a faint redness in his eyes. "How is this possible? Who are you?"

"We are a desire alliance." Yang Chu raised his eyes, because his face could not be seen clearly in the shadow of the sun.

"Desire alliance?!" Qin Huai\'s Adam\'s apple rolled. At this time, he clearly knew that the desire alliance mentioned by Yang Chu was definitely not a fake desire alliance arranged by Bai envoy in the north, but a desire alliance represented by brutal killing in China!

"You are the people who want to alliance!" Qin Huai shouted incredulously, and his face soon became a little heavy. "Do you say that you also participated in Bai Shi\'s plan this time?"

"Well." he took a panoramic view of Qinhuai\'s shock, but his mood didn\'t fluctuate at the beginning. "We helped the handover city to deal with your white envoy. Now the headquarters of the white envoy base has been occupied by us, and the handover city has been successfully preserved."

He paused, ignored nine lives and Qin Huai\'s face, and continued, "you are now alone."

"No wonder you dare to make such a shameless deal." Qin Huai couldn\'t help sneering.

"So what\'s your answer?" he raised his eyes.

"I don\'t..." before the word "promise" in Jiuming\'s mouth was called out, he was dragged behind by Qinhuai.

Looking at Yang Chu\'s cold face, Qin Huai whispered, "we have to think about it."

"Yes." Yang Chu\'s task was not very urgent. He nodded, stepped back and sat back on his motorcycle.

The Firebird looked around and saw that no one paid attention to it. It simply rolled into a ball and lay on the ground. It looked like a small animal and was easy to bully.

Of course, no one dared to bully it. Qin Huai looked at the seemingly harmless appearance of the Firebird and frowned at nine lives.

"Do you want to be so counselled?" Jiuming clenched his teeth. "Anyway, I won\'t surrender like this anyway. I\'d rather die a glorious war than live by surrender."

"I think you must find out now that we have no chance of winning at all. You are dead now, not dead in battle, but stupid." Qin Huai stared at Jiuming and sneered, "at least the white envoy is also a powerful force in China. How can he be defeated so easily? I can\'t believe Yangchu for the time being."

"Yes, they are lying at all." Jiuming gritted his teeth.

After patting Jiuming on the shoulder, Qin Huai looked back at the Yang Chu behind him and said, "this is still uncertain. Let\'s first contact the fake desire alliance in the north and ask them to come to support. In this way, we have more confidence to talk.

"Although they have this zombie whose strength is unknown, if we have a large number of people, they should also take some into account."

Listening to Qin Huai\'s words, Jiuming finally nodded, turned around and quietly ordered a few words to an informant behind him.

Yang Chu just sat on the motorcycle and looked at Qin Huai. They whispered without much urging. He just withdrew the sunscreen umbrella configured on the motorcycle and took out a book and turned it leisurely.

As soon as he looked back, he saw the picture of Yangchu. Qinhuai was stagnant and suddenly had a bad hunch.


"I know." looking at the news from the instrument in front of me, ye Wuchen nodded and whispered, "I will take someone to your place as soon as possible."

"What\'s the matter, brother ye?" Huo Yuzhi asked.

"Just now they came from Qinhuai and said that we should go to the handover city to support." ye Wuchen frowned.

"Is God calling us?" Huo Yuzhi asked excitedly.

Ye Wuchen pursed his lips and whispered a few seconds later, "I don\'t think so. There\'s a problem with this call."

"Why?" Huo Yuzhi raised his head suspiciously.

"Didn\'t brother song tell us when he was still alive that he wanted us to stay here anyway. Is it too coincidental for the news now?" ye Wuchen thought and said thoughtfully, "not to mention the strength of Qinhuai, you know how we can need the support of ordinary people."

"This is also......" Huo Yuzhi also felt that ye Wuchen made a lot of sense. "Let me ask others for their opinions?"

"OK." ye Wuchen nodded and looked back at the contact device.