Young Master's Beloved Baby

Chapter 664

Mo Chongyan wants to let everyone know what it means to climb higher and fall harder!

Don't they just want to use her Mohist power to let everyone know about them?

OK, he said Mo Chongyan, that's it!

Seeing that Mo Chongyan's face was becoming more and more ugly, the doctor didn't dare to say anything. He just lowered his head further. He wanted to hide himself from Mo Chongyan.

Noticing the doctor's behavior, Mo Chongyan pursed his lips and said:

"find out the matter clearly, leave evidence, and I will sue them!"

Leaving only such a sentence, Mo Chongyan has turned around and gone to find Tan Yutong.

Seeing that Mo Chongyan had left, the doctor was relieved. He patted his chest with lingering fear and whispered:

"fortunately, today's vaccine didn't come to our hospital. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll lose a good job."

With that, he secretly glanced at Mo Chongyan's back and saw that he had really gone away, so he turned and left.

At this time, Su Xiao also found Mo Jing's ward and said to Mo Chongyan:

"I've asked my aunt to send Xiaohan here too. Although Xiaohan doesn't have the symptoms of illness, they are going to get the vaccine together, so it's better to be careful."

Mo Chongyan nodded his head gently, which was a response.

Tan Yutong looked at the pale ink static, heart bursts of heartache.

The child usually does not like to talk, and when he is charming, he is also soft and weak, which makes people like him.

Is such a likable child, how to encounter such a thing! It's too much! It's really pathetic.

After sipping her lips, Tan Yutong turns around, looks at Su Xiao and asks:

"have you confirmed the pathogen?"

Su Xiao was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect that Tan Yutong would speak in such a cool tone. He couldn't help but look at Mo Chongyan and say that he is really close to Zhu, and he is close to mo.

In response, Su Xiao shook his head and said, "I'm not 100% sure, but at least there is a 70% possibility."

Mo Chongyan doesn't want Su Xiao to continue in this matter. Whether it is or not, his revenge will not be taken back.

"Release the news and explain the matter. Let all the children who went to get vaccinated yesterday afternoon go to the hospital for examination to see if there are other children who have also suffered the same thing."

Su Xiaogang wanted to say that he didn't have to fight so much, so he heard Mo Chongyan continue to say:

"besides, we Mohists have covered all the medical expenses!"

Su Xiao pursed her lips, listening to Mo Chongyan's tone, she knew that he had already determined that he would not easily change his mind.

Gently nodded, should say: "OK, I know, I now let wood assistant to do."

Mo Chongyan said nothing more.

Hearing what Mo Chongyan had just said, Tan Yutong couldn't help doubting it. He looked at Mo Chongyan and asked:

"are you doubting something? Or your heart, already have the object of doubt? But you didn't tell me? "

Mo Chongyan doesn't want to let Tan Yutong know too many things. It's not good for her. Besides, it's enough for him to bear those dirty things. Let Tan Yutong know what to do?

So, shaking his head, Mo Chong said in a slow voice: "no, I'm just worried about other children."