Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 513

"On the way?" he looked at the drunk night suspiciously. Qin Feng\'s slightly morbid eyes narrowed together.

"Well." the one who is drunk at night is called Shicheng.

Standing behind Qin Feng, Wen cuining couldn\'t help turning his eyes and covering his forehead silently. Now he must seriously think about where to hide Qin Feng next.

Mervyn, that madman will never let him go.

"How long will it take to get there?" Qin Feng asked with narrowed eyes after looking around where his eyes were basically stable.

"Well, let me ask." zuiwuye smiled brightly and harmlessly. He twisted his neck and walked to the ark, lowered his voice and asked, "Yu Lan, will she come to hand over the city?"

"She and the boss stay in the white envoy base now. There\'s nothing special. Should they not come?" the ark lowered his voice with drunkenness.

"Then I\'m finished." Zui Wuye glanced back and smiled brightly at Qin Feng, "Lord Qin, Yu Lan, she\'s on her way over now. It\'s estimated that she will arrive soon."

The ark raised his eyes and tilted. He looked drunk without night and smiled uncontrollably.

Drunk without night, he has made plans to run away. When the things here are over, he will run away to see who can stop him.

After getting the promise of being drunk all night, Qin Feng vomited an airway, "that\'s good."

He hasn\'t seen angel for a long time. He really misses him very much.

As everyone knows, he should be thankful that one of the ten promises of being drunk all night is true.

"That\'s right." he raised his eyes to Wenning and twisted his eyebrows when he was drunk all night. "Did you see the man who ran away just now?"

"No." Wenning shook his head and looked around.

"Let\'s talk about it. I won\'t let the boss remove the strange plants around the handover city until we find the guy." drunk night is still more unjustifiable at the moment, and his words are a little more sincere on the surface.

"Then we\'ll be trapped in different plants for a few days?" Wen Suining asked after thinking about it.

"Two or three days at most." Zui Wuyi smiled. "When I find that guy, I\'ll let the ark go back and remove the strange plants for you. You can also take these two days to clean up the mess of the handover city."

Listening to drunk all night, Wenning didn\'t have much objection.

"That\'s good." Wenning looked at Qin Feng and said, "we\'ll give you two days."

"Can you spare some people to help me?" Zui Wuyi continued, "I don\'t want several people in the League to search the whole handover city."

"You want to search the whole handover city?" Wen cuining frowned. "As for?"

"He is now trapped in the handover city. I can\'t tell where he is. I can only search it with people." drunk night spread his hand and pointed to the place not far away from the war. "If he sneaked there, there are many people, I may not even feel his breath."

"Let you let him go carelessly in front of you." seeing this, Wen Ning couldn\'t help but curl his lips. After seeing the expression of drunk without night, he said, "I\'ll see if there are idle guards."

"Thanks." after listening to this, I knew that Wenning had promised him, and then whispered, "I\'ll do it as soon as possible."

Qin Feng didn\'t even give them a look when they talked with a deaf person, but he looked at the surviving zombies around him with heartache.

He jumped at one of his zombies. Qin Feng looked at the wound on his body and sighed a long sigh. His eyes were extremely sad.

Too lazy to pay attention to his friends with bubbles in his head, Wen Ning turned his eyes and went to the guard to arrange the next handling.

Drunk without night also planned to continue to find the box. As soon as he took steps, he saw a thin figure running towards him.

"Yao Yao?" he said hello with a smile.

"Drunk emperor." Qu Yaoyao ran to the side of drunk night and stopped.

Different from Qu Miaomiao\'s intimate title, Qu Yaoyao always called him "Zui emperor" when he called Zui Wuye.

"Why are you here?" zuiwuye looked at Qu Yaoyao\'s back and wondered why he didn\'t see Zhang Xin. "Zhang Xin?"

"I don\'t want to protect him anymore." Qu Yao said faintly.

"Did you kill him?" I was surprised when I was drunk all night.

Looking at the incredible eyes of drunk night, Qu Yaoyao hesitated for a few seconds before saying, "No."

"No?" drunk without night was even more surprised. Looking at Qu Yaoyao\'s eyes was like looking at a monster, "are you crazy?"

"I killed him, drunken emperor. You look surprised. Why are you more surprised if I don\'t kill him?" Qu Yaoyao said in a wordless way, "there\'s no need to make such a fuss? I don\'t think it\'s interesting, so I didn\'t kill him."

"God, several people you thought were boring asked you to cut into strips and put them in the freezer?" drunk and speechless, "your attitude towards Zhang Xin is really good."

"Yes?" Qu Yaoyao looked at his hand, and a crack appeared in his plain expression. "I just don\'t want to kill him..."

"Just for this reason?" drunken night showed a gossip smile, "there\'s no other reason?"

"Well..." Qu Yaoyao seemed to be thinking, "isn\'t the boss going to let him live? I\'ll die if I kill him. It\'s not worth it."

"That\'s a good reason." drunk night shrugged and smiled, "what are you going to do next?"

"Look at the boss. If the boss asks me to continue to protect him, I\'ll come back and continue to protect him." Qu Yaoyao smiled and said, but there was no charming smell in his smile.

Looking at such Qu Yaoyao, I feel very interested when I am drunk all night.

He reached out and patted Qu Yaoyao on the shoulder. The look in his eyes flashed gently. Then he smiled, "there must be a reason why you don\'t want to protect him now. If the boss gives an order, it\'s boring for you to go back to protect him."

"Drunk emperor, what do you mean?" Qu Yao raised his eyes and asked.

"I think you\'d better not contact Zhang Xin again. We are free and there\'s no need to wrong ourselves for others." I think I\'m like the head of a cult at this time. When I\'m drunk all night, my smile at the bottom of my eyes becomes more and more bright and sunny, "do you understand?"

"Do you want me to leave Zhang Xin far away?" Qu Yaoyao smiled. "I think it\'s better."

"Yao Yao, you are really as good as Miao Miao." he reached out and rubbed Qu Yao\'s head. He smiled softly when he was drunk. He turned and continued to look for the box.

Just the moment he turned around, the gentle smile at the bottom of his eyes changed, and the whole face was happy to be ferocious.