You're Fired!

Chapter 23.2 They were sensible, caring, considerate and mature and they knew to go for the kidneys and not for the heart.

“I know it is impossible for you to do this job for a long time. During this period, you will definitely go to other law firms to seek your next job. Now this is just a temporary transition for you. I understand this, but no matter when you find a job, you have to stay with me for a full month. If you can agree to these conditions, then only I can pay you in advance.” Ji Lin pursed his lips, “Of course, work is a two-way choice. After all, you are not a professional housekeeper. In a month, I will also…”

“I get it, I get it! In fact, our choices for each other are temporary, and you’ll also spend this month looking for a really suitable domestic professional, and I, for one, will try to find my next job this month. In short, in a month’s time, even if I don’t find a new job, I won’t pester you and we’ll call it quits! That’s absolutely fine!”


The two of them now looked at each other and saw satisfaction in each other’s eyes. They almost looked like a pair of unspoken fck buddies who knew that they should never pester each other after a night of sleeping together. They were sensible, caring, considerate and mature and they knew to go for the kidneys and not for the heart. The fit was so rare that it was touching.

When there was no one in each other’s life, everyone made a spare tire to meet their respective needs. Once one party finds someone to fall in love with seriously, the other party must get out of there knowingly and tacitly. Just talk about money, not feelings, it’s perfect.

And what was even more perfect was that once the two had signed the drafted contract, Ji Lin’s advance payment of 20,000yuan came straight through. Bai Duanduan looked at the number on her bank card that had grown larger again and instantly rolled on the bed in excitement.

At that moment She can also be considered to be immortal. After the scars were healed, she forgot the pain. As soon as she had the money, her heart started to move again, and this kind of movement reached its peak when the counter sister called her again.

“Miss Bai, the limited edition bracelet that you asked me to pay attention to last time, I think I may not be able to keep it. Now there is another customer who wants it too. She will come to us and buy it soon…”

Bai Duanduan didn’t say a word and immediately transferred the money needed for the bracelet directly to this counter girl who was very well familiar with her, “You help me take it first! I’ll be right there!”

Now that Ji Lin has supported herself with a huge amount of 20,000 yuan, Bai Duanduan feels that it would be such a shame if she didn’t buy this rare bracelet which was worth around 3,000 to 4,000 yuan only, as she had already condescended to take up a housekeeping job.

Anyway, she got a new job that day, so it’s worth celebrating and buying a present for herself, right?

Bai Duanduan didn’t waste anymore time and hurriedly grabbed her bag and headed for the counter sister.

But she just didn’t expect that as soon as she arrived at the counter, her own familiar counter sister would greet her with a difficult face, “Miss Bai, just now a customer came, saying that she wanted to rob you of that bracelet, I have said that you have already prepaid in advance, but the result is that she and her SA (shopping assistant) are very fierce and they directly grabbed it.”

The counter girl said while being very righteous, “That SA is new this year, she has no principle at all, just trying to steal my performance …… I am sorry for this time, I will return your advance payment to you, I did not expect to meet such unreasonable colleagues and customers… …”

Bai Duanduan frowned, “Where’s the bracelet?”

“It was worn straight away by that customer who was brutally unreasonable and prepared to leave!”

Bai Duanduan followed the counter sister into the shop and saw the woman who was wearing the bracelet she had been longing for, and to her surprise, it was not a young girl of her own age, but a middle aged woman who could be of her mother’s age. Bai Duanduan took one look at the other woman’s “outfit” and only two words popped into her head – rich madame!

The dress on the other party’s body, the necklace around her neck, as well as the earrings, brooches, shoes, bags and even the ring on her hand, Bai Duanduan quickly estimated the price in her mind, and then had a look of admiration on her face. At the same time, she had to admit that the other party was not only rich, but also had quite good taste. The combination of those designer labels on her body was both elegant and expensive.

Although the other party was considerably older than herself, at the thought of a rare in stock bracelet, the original desire to fight the woman was thoroughly aroused again. Bai Duanduan had only one thought in her mind—

That lady was the fcking enemy!

And the powerful enemy herself was wearing the bracelet that should belong to her at the moment, admiring herself with a graceful smile, “Little Xie, look how much this bracelet suits my skin? Next time another model from this same collection arrives, remember to let me know first ……”

The counter sister who was standing next to Bai Duanduan, said with a resentful face, “This customer is particularly unreasonable. She refused to return the bracelet at all and only forced me to give you a refund.”

“It’s alright.” Bai Duanduan smiled, ruffled her hair, then replaced her expression with an exuberant smile on her face and walked up towards the other party, “Auntie, this necklace of yours is so beautiful!”

The other person looked up at Bai Duanduan, not really interested in making conversation, “Oh, really.”

“Yes! It’s a VCA Christmas 2018 limited edition gold mother-of-pearl with diamonds! It’s hard to buy!” Bai Duanduan said with adoration in her eyes, “And Auntie, this ring is from VCA’s Frivole collection, isn’t it? With this bracelet from the same series, it looks so beautiful! Aunty, your hands are so beautiful, just from a look one can say these are the hands of a noble woman. Look, my hands are not as thin and tender as yours ……”

“Oh my God! Auntie! This bag of yours! It’s the limited edition Birkin! It’s the brown 9D that I wanted to buy but couldn’t get!” Bai Duanduan said with envy, “Auntie, you’re amazing! This bag is really hard to get!”

This statement did greatly please the other party, only to see the middle-aged noble woman smiling faintly, “Oh, this ah, I have a particularly good relationship with the shopping assistants (SA) of several Hermes counters, after all, I am their old customers ……”


Bai Duanduan said almost word for word the brand, price and even the year of spring/summer or autumn/winter edition of all the outfits on the other party’s body. With a pair of venomous eyes as hers she touted it very specifically to the point of precision. Sure enough, the distance between them was quickly narrowed. The middle-aged noblewoman’s face finally changed from cold and arrogant to “you have a good eye”, and she even started discussing with Bai Duanduan about the latest runway models of several brands.

The timing was just right, Bai Duanduan thought, it’s time to draw the net!

“Wow! Auntie, this bracelet is so beautiful! It really suits you so well, it’s so elegant. I’d like to buy one in the same color, can I wear this one? I don’t know if it’s the right one for me!”

“Fine, I’ll let you try it.” The other party was so blown away by the praises that her eyebrows were flying high and she finally reluctantly took off the bracelet, “But hurry up, I have to rush to LV to pick the bag I have ordered.”

“Yes,yes! Thank you Auntie!”

Bai Duanduan took the bracelet and put it on her hand with a good-natured and understanding face.

Then she changed her face.

“This lady, I forgot to tell you, this bracelet was originally mine. I paid for it early, I just didn’t have time to come and pick it up, and now, it’s back to its rightful owner.”

The middle-aged noblewoman on the other side of the table was really anxious, “You give me back my bracelet! I paid for it! And it’s already on my hand, it’s mine! Are you robbing it from me?”

“Auntie, you should usually learn more about the law.” Bai Duanduan smiled, “The transfer of ownership of an item is not bound by delivery. The ownership of the bracelet was already mine when I paid the full price, and I paid before you, that is, entered into the sale contract before you did, so of course the bracelet is mine. As for your claim that I robbed it from you by force, is there any proof of that?”

“There must be surveillance in this shop!”

“Even if there is surveillance, the surveillance in these luxury shops only has images, not audio. From the images, I can totally say that I bought this item. You also liked it, so picked it up to try it on, and now returned it to its rightful owner.” Bai Duanduan smiled, “Look, just now you took it off and gave it to me to wear. There was no physical conflict between us, and I didn’t snatch it either. It was completely friendly. The handover was completed and the bracelet returned to its rightful owner. It’s just that.”


Bai Duanduan smiled, “As for your money, let your shop assistant return it to you. As for me, I’m busy too, I’m going to wear my new bracelet and leave now.”

Probably too pleased with herself, Bai Duanduan didn’t forget to add before she left, “Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, your limited edition brown 9D bag, I don’t envy it at all because I have 4 such Birkin limited editions.”

“Aunty, bye bye, see you later.”

Bai Duanduan finished with a smile and left while waving her hand, not looking at the beautiful purple and red expression on the middle-aged noblewoman’s face behind her that was about to rise to the sky in anger.

The author has something to say:

Don’t worry, of course Bai Duanduan will enter Partner Ji’s law firm, but we must make Partner Ji take the initiative to kneel and beg her to enter!

You’re all thinking the wrong thing ah. It’s impossible for Bai Duanduan and her future mother-in-law to get along at first sight, not even in hell. But don’t worry about the evil mother-in-law, our Bai Duanduan is even more evil than the evil mother-in-law and her toxicity is about to start showing.

[Small Theater]

A survey interview on the concept of love:

Other people’s view on relationships,

An anonymous woman in the crowd: Of course it’s a good idea to make the man feel good about himself first, and then make the man’s mother feel good about herself.

Bai Duanduan’s view on relationships,

Bai Duanduan: Of course you should first fix his mother and then fix him! Remember to mosaic my face! Thanks!

Ji Lin: I have seen…