You're Fired!

Chapter 25.4 If you will try to fold my wings, I will destroy your son’s paradise.

For the first time, Ms Meng Xin, who has reigned supremely for many years, was defeated and she was completely disillusioned.

No wonder youngsters nowadays always talk about not getting married and not having children to keep themselves safe, isn’t it? If she didn’t have a son as a weakness, could she be here under the threat of this little b!tch, Bai Duanduan? She would have fought her to the death!

“Then it’s settled, Auntie Meng, then from now on, I will have the final say on what you eat. After eating, you have to take an insulin injection from me. You will also have to take a walk and exercise after the meal. I will check your blood glucose data from time to time two hours after the meal. If the data is ok, then I will add some fruits to your meal as a reward. All other snacks are banned. Fitness and exercise will earn you work points, so if you want to eat more snacks, you’ll have to trade them for work points. You can watch mystery and suspense TV shows, but after a certain amount of time you must get up and move around. If you have followed the above rules throughout the week then I will allow you to play mahjong moderately, but only once a week ……”

Bai Duanduan reported all her rules all at once, and then she looked at Meng Xin, “Aunt Meng, do you think we have a truce? Can a peace agreement be reached between us? Can we coexist peacefully and take care of each other in the coming month?”

What kind of fcking peace agreement was that! Meng Xin thought bitterly inwardly, this was a humiliating treaty!

However, looking at the demon looking, expressionless and cruel woman in front of her, Meng Xin lost the battle. Bai Duanduan was indeed a ruthless person and gave Meng Xin a dangerous feeling of “I can do what I say”. After thinking about it, Ms. Meng Xin was still reluctant to take risks with her son, and finally nodded tearfully and accepted Bai Duanduan’s three points of the covenant.

The only redeeming factor was that Ms. Meng Xin finally figured out that this Bai Duanduan was not the intended target of her son, but a lawyer who couldn’t make it at her job. It was her son who was merciful and gave the other party such a high paying job opportunity. The three points of the covenant were nothing but a deal. Ms. Meng Xin comforted herself that it was not Bai Duanduan that she obeyed, but her own son! After all, it was her son’s wish to let her eat a healthy diet and control her blood sugar regularly. After all, didn’t her son pay Bai Duanduan money for her to supervise her?


Ji Lin came to the old villa to pick up some things at noon without any prior notice. He parked his car in the underground garage of his villa and took the materials in the storage cabinet in the basement next to the garage. He was about to turn around and leave, but he heard voices coming from the living room upstairs. ;

Ji Lin didn’t expect anyone to be at home. Bai Duanduan called him in the morning, and he knew that his mother had already gone to play mahjong. According to the usual practice, Ms. Meng would not go home until lunch time in the afternoon. Let alone Bai Duanduan, even if he went out by himself, he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to bring his mother back home from the mahjong parlour.

However, he gently poked his head from the stairs leading to the first floor from the basement, and saw that his mother was not only at home, but also sitting at the table in the living room eating a healthy and low in sugar lunch. Although with an unpleasant look on her face, she was indeed very much at peace with herself. Across from her, Bai Duanduan sat upright with her legs crossed, eating her takeaway which was totally different from Ms Meng Xin’s lunch with a relaxed expression.

His own mother chewed the boiled broccoli while looking twice expectantly at the luxurious donburi 1 Donburi means “bowl” in Japanese, but it’s also a catch-all term for rice bowls. There are endless varieties of this Japanese dish that incorporate vegetables, meat, seafood, and eggs cooked with flavorful seasonings—all on top of plain, steamed white rice. , full of color, flavor and taste in the bowl of Bai Duanduan. There was an undisguised resentment and an unwillingness in her eyes. However, she didn’t say a word, and continued to bow her head and eat the boiled vegetables that she didn’t like at first glance.……

The two people were at peace with each other, and the picture can be called harmonious, yet Ji Lin only felt a shiver in his heart.


Ji Lin thought that it was normal for him to come home and see his mother not at home, or to see his mother and Bai Duanduan pulling each other’s hair and beating each other up, or to fight until the house was a mess, but now this was what was called abnormal.

What was even more abnormal was that because these two people had not noticed Ji Lin’s return, they were still having a normal conversation.

His own mother’s voice sounded not only flameless, but even a little cautiously coy, “Xiao Bai, as you can see, I’ve eaten this awful boiled dish as you requested, and the main meal is also under strict control, can I have an extra candy after the meal later?”

Bai Duanduan was full of energy, “Sure, auntie, but we agreed on one candy a day. If you want to increase the amount today, fine, you’ll lose your share tomorrow. Do you want to feel the joy of eating candy every day? Or do you want to be happier today and live in the pain of no sugar tomorrow? Think about it yourself.”

“Hey…so….that…that…Forget it, I’ll take one today and another one tomorrow…”

Ji Lin almost pinched himself to make sure if all this was not an illusion.

His own mother, who was usually so close to walking across the street and pissing off even the best tempered domestic help, was now so low in front of Bai Duanduan? Was the status of these two people really not reversed and confused?

Not only was her mother not reprimanding Bai Duanduan, she was now begging for an extra candy? On the other hand, Bai Duanduan was acting like a new century plutocratic landlord, frantically exploiting his poor peasant mother. Not only refusing her request for an extra candy, but even letting out a heartless devilish laugh.

“Hahahahahahahahahahaha, Auntie Meng, that’s right! If you behave like this, I’ll reward you with the ability to go out and play mahjong once this week, and I’ll follow you around to remind you of the time.”

At this moment, her own mahjong obsessed mother showed a pained expression when Bai Duanduan mentioned the word mahjong, and she looked unbearable, “Xiao Bai ah, can you stop? Don’t mention mahjong anymore, I have a psychological shadow of mahjong today, be kind, don’t mention mahjong ……”


Ji Lin only felt that everything was very metaphysical. His mother’s dialogue and tone of voice was similar to someone begging for something. It has always been others who begged Ms. Meng Xin on their knees to stop playing. But he never thought he would one day hear this from his own mother’s mouth ……

Bai Duanduan, however, remained unaware of Ji Lin’s arrival as she tapped the table with one finger, “Auntie Meng, you just secretly hid a few broccoli flowers into your rice. I saw it all ah. Broccoli flowers are quite good for your health, if you do this, I can only add today’s portion of broccoli flowers in your tomorrow’s meal.”

Ms Meng Xin dared not say anything as she picked out the few slices of broccoli hidden in the brown rice and ate them in tears.

“Don’t be so miserable Auntie Mang, you’re eating so healthy. If you keep this up all week I can lend you a few of my rare leather and rare coloured Birkins bags to carry.”

Meng Xin’s eyes now lit up completely, “What kind of rare leather do you have? Ostrich skin or crocodile skin? Which is the rare color? Bai Duanduan, that’s what you said, so promise me now! Can I borrow it for a few days? I have a reunion next weekend and my rival girl is always competing with me for the limelight, I haven’t got a new bag lately ……”


For a long time, Ji Lin didn’t have much confidence in Bai Duanduan.

With her fighting ability, he thought she could withstand his mother’s firepower at most for half a month only, and maybe after that she would come crying and begging on her knees to let her go, or begging himself to intervene to control his difficult mother. However, now, Ji Lin suddenly felt that he did not need to interfere between Bai Duanduan and his mother. In a sense, the two of them were actually a match made in heaven.

For an instant moment, Ji Lin actually had an epiphany of what pot goes with what lid. Bai Duanduan, was actually the lid to cover this fcking pot ….

Without disturbing Bai Duanduan and his mother, Ji Lin did not walk up the stairs to the living room, but turned around and drove away through the exit of the underground garage.

The author has something to say:

Okay, in the next chapter, finally Partner Ji will kneel down and beg Bai Duanduan to join the law firm~ Also it is Partner Ji who will chase Bai Duanduan…there is no way Bai Duanduan will chase this old dog. Of course, although he is an old dog, he is not as old as 33 in my imagination. Almost 20 years is just for a reference. Age 17,18, 19 years are almost 20 years old in my opinion. You can come up with your own age!

I’m weak after two days of bursting into work and desperately need a comment to heal, so please leave your comments before you leave…

PS: The author doesn’t know how to play mahjong, so give Bai Duanduan a golden finger for playing mahjong!

[Small Theatre]

Reader @ JUü’s

People say that if you want to capture a man’s heart, you have to capture his stomach first, and the same goes for his mother.

Not so with Bai Duanduan,

If you want to capture a man’s heart, simply cook and poison him. Same with his mother.

Reader @ Mirror’s

Mother in law: Here’s your money, cook for me!

After cooking,

Mother in law: Please, let me live.

Bai Duanduan: Second kill from cooking, achieved!