Young Master's Beloved Baby

Chapter 640

Mo chongchen was hit a little bit by Tan Yutong's sudden attack. It took him a long time to react and stare at Tan Yutong.

"What do you mean when you take mom away and tell me she's been kidnapped! Is that fun! "

Tan Yutong roars angrily. It seems that only in this way can she vent her dissatisfaction in her heart.

Mo chongchen felt his fiery cheek, then suddenly laughed.

"You, Tan Yutong, did you hit me just now?"

Tan Yutong was stunned. He felt that this kind of Mo chongchen was a little frightening. He unconsciously stepped back and quietly cheered himself up in his heart. Then he straightened his back and said:

"yes, I hit you just now. What's the matter? You've done something wrong. Can't you be beaten? "

Mo chongchen was stunned, obviously did not expect that Tan Yutong would answer like this, but it is more and more let Mo chongchen feel his vision is right.

"Yes, of course. Who makes me like you? Naturally, you are right in what you do and what you say."

Tan Yutong also obviously didn't expect that Mo chongchen would say such words in front of Liu Qingwen. He was stunned. Then he reacted, quickly stepped forward, supported Liu Qingwen, and asked:

"Mom, how are you? Did you get hurt there? Or what's wrong? "

Hearing Tan Yutong's concern for Liu Qingwen, Mo chongchen looked back at him displeased and said, "Tan Yutong, in your heart, is mo chongchen such a person? Bullying women? Will you bully old people? "

Liu Qingwen did not speak, just looking at Mo chongchen, eyes color slightly lie, obviously angry.

Tan Yutong noticed Liu Qingwen's anger, but he thought Liu Qingwen was angry because he was kidnapped by Mo chongchen, so he didn't say anything. After all, if he helped Mo chongchen speak at this time, then Tan Yutong himself would be regarded as an accomplice.

After all, Tan Yutong and Mo chongchen knew each other, and they lived together for three years.

When they don't care, they don't mention anything. Once they care, even a small mistake that can be ignored will be magnified to be heinous.

"Mom, are you really OK?" Tan Yutong asked Liu Qingwen about it.

Liu Qingwen seemed to react. He shook his head gently and said, "it's OK. Let's go in."

Liu Qingwen looked at Mo chongchen with deep meaning. It seemed that he wanted to say something. However, after his eyes fell on Mo chongchen, he immediately took back his words. What he had said was swallowed back.

Mo chongchen was stunned. Not only did he not expect that Tan Yutong would be so excited when he saw him, but also he really did not expect that Liu Qingwen had changed so much before and after that.

Mingming was still saying something like let him go back to Mohism, but now, he can look at himself with the same eyes as strangers.

Mo chongchen couldn't help thinking whether Liu Qingwen, a woman, was really like what he saw on the surface.

The eye color is tiny lie, Mo chongchen rubs the cheek that rubs ache to feel numb again, finally or stepped into that he once swore, this life all won't go in place.

Hearing the footsteps coming from behind, Tan Yutong was stunned. Then he turned around and saw Mo chongchen who had already come to the living room. He was even more shocked.