Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 503

Looking at Mo Wen\'s shy appearance, Yu Lan sipped at the corners of her mouth and held back her smile very hard.

Mo Wen narrowed his eyes slightly and rubbed Yu Lan\'s head to show his threat.

Several white made the guards of the base hide in the dark, and unknowingly pointed the muzzle of the gun at Mo Wen and Yu Lan.

"Are you sure you can hit?" a guard asked with some worry.

"Of course." the guard holding the gun smiled, raised his index finger to pull the trigger, and the muzzle of his gun was broken in two the next second.

"Man." the ark squatted down in front of the guard with a dull face and threw away the two gun pipes in his hand, "don\'t make trouble for me. If you hurt Yu Lan, I\'ll have bad luck."

"Who are you?" the guard with the gun seemed to react. He took out his dagger and rushed towards the ark.

The ark turned sideways, stretched out his hands, clasped the guard\'s head, and easily twisted his neck.

"Tut." he threw the body in his hand aside, and the ark looked at the nearby guard, "what about you? Can you be good?"

The guard looked at the ark with his mouth open. He looked scared and lost his mind.

"So afraid of death?" the ark sneered. Losing his interest in killing, he turned and ran towards Mo Wen.

Mo Wen is leading Yu Lan to a quiet place now. He doesn\'t stop when he sees the ark running over.

"Boss." the ark ran on the side of Mo Wen, "now the people who want to alliance have come. What shall we do next?"

"You and Xiuqi take people from here to the handover city." Mo Wen said faintly, "find someone who can use the alien plant controller and continue to block all the roads in the handover city. I don\'t want to see people other than us enter the handover city again."

"OK." the ark nodded. "Is there anything else?"

"You make a quick decision." Mo Wen thought, "I won\'t go there. I\'ll take blue after you solve the problem."

"Yes." Fang Zhou smiled. "It\'s nothing if you don\'t participate in such a thing, boss."

Mo Wen doesn\'t want to take Yu Lan into the war. He can hide as far as he can.

Yu Lan looked a little curious at the moment, but she just listened quietly and didn\'t express any opinions.

The ark was ordered to stop disturbing Mo Wen and ran to Zhou Yu and them.

And Mo Wen was stopped by Xiuqi before he could be alone with Yu Lan after the ark left.

"Boss." Xiuqi looked a little serious. "I saw a lot of... Powers in the hall of alien plant control. You\'d better go and have a look."

Mo Wen was slightly stunned. He was a little impatient. As soon as he was about to refuse, he heard Xiuqi continue, "boss, these powers seem to be made into instruments. Do we want to follow the white base or dispose of them?"

Xiuqi frowned as soon as the words came out. Seeing this, Yu Lan quickly stretched out his hand and pushed him, "well, don\'t be angry. Go quickly. I\'ll wait for you on the ground."

"Won\'t you go with me?" Mo Wen glanced at Yu Lan, then refused, "forget it, I\'ll come up right away."

He didn\'t want Yu Lan to go to the underground environment again.

"OK, I\'ll wait for you here." Yu Lan smiled and sat cross legged on the ground.

Perhaps at ease, if Yu Lan, Mo Wen pursed his lips, and then he jumped off the ground again with Xiuqi.

At the moment when Mo Wen jumped down, Yu Lan stood up. She looked around and ran directly towards a figure hidden behind Yizhi.

"Zui Linxue." she looked at Zui Linxue leaning against the front of the different plant, smiled and whispered.

Zui Lingxue raised her eyes and looked at her with some doubts.

"What\'s the matter?" she stood up and asked with a smile.

Yu Lan looked at her expression, turned her eyes and said mercilessly, "well... Do you know that your smile is worse than crying?"

Drunk Linxue was stunned and didn\'t know what to say for a moment. She tried to look into Yu Lan\'s eyes, but she didn\'t find hostility.

"You don\'t have to look at me with such strange eyes." Yu Lan sat opposite Zui Linxue. Yu Lan looked up at her and said, "in fact, I\'ve been paying attention to you all this time. I think you\'re very strange."

"Strange?" always felt that Yu\'s blue milky eyes were sharp. Drunk Linxue swallowed her saliva and pretended to sit down calmly.

"I felt hostility some time ago." Yu Lan said with a smile, "your hostility to me."

Drunk Linxue\'s face was stiff. As soon as he was about to speak, Yu Lan said, "don\'t deny it first. The Zombie\'s intuition is similar to that of the beast."

Then she pointed to her eyes, bent them and said, "I don\'t know where this hostility came from, but I didn\'t know until it disappeared some time ago."

Always felt that his heart was seen through by Yu Lan. Drunk Linxue clenched his teeth and deliberately didn\'t open his face.

"I don\'t understand what you\'re talking about," she said calmly. "I\'ve never been hostile to you."

"So, I\'m still amorous?" Yu Lan smiled. "In fact, it\'s strange that I feel this hostility again in these two days. To be exact, I felt it just now."

She paused, looking at drunk Linxue\'s eyes became sharp, "I\'ve always wondered why it would cause your hostility."

She turned her head sideways and leaned on her chin with a puzzled look.

Drunk Linxue hung down her eyelids in some confusion. She was at a loss on her face, but she was still trying her best to calm down.

"Later, I suddenly understood." I took a panoramic view of Zui Linxue\'s behavior. Yu Lan spread his hand and cruelly stripped the strongest fortress at the bottom of Zui Linxue\'s heart, "you\'re jealous of me."

"I didn\'t!" as soon as Yu Lan\'s voice fell, drunk Linxue immediately raised her eyes, but her words were right on Yu Lan\'s milky white eyes, and the whole person trembled like being shocked.


She subconsciously thought that Yu Lan wanted her to react with such excitement.

"I\'ve been jealous, too." ignoring Zui Linxue\'s denial, Yu Lan leaned on his chin and said calmly, "when I became a zombie, I was jealous of myself who used to be human. I thought I was so good before. Now I don\'t deserve Arvin when I become this ugly appearance."

"You\'re not ugly." Yu Lan\'s expression and voice at this time hate plainness, but drunk Linxue was still touched. Generally, he raised his eyes and said, "you\'re very good now."

"Of course." Yu Lan smiled. "Later I knew that Arvin would be by my side no matter what I became."