You're Fired!

Chapter 24.1 Auntie will always be with Xiao Bai when she flies high

Bai Duanduan got back the bracelet she had been longing for and finally returned home with satisfaction. She flipped through the information Ji Lin had provided her with, ready to get to know her future employer a little before she started her first day of job tomorrow.

It’s a pity that Ji Lin apparently didn’t provide herself with much information to study, as the message he sent contained only a few sentences in his mother’s profile introduction, apart from his mother’s address and contact details –

His mother, Ms. Meng, whose full name was Meng Xin, was 54 years old, a Leo with a fiery personality, a woman of her word, a bit of a noble, keen on maintenance of luxury things.

However, in terms of physical health, Ji Lin did provide a detailed hospital related diagnosis report. His mother Meng Xin has hypothyroidism and needs to take Eugenol daily to supplement her thyroid hormone, otherwise she will be prone to fatigue. In addition, she has diabetes and cannot eat foods that will shoot up sugar quickly. She also needs to exercise moderately after meals every day, and needs to take insulin, so she can’t feel too tired. After this medical information, Ji Lin also included the contact details of her personal doctor and guidelines for the daily care of diabetic and hypothyroid patients.

Bai Duanduan flipped through them over and over again, memorizing them by heart.

Considering that Ji Lin’s mother was after all a woman who has been black listed by the entire A City’s domestic service industry on her capability alone, Bai Duanduan deliberately chose the best girl next door look the next day, for her job. She wore a plain piece of dress out of all her designer clothes, and even wore flat heels and applied a very mild and elegant light make-up for an unprecedented occasion.

Well-behaved, unassuming and seemingly obedient and honest without being aggressive. This kind of image was probably more appealing to middle aged older aunts.

In order to fit this image, Bai Duanduan made sacrifices. She could not wear her beautiful rings, earrings and necklaces, except for the bracelet that she just bought yesterday, which was very hard to come by. Bai Duanduan was not willing to take it off, so she let it go. Fortunately, the color is not conspicuous, and it shouldn’t be particularly noticed if one doesn’t particularly think about it.

Early in the morning, Ji Lin came and knocked on Bai Duanduan’s door, then drove her with a cold face to the villa where his mother lived.

Ji Lin’s mother lives in the eastern part of City A. The villas there were the very first rich villa areas in City A. However, with the change of time, the villas there have now become old, whether in terms of house type, facade design or internal facilities. They have long been surpassed by the new luxury houses built in the Xicheng District of the city in recent years.

When Bai Duanduan first saw the address of the house, she was a bit surprised. According to Ji Lin’s wealth, his mother could have lived in a better and more luxurious villa instead of this old villa area which was some distance away from the flat where he lived then.

“Today is the first day, so I’ll take you and my mother to get to know each other. From tomorrow onwards, you’ll be responsible for your own transport to and from the house, but you have to be there at 8am, and you can only leave after 8pm.”

Because of the morning rush hour traffic, the already not so short journey was made even longer. It was also a pity that Ji Lin had no enthusiasm for chatting, so he just coldly dropped these words and ignored Bai Duanduan.

However, Bai Duanduan was in a good mood. She had applied to several law firms yesterday and two of them had already given their feedback this morning, inviting Bai Duanduan for an interview. Sure enough, good things came in pairs. She grabbed the bracelet she wanted and also received transition money from Ji Lin in advance. Her days were back to being happy again and even her mood was getting better.

“By the way, you gave me all your information only about your mother, what about your father? Is there anything I should look out for? Is there anything he needs me to take care of? Since I’ve taken all your money, I’ll do my best to take care of your father as well while focusing on your mother.”

It’s a pity that Ji Lin probably didn’t want to pay attention to herself. After Bai Duanduan asked, Ji Lin only pursed his lips in silence and had no intention of answering. Just when Bai Duanduan felt like making a fool of herself and was about to close her eyes to rest, Ji Lin’s voice finally sounded again.

“He doesn’t need you to take care of him.”


Ji Lin’s voice trailed off, “He’s already passed away.”

Those days, medical technology was well developed. As long as  the families were still able to pay attention to health preservation, they can still be considered to be in their prime in their 50s. Bai Duanduan never thought that Ji Lin’s father had passed away. She was immediately embarrassed and apologetic, “I’m sorry…”

“You don’t have to apologize, he died when I was thirteen, and I’m not an immature kid who is still unable to accept the reality until now.” Ji Lin smiled to himself, “It’s been almost twenty years.”

He glanced at Bai Duanduan, “Just one point to emphasize, don’t mention my father in front of my mother.”

Bai Duanduan had no intention of prying into the privacy of others, and only nodded.

And as if to ease her embarrassment, it was also at this point that Ji Lin’s mobile phone rang.

He put on his bluetooth headset and picked it up, “Mom?”

She didn’t know what Ji Lin’s mother said to him on the other side of the phone, but Ji Lin’s brow quickly furrowed, “Take it easy, speak slowly. You said you were robbed of your goods that you bought. The other party exploited the legal loopholes? What’s the situation?”

Probably Ji Lin’s mother was really emotional, her voice became louder, so loud that even Bai Duanduan could hear it clearly.

She heard the roar of the woman who was considered as a terror in the domestic service industry of the A City,  ranting angrily on the other end of the line, “It’s a woman in her twenties, covered in designer labels! Her outfit is more expensive than mine! And her shoes are a celebrity and LV co branded, limited edition! She has more limited edition Birkins than I do! I’m going to die of anger!”

“The problem is she’s younger than me, your mother! She looks….looks like a fox demon with that body! Her body is so curvy, she has a convex front and tilted back. It’s hard for a normal human to have that golden ratio. This little b!tch has definitely had plastic surgery done!”


Bai Duanduan was shaken, only feeling a very bad premonition in her heart.

Ji Lin frowned and glanced at Bai Duanduan on the passenger seat, not noticing her abnormality, and only pursed his lips, “Mom, pay attention to the words you use, be elegant; also, keep your voice down.”

Unfortunately, Ms. Meng was obviously still angry. She not only did not lower her voice, but also became more loud and clear, “Lin Lin, can you sue her for this kind of thing? Your mother can’t swallow this anger! There’s no law anymore, this is like she intentionally stepped on my head and took a dump! I can’t just let it go!”

Lin Lin…

Bai Duanduan didn’t hold back, and glanced at Ji Lin beside her. Such a tall adult man with such a name, always gave her a feeling that there was a sense of inconsistency that there was something that wasn’t right …

Ji Lin, however, had obviously been immune to this nickname for a long time. He just rubbed his brow with a headache, “Mom, the latest model of BV’s sunglasses you wanted last time have arrived; the VCA Poetic Collection watch you wanted, I’ll buy it for you. Do you have any more questions?”

VCA poetic series?! The watches in that series almost start at around one million …… Bai Duanduan looked at Ji Lin in shock, feeling as if she was simply dreaming.

Was this really Ji Lin? A man who wouldn’t even spend a single euro to make a wish at a wishing fountain, was actually buying his own mother a luxury item without batting an eyelid, as if he wasn’t talking about a VCA watch but a handful of onions in the vegetable market for a few yuan ……

Ms. Meng Xin on the other end of the phone was naturally very satisfied, and her voice unconsciously softened, “No more questions! Lin Lin, you’re right, I shouldn’t have originally talked in the first place with that kind of young woman with plastic surgery, not to mention scolding her. It’s not in line with the status of a noble mother. I should be more elegant, civilized and gentle.”

“Eh.” Ji Lin glanced at his watch, “I’ll be home in five and a half minutes, and I’ll introduce you to the new housekeeper.”

Bai Duanduan no longer had the heart to digest what Ji Lin’s mother said after that, as her mind only spun back and forth with four words –

God will kill me.

“Ji Lin, that, I suddenly felt that I still couldn’t get past the hurdle in my heart, I… don’t want to do it anymore. After all, I have no experience in housekeeping. You can see from my cooking skills that I am really not good at housekeeping. You look very busy now, I will take my leave!”

Unfortunately, as soon as Bai Duanduan got out of the car and tried to slip away, Ji Lin yanked her back, “Do I need to remind you of the part of the breach of contract clause that you signed yesterday in black and white?”



Five and a half minutes later, Bai Duanduan followed behind Ji Lin with a complicated heart and walked into his mother’s villa.

Ms. Meng Xin, the well-known house help killer, gladly opened the door before catching a glimpse of Bai Duanduan, who was standing behind Ji Lin and trying to reduce her presence. She froze at first, then she frowned and looked at Bai Duanduan suspiciously.

Bai Duanduan ruffled both sides of her hair towards the middle of her face and tried to keep her head down, wishing she could dig a hole in the ground. No wonder they used to say money was hard to earn and shit was hard to eat. Where can pies fall from the sky?

As Bai Duanduan’s unpleasant premonition had thought, this Ms. Meng Xin was, quite literally, the middle-aged noble woman from yesterday who had grabbed her bracelet at the shop.

It was said that the probability of people meeting each other was not very high, and Bai Duanduan could only curse this damn fate of hers inwardly.

Ji Lin felt her standing still in the doorway behind him and frowned slightly as he instructed her without looking back, “Come in. Introduce yourself to your future employer.” After saying that, he looked at his mother, “Mom, this is the new domestic helper recruited for you, who will be responsible for taking care of you this month.

After Ji Lin finished, he looked back at Bai Duanduan, and then his face showed real shock, that even his voice couldn’t help but raise slightly, “Bai Duanduan, what’s wrong with this hair of yours? There was no wind at all just now, how come your hair is all over your face? Are you playing Sadako?” 1 Sadako Yamamura was a fictional character from Koji Suzuki’s Ring novel series. She was vengeful ghost of a psychic who was murdered and thrown into a well.

Bai Duanduan’s heart was dripping with blood, and she knew the situation she was in that day. If she would stretch out her head, she would be in danger. If she keeps her head shrunk she would still be in danger. She parted her hair in front of her rather sadly, pretending to calmly bullsh!t, “Although there is no wind, you just took a big step and brought up the wind.”


Unfortunately, it was all in vain, as Ms Meng Xin’s gaze had changed from one of suspicion and shock to one of surprise and meaning. She clearly recognised Bai Duanduan and now looked at her in a condescending manner, and said in a mocking smug tone, “Now this society is really getting more and more incomprehensible. Some people are ostensibly glamorous and claim to have 4 Birkin limited edition bags, but they actually turned out to be house helpers.”
