Young Master's Beloved Baby

Chapter 663


When I heard what Su Xiao said, there was nothing but shock.

Mo Chongyan was the first to react. He frowned slightly and asked, "what's the matter? I remember when I went out in the morning, I was still quiet, and I didn't get hurt. How could I get tetanus? "

Tan Yutong thought of taking her two children to get vaccinated in the afternoon, and tears came down.

"It's in the afternoon. In the afternoon, my mother and I went to get the vaccine with our two children. It should be the problem of needles."

Tan Yutong said, looking at Su Xiao, as if waiting for his answer.

Su Xiao didn't say yes or no, but said calmly:

"I don't know what the specific reason is, but judging from the current situation, it's really the biggest problem in the hospital, but it can't be guaranteed, it must be."

Tan Yutong pursed her lips, but she didn't say anything. She knew that she couldn't frame others at will before there was no conclusive evidence.

Mo Chongyan didn't say anything. He took a cool look at Su Xiao. What did that look mean? Mo Chongyan believed that Su Xiao understood.

Su Xiaowei nodded invisibly and went back.

Notice Su Xiao's leaving, but Tan Yutong doesn't care so much about what Su Xiao wants to do. All she wants to know is whether her daughter is safe or not.

At last, the light in the emergency room went out. Seeing the doctor coming out, Tan Yutong almost had no hesitation. He rushed up, grabbed the doctor's clothes tightly and asked:

"doctor, how's my daughter? Does it matter? Are you all right? "

The doctor shook his head and said, "it's OK. Fortunately, you have a family doctor. That doctor's qualifications are not shallow. He saw the disease immediately, so he ordered our hospital to make corresponding preparations early in the morning."

"The children's delivery is also very timely. If we come an hour later, we can't guarantee that we can still..."

The doctor's words didn't finish, but there was no need to ask what they meant.

And Tan Yutong at this time heard the doctor said that Mo Jing is OK, can't help but feel relieved and asked: "then can we go to see my daughter now?"

The doctor shook his head and said, "not yet. She needs to be isolated for 24 hours. Let's check the situation again to see if the bacteria have been completely removed."

Tan Yutong's eyes are full of worries. He doesn't dare to say more about what he wants to say. After all, the safety of children is the most important thing now.

Noticing Mo Chongyan's eyes, the doctor quickly changed his words and said, "but you can have a look outside, but you can't get close."

Hearing the doctor's words, Tan Yutong thanks and runs to the isolation ward.

Seeing that Tan Yutong walked away, Mo Chongyan turned cold and said to the doctor in a deep voice:

"where is the pathogen? Have you found out? "

The doctor pursed his lips, lowered his head slightly, and said, "it's the infection on the needle. As soon as the child arrived, Dr. Su ordered us to focus on checking the pinhole."

Mo Chongyan's face was cold originally, and now it was even more iron green.

They! How dare you really attack his children!

It seems that they are really going to be known all over the world. Since this is the case, if he does not let go of his words, his hope will be fulfilled!