Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 514

It\'s really fun to play with other people\'s feelings.

Qu Yaoyao looked at the drunk night and walked away. He lowered his head and looked at his palm. He didn\'t take back his eyes until he held his fist.

Anyway, she doesn\'t want to get close to Zhang Xin now. As he said, they are different people.


Mo Wen is still staring at the big screen of the xenograft controller. Looking at the scene projected above, he habitually raises his hand and feeds Yu Lan a crystal core.

At this moment, Yu Lan lay on his side on Mo Wen\'s leg, yawned, drowsy, and his eyes were watery.

"Blue?" seeing that Yu Lan had no voice for a long time, Mo Wen couldn\'t help lowering his head and holding her face.

"Huh?" Yu Lan raised his eyes and turned his eyes suspiciously.

"I thought you were asleep." holding Yu Lan\'s small ears gently, Mo Wen smiled low.

"Nothing." Yu Lan held Mo Wen\'s hand and bit the crystal core in his hand into his mouth before he said with a smile, "I\'m just thinking, what do you want to do with these people outside Yizhi?"

"Well, I\'m still thinking." Mo Wen looked up at the screen and pressed the armrest of the sofa with his left hand.

The screen clearly shows that many people are trying to break into the handover city. They have used all their powers, but they can\'t even shake half of the points of different plants.

All these people came from the north, but the people in the North should be stopped by Ye Wuchen. Then these people should be the rest of the Baishi base.

"Do you want to kill them?" Yu Lan turned over and lay flat on Mo Wen\'s legs.

"If you don\'t like me to kill, I won\'t kill." Mo Wen smiled and didn\'t pay attention to those people on the screen at all.

"See." Yu Lan thought, "if they don\'t resist, you won\'t kill them, okay?"

"OK." Mo Wen\'s fingertips gently touched the tip of Yu Lan\'s nose and couldn\'t put it down. "I listen to you."

I felt that the ink writing these days was beyond her expectation. Yu Lan turned his head and closed his mouth.

She doesn\'t like Mo Wen\'s killing for no reason, but she won\'t hate him because of this.

"Blue blue." seeing Yu Lan\'s eyes on the screen again, Mo Wen couldn\'t help pulling over her head, looking at her pale but beautiful face, couldn\'t help but red his ears and said, "can I kiss you?"

"..." when did my mother\'s ink become this style??? Yu Lan blinked and nodded with a dull face.

So the ink text agreed by Yu Lan immediately bent down and kissed him. His nostalgic eyes almost intoxicated Yu Lan.

Mo Wen\'s kissing skills are as unfamiliar as ever, but this time he seems to have some tricks and forcibly seize the breath in her mouth.

Yu lansha blinked and looked at Mo Wen\'s eyelashes trembling slightly under his eyelids. His whole body seemed to be burned up.

She quickly closed her eyes, her arms could not help curling up together, and her face and breathing subconsciously became hurried.

Blue felt that after a long time, Mo Wen reluctantly got up and held her face with a sweet and greasy smile.

"It\'s good. I can really eat it."

"..." is used to the creepy words in ink from time to time. Yu Lan swallowed his saliva and suddenly turned over and jumped up and ran to the next aisle.

Mo Wen was surprised and got up and ran after him.

At the moment, Yu Lan was running with all his life. His pale skin seemed to be boiled, emitting a hot red.

Mo Wen chased after Yu Lan, but he chopped Zhou Yu in his heart.

Zhou Yu told him to take the initiative and say some provocative words from time to time, so that his blue will completely follow him. He can\'t even fit another man in his nose... This liar!

However, what Mo Wen didn\'t know was that Yu lanze was really lifted up by him at the moment, but he was shy and didn\'t dare to look at him directly.

Girls always have to be reserved.


No matter what\'s happening in Mo Wen\'s side, I just think what he thinks is a little too beautiful.

A day has passed since he promised Wen Ning, but he has never found the whereabouts of the box.

"Isn\'t that guy really a gopher?" drunk night whispered fiercely, covering his forehead.

Although the handover city is the place with the largest flow of people in China, most of them are Asian faces. The blue eyes and golden hair of square should be obvious in these Chinese faces.

"Drunk emperor." the ark came over with a piece of bread in his mouth. "Haven\'t you found that guy yet?"

"No, I don\'t even have any news. Can he really escape from under my eyes?" drunk night stared at the ark and could hear his grinding teeth.

It seems that this time the square is drunk.

The ark tilted his mouth, pointed to the outside and said with a smile, "there\'s still a reason why I came to you. Zhang Xin came again and wanted to see Qu Yao whatever he said."

"Didn\'t you tell him that Qu Yao didn\'t want to see him?" drunk night didn\'t want to pay attention to Zhang Xin and Li Xin at this moment. He waved his hand and said impatiently, "get rid of him quickly. I don\'t have the energy to deal with him now."

"Oh, oh." the ark stood up and turned around to blow people.

He said, why did Zhang Xin do so foolishly? He had to come to Qu Yaoyao. Isn\'t it that the sheep stabbed themselves into the tiger pile.

I don\'t know what the ark is thinking at this time. Drunk all night, I\'m still turning over all kinds of news from my hands. I\'m irritable looking for clues about the box. I didn\'t even notice when the ark left.

At this moment, the ark strode out of the door, looked at Zhang Xin, who was anxiously waiting, and sighed helplessly, "Zhang Xin, I\'m sorry to tell you that the drunk emperor\'s answer is still the same as before. Flash as far as you are. Don\'t come back to Qu Yaoyao. She doesn\'t want to see you at all."

"I\'ll just meet her," Zhang Xin whispered. "I said a lot about her before. I want to apologize to her."

"Oh, when have we never heard words with prejudice." Fang Zhou waved his hand carelessly, "listen to what the outside world thinks of us, what murderers, perverts and lunatics. We\'ve been used to listening for a long time, and we won\'t care at all. Just take it easy. Go quickly and don\'t bother me."

Looking at the ark yawning impatiently, Zhang Xin hesitated for a few seconds before saying, "I\'m also a member of your alliance, aren\'t I? Why don\'t you let me see Yao Yao."