You're Fired!

Chapter 25.3 If you will try to fold my wings, I will destroy your son’s paradise.

Bai Duanduan probably finally faced reality. This time, she didn’t insist anymore and just sat down quietly on the side chair.

Because of her sudden silence, Meng Xin soon forgot about Bai Duanduan who was sitting beside her and was instead captivated by the climactic scene in the drama on TV. Meng Xin was watching a detective idol drama full of suspense and mystery. It was the moment when the show was reaching the most crucial plot twisting point where every character that appears on the screen was suspicious.

The heroine’s brother who looks innocent and simple on the surface, but in fact was actually a snowy looking sinister; the heroine’s uncle was insidious and cruel, and he was a complete villain; the male protagonist was also quite suspicious and has a dual personality not to mention that one of the personality was very dark; the male protagonist’s roommates also looks weird, and a few disappear every night without a trace.……

Meng Xin’s whole heart was seized up. This kind of suspenseful drama was about the process to watch, that is, it’s the fun of guessing the killer yourself and following the plot to solve the case……

“Oh, I have read the original work of this drama. In this case, the murderer is one of the roommate. He was suffering from sleepwalking. Once he accidentally sleepwalked into the women’s toilet in the middle of the night. The female victim regarded him as a pervert and howled to call the police. After waking up, he was afraid of damage to his reputation, so he desperately pulled the female victim to stop her from shouting. As a result, he was fiercely resisted by the opponent, and he finally strangled the person to death by mistake.”


“In the next case, the murderer is a harmless looking little girl who was actually so jealous of the rest of the children of her age who had happy families and because she had been without parental care for so long that she pushed her best friend down a hill during an outing.”


“For the next case, the murderer is…” ;

This was unbearable! She was watching a suspenseful crime solving drama! The best part was to come up with her own conclusion! What’s the point of watching a drama when she has been spoiled!

“Stop!” Ms Meng Xin couldn’t tough it out anymore, she glared angrily at Bai Duanduan, “Can you stop spilling the beans? Is it so hard to keep quiet?”

Bai Duanduan stretched out her hands, “Sorry, Auntie Meng, I can’t help but feel anxious when I see that you haven’t taken your insulin or exercised yet, and when I get anxious, I talk too much, and when I talk too much, I can’t help but say things that I shouldn’t. Oh, What were we talking about again? Oh yeah, the killer in the next case is actually ……”

“Okay, okay, okay! Are you going to stop talking after I take my insulin? I’ll do it! Can’t I do it?” Ms. Meng Xin was so angry that she could not put up with her blabbering anymore. When she thought that if she did not take insulin and did not exercise, she was afraid that this devil Bai Duanduan would not let her go easily and would probably spoil all the cases of the whole drama!

Meng Xin had no choice but to follow Bai Duanduan’s request to take insulin and then take a walk.

Only then did Bai Duanduan cleared her throat and began her main act, “Auntie Meng, since I will be responsible for taking care of you this month, and make sure that you have healthy hobbies and proper rest and have a normal blood sugar along with timely exercise and eat a reasonable diet which is low in sugar and calories. Then I think, it’s time to tell you about my principles.” She smiled , “So that we can cooperate happily.”

Bai Duanduan looked at Meng Xin and smiled, “It’s really simple, just two rules. Number one, listen to your son when he’s around.”

“Number two, when your son is not around, listen to me.”

Meng Xin was naturally not convinced, “It’s fine to listen to my son, but you’re just a housekeeper, why should I listen to you? What’s wrong with you? I’m putting up with you this time because I’m giving you face, don’t think I’ll keep giving in!”

“Ji Lin told me that you like to play mahjong, also like to watch detective, suspense drama, and more dramas of this kind. If these hobbies are done in an appropriate routine, they are pleasant and there is no problem at all. But Auntie Meng, your problem is, every time you indulge in it, you sit for a whole day. Not only do you refuse to take insulin and do not exercise, but you also keep eating sweets at the same time.”

Bai Duanduan ruffled her hair, “So, I have just placed an order for all the suspenseful detective cases on the market. The well-known and unknown ones at home and abroad , nothing will be spared. After I  finish reading all the story and if you won’t cooperate with me in exercising healthy habits, but indulge in watching these, then I can’t guarantee when my next spoiler session would come.” After speaking up to this, she further added, “And, your son will reimburse me the total money for the books i have ordered.”

Bai Duanduan smiled slightly and continued, “In fact, to be honest, I also like watching movies and TV series, but now the price of paper has risen, and the books are very expensive. I can’t bear to buy them, but thank you Auntie Meng for giving me the opportunity to entertain myself at public expense. Of course, it is rare to have such an opportunity. I will buy the most expensive hardcover collection. After all, Ji Lin said that as long as it is related to taking care of his mother, no matter how much money it is, I will be reimbursed.”


As if she was afraid that Meng Xin would not die of anger, Bai Duanduan thought for a while, and then added with emotion, “If you think about it, it’s not very easy for Ji Lin, auntie, do you know? In fact, his job is very difficult. He has to sell not only his body, but also his soul. Every penny and every dime is really earned from his blood, flesh and sweat!”

Ms. Meng Xin was left shocked, “What nonsense are you talking about? How can my son be earning from selling his body and soul? My son is a lawyer and he is well-known!”

“I know. But practicing law is a part of the service industry. The client is the first party. In simple terms, the client is the father, and if the father puts forward a request, no matter how unreasonable it is, in order to earn that money, the lawyer can only bite back the bullet and play the grandson part. Like Ji Lin, he works more than 45 hours a week, and if his health is not good, he can die suddenly at the age of 35, who knows? Recently I read in the news that two more partners have died in the legal profession. It is disheartening to read people dying at such a young age. Then tell me, how is it that the money your son earns is not earned with his body? Doesn’t this mean that he is selling his flesh?”

“As for selling one’s soul, it is also true that there are some clients he may not like very much, but for the sake of money, he still has to provide professional services to these people, and he obviously hates them so much that he wants to beat them up, but he can only smile and say thank you for your patronage, so how is he not earning money from smiling and welcoming and selling his face?”


“And Auntie Meng, do you know? Most of Ji Lin’s customers are business owners, either middle aged rich women or middle aged rich businessmen. Oh, no, there are also elderly people. He looks like a man who attracts bees and butterflies. Now you also know that there are actually quite a lot of sexual harassment in the workplace, and men can’t escape it either. Even because they are men, they often fail to speak out because of their face. In fact, they have a hard time. There is a male salesman who accepted an anonymous interview and said that his butt was groped and he was molested by a dozen customers in a day. Hey, I don’t know if Ji Lin’s butt is still good …… But if you can get business after being touched, it’s okay i guess. But I’m afraid if he was ever touched and molested for nothing, and hasn’t earned any money in return ……”


“When I think of Ji Lin working hard and tearfully outside to make money, in the end, all that money ends up being used to reimburse me for hardcover books. Hey, his life, it’s really very hard.” Bai Duanduan drew out a napkin from the table and pretended to be genuinely close to wiping up her tears.

Ms. Meng Xin was so angry that she vomited blood. Yet after such nonsense from Bai Duanduan, she instantly felt that her son’s money was earned quite heavily. Was Ji Lin really suffering such inhuman torture outside?

“Okay, okay! Then I won’t watch TV series anymore! That’s all right! And don’t you go to my son to buy your hardcover edition! Want to use my son’s money for entertainment?! Dream on!” Ms. Meng said angrily, “But don’t think that if I don’t watch TV series or play mahjong, I will cooperate with you and listen to you. I want you to know that there is only one principle in this family, and that is, everything has to be at my beck and call!”

As a result, she didn’t expect Bai Duanduan to still be calm and light, “Okay, then every time you don’t cooperate with me, I can only poke Ji Lin on WeChat. Send him 500 messages a day to tell him about your status, Auntie Meng, and report on your situation in real time so that in the future Ji Lin can’t complain to me that I didn’t do my job properly.”


“You know, it’s actually very hard for Ji Lin to be a lawyer. If he is still being harassed by 500 messages a day, I’m afraid he will really lose his mind. Not to mention so many messages attacking him, if in his haste he ever missed an important piece of information about a client in a sea of WeChat messages and lost the case eventually. Not only would he lose his reputation, he would also have to lose money.”

Bai Duanduan looked at Meng Xin, conscious that the meaning conveyed was clear – if you will fold my wings, I will destroy your son’s paradise.

If you fiddle with me, I will fiddle with your son.
