Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 502

The idea of the bear child was really incomprehensible. She said silently in her heart.

"Xiaorong, don\'t make trouble. Shengge is my father\'s life-saving benefactor." Zhou Yu reluctantly rubbed Zhourong\'s head and put her down from her arms before apologizing to Shengge, "sorry, Shengge, this is my daughter Xiaorong. She is usually spoiled by me and Aiyuan."

"It\'s all right." she won\'t care about children and nodded, "how old is she this year?"

"Ten years old," said Zhou Yu.

"That\'s about my age." he seemed to think of himself as a ten-year-old child. He smiled and touched Zhou Rong\'s head in a friendly way, "I won\'t rob you of my father. We can still be good friends."

Zhou Rong tilted his head, his eyes glittered with ancient and strange light, and he nodded skillfully.

Not to mention how naughty Zhou Rong will be in the future, she still runs back to Zhang Aiyuan.

"But what\'s going on along the way?" he pointed to the fire burning not far away, and said with a wrung eyebrow. "Even my heart was raised on the way I just came. Are you going to copy your home? And burn your house."

Along the way, she saw many people who wanted to join the League burning, killing and looting like bandits. Some people were forced out of the house and cried in the dark.

"I don\'t know those people." seeing Yang Tianzong coming out of the tree house from a distance, Gong Gaoge raised his hand to him before he said to Sheng Ge, "but the boss\'s previous task is to solve all those who have the intention of resistance. Should those people be people who resist?"

"I think there\'s something wrong with your order." Zhou Yu hesitated for a few seconds and said, "you are invaders. We usually resist when we see you, and kill us because of this..."

"In fact, I think it\'s a little too much," Gong Gaoge scratched his head for the third time.

"You all think of lust alliance as too kind?" the previous electrical power opened again. "Lust alliance is a relatively free organization. We just need to follow the above orders. How the process looks depends on our mood and preferences."

"But didn\'t you hurt us?" Zhang Aiyuan said in some confusion.

"That\'s because you didn\'t resist." the electrical power smiled. "If you resist, I\'ll follow the above orders and kill you. Now there\'s a war here, and orders are above everything."

Zhang Aiyuan was speechless. In fact, she also thought of resistance after the people from the desire Alliance came, but she was forced to give in to the desire alliance because of Zhou Rong. She only wanted to find a chance to leave with her children, but she didn\'t expect to save her own and her children\'s lives.

"Do you want to kill all those who resist?" Zhou Yu frowned.

Gong Gaoge and Yang Tianzong didn\'t make a sound. Only the electrical power nodded calmly, "of course, we don\'t care about the consequences."

As soon as the words fell, he was beaten in the face.

I saw a few people who set fire not far away. At this time, they were carrying buckets with a sad face, and were fluttering like a laborer.

"Er, what are they doing?" the electric power man walked past without a word. Even before he approached, he saw Mo Wen standing straight in the middle of the road. Even the dark smoke around him seemed to affect his expression.

Until Yu Lan on one side coughed low, his face became worried. He bowed his head and asked softly twice. He raised his eyes and shouted at several people who were watering out the fire, "the smoke is too big!"

Several people who were cleaning up the mess shook and looked at each other helplessly.

What can they do? They can\'t eat these cigarettes, can they?

That man must like the woman around him very much.

Zhang Aiyuan, standing on Zhou Yu\'s side, whispered. I can see it from the man\'s eyes.

"Ai yuan, what do you look at his eyes for?" Zhou Yu had a taste.

"He\'s handsome." Zhang Aiyuan smiled at a good wife and mother. "I just looked more."

Zhou Yu curled his mouth with a frown on his face. When he wanted to say anything, he noticed Gong Gaoge\'s strange eyes and swallowed it back to his stomach before he could export it.

If you are jealous, you\'d better go back and say it to his daughter-in-law quietly. It\'s too embarrassing to say it outside.

Gong Gaoge looked at Mo Wen and Yu Lan standing not far away, and at the family hugging each other in front of him. He suddenly felt some emotion.

Even in the last world, there can still be such enviable feelings.

Looks like you\'re looking for someone.

Thinking of this, Gong Gaoge inexplicably remembered Qu Miaomiao who stayed in the desire alliance, and his face turned red for no reason.

"Blue, do you feel choking now?" bowed down and wiped the dust inadvertently on Yu Lan\'s face. Ink whispered in spite of the noise around.

"Well, that\'s good." he raised his eyes and slanted the ink, and Yu Lan said, "why do they want to burn the house?"

"Maybe I\'m used to it at will." Mo Wen didn\'t care. "But I don\'t think it\'s good to burn it now. It\'s said here that it can be used for us in the future. It\'s too wasteful to burn it."

Listening to Mo Wen\'s words, Yu Lan\'s face couldn\'t help being suspicious. She dares to guarantee that in Mo Wen\'s heart, she will definitely burn the fire here.

"We agreed not to hurt innocent people." knowing that ink can\'t become kind at once, Yu Lan can only try to say in a good place, "as long as they give up resistance, don\'t let your people kill them, okay?"

If there were all white envoy guards here, she felt nothing at the moment, but now many homeless people are women and children, who look like the family members of the white envoy base guards.

It\'s not as bad as their families. As long as they don\'t fight them, they have nothing to stay.

"OK." Mo Wen promised directly, "what you say is what you say. I\'ll let Xiuqi and Zui look at them next. After confirming that there is no problem, let them join our desire alliance."

"It\'s up to you." reaching out and happily pinching Mo Wen\'s face, Yu Lan said with a smile, "My ah Wen, why is he always so cute."

Then the smile on her face became more and more brilliant.

lovely? This is not a word to describe him.

Mo Wen reddened his ears and even his eyes.

Raising his hand to block the light from the branches and leaves, he complained childishly, "what a hot weather."