Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 516

[why?] the Firebird sighed sadly.

[someone will come later. You can eat all the people who resist, but you can\'t open your mouth now.] Yu Lan\'s voice is very flat, but it makes them absolutely unable to resist.

Listening to the voice from Yu Lan\'s mind, Firebird looked away obediently, although he was reluctant.

It can\'t bear it.

"Why is it standing there?" nine life asked Qin Huai with a dull face.

"Who knows." Qin Huai was also a little strange at this time. He opened his eyes and tried to see the Firebird more clearly, but the yellow sand everywhere was always ruthlessly blocking his sight.

"Nine lives." he raised his hand and waved away the yellow sand in front of him. His voice was a little heavy. "I don\'t think this big guy is a mutant beast. It looks closer to... Zombies."

Although mutant animals are also a kind of biological variation, their variation occurs on the basis of their original form. At a glance, they can also see their previous appearance, such as larger body, harder skin and more ferocious.

But the shape of Firebird is very strange. Except for a pair of wings, you can\'t see the shape of the bird at all, or even its head.

The Firebird with its head hidden in its body bared its teeth and swallowed its saliva. It was painful not to open its eyes.

"No matter what that guy is, we should kill him, right?" Jiuming held his fist, took out his gun and aimed at the Firebird directly.

"Wait a minute." reaching out to stop the muzzle of nine lives, Qin Huai always felt that there was something wrong, "I can\'t feel the strength of this guy. Its level should be above us."

"Stop talking, no matter how strong it is, it is our enemy." Jiuming smiled, took Qin Feng\'s hand and fired directly at Firebird.

I don\'t think the huge figure of Firebird disappeared like lightning when the gun rang out.

Jiuming widened his eyes in surprise. He suddenly saw a flower in front of him. When he looked at it again, he found that the Firebird had stood in front of him. He could even see the turbid gray eyes of the Firebird.

As soon as his legs were soft, he stepped back and sat on the ground.

[they beat me.] Firebird complained like Yu Lan.

At the moment, Yu Lan was rubbing the snake with Mo Wen\'s face. She looked at Mo Wen\'s jealous face from time to time, smiled and leaned against Mo Wen\'s arms and said:

[stay away.]

[can\'t hide.] raised his wings to block the bullets from around. The Firebird said more and more wrongly: [they all hit me.]

Listening to the plaintive voice of Firebird, Yu Lan couldn\'t help sighing.

Mo Wen was carefully wiping her hands at this time, gently wiping away the smell of long snake on her hands. Seeing her sigh, he asked with his side eyes, "what\'s the matter?"

"The Firebird was attacked by those who stayed outside the strange plant." Yu Lan took back the hand wiped by the ink, and the bottom of his eyes flashed a cold color. "Although they didn\'t want to kill them, they attacked my zombie. Why do you say they have to die?"

"Do you want to kill them?" mewen Baba looked at Yu Lan and asked in a good voice. "If you want to kill them, I immediately ordered to change the order and directly let the people of the alliance kill them without leaving a living mouth."

Felt that the voice of Mo Wen was like a feather brushing her heart. Yu Lan couldn\'t help rubbing Mo Wen\'s head, puffing his cheeks and laughing, "give them another chance?"

Human attack on zombies has become an instinctive response in the end of the world. Yu Lan thought about it and decided to release Qinhuai again. After all, her purpose now is to use those people to stop Mo Wen\'s habit of killing people at will. If she gives up, it\'s not worth it.

"OK." Mo Wen smiled, "listen to you."

He couldn\'t see through Yu Lan\'s careful thinking. Looking at Yu Lan\'s puffed cheeks and a careful machine, he smiled low, couldn\'t help bending down and printed a kiss in the center of her eyebrows.

I\'ve long been used to Mo Wen\'s hugging her. Yu Lan didn\'t realize that Mo Wen had covered her firmly with a strong net. When she found out, she couldn\'t even struggle.

[Firebird, bear it for a while.] Yu Lan smiled at Firebird and said: [if they attack you again, you can attack again. After all, we are not easy to bully.]

[ok...] obeying Yu Lan\'s intention, the Firebird spread its wings high and flew high into the sky under the shocked eyes of the people, as if there was no intention to hurt them anymore.

"It flew away?" nine lives were stunned.

"Don\'t attack first." Qin Huai raised his hand and stopped nine lives. He whispered vigilantly, "it doesn\'t mean to attack us. We\'d better not attack it again."

"Why?" Jiuming pointed to the Firebird and said discontentedly, "it\'s a zombie!"

"It\'s useless for so many of us to attack it just now. Are you sure we\'ll be fine if we hit it head-on?" Qin Huai said, stuffing his privately hidden dry bread into his mouth. After swallowing it all, he poured the bread residue into his mouth.

He has always been able to analyze problems calmly, but only when he is not hungry.

"Then what shall we do now?" nine life clenched his teeth and said reluctantly.

"Let\'s wait and see what happens." Qin Huai\'s Adam\'s apple rolled and wanted to eat again.

Just when everyone took back their guns, there was a sudden sound of motorcycle motor not far away. They looked at it together and saw several motorcycles coming quickly. The fast people didn\'t react.

They stared at the motorcycles, looked at each other, and again picked up the weapons in their hands.

These people are obviously not their people. They\'d better be vigilant.

"Don\'t act rashly!" Qin Huai bit his teeth and took the lead in walking in the front, staring at the people riding motorcycles.

Even if he can\'t get into the handover City, now he meets a zombie who can\'t judge the level and so many people who are unclear about their enemies and friends riding a motorcycle. Qin Feng feels that he has been the most tired in recent days since the end of the world, and has to face the unknown possibility at any time.

These motorcyclists quickly stopped in front of Qin Feng. Their actions were not very neat, but everyone didn\'t feel very special, which made it difficult to be vigilant.

"Hello." Yang Chu, the leader, jumped off the motorcycle first. He still had a cold face. After his plain eyes swept over Qinhuai, he said, "who is your leader?"