Young Master's Beloved Baby

Chapter 639

The reason why a secret is a secret is that people who know it have been prepared not to mention it for a lifetime since they know it.

Mo chongchen looked at Liu Qingwen coldly and said in a deep voice:

"you are too much in charge. I'm not your son Mo Chongyan. I don't necessarily listen to what you say and I don't want to talk to you."

Liu Qingwen pursed his lips and looked at Mo chongchen's eyes, full of Liu Ye and guilt.

"Don't look at me with that kind of eyes. I don't care about anything you say or any conditions you give me."

After a pause, Mo chongchen suddenly thought of something, and said:

"if you really feel that you owe me, then let Mo Chongyan divorce Yu Tong and give it back to me. Then I can think about forgetting all this, and return to Mo's home as if nothing had happened, and be the so-called son."

Liu Qingwen, obviously did not expect that Mo chongchen would say such words. He was stunned and looked at him.

It seems that Liu Qingwen's reaction has been expected for a long time. Mo chongchen laughs scornfully and then opens the door to get out of the car.

It was at this time that Liu Qingwen noticed that Xu Xing's car had stopped.

"What I said to you just now is from my heart. If you really want to make up for me, do it."

Almost as soon as he got out of the car, Mo chongchen saw Tan Yutong. She stood at the door, waiting anxiously.

Since knowing that Liu Qingwen was taken away by Mo chongchen instead of being kidnapped, Tan Yutong's mood has become more complicated.

Compared with the kidnappers, Tan Yutong was more worried about Mo chongchen.

At least the kidnappers are only for money. As long as they are given money, they will not do anything to hurt Liu Qingwen, and Liu Qingwen will be safe.

Mo chongchen is different. He will do so many things that Tan Yutong does not dare to imagine. She is worried that what she thinks will become a reality, and she is obviously afraid of such a fact.

Tan Yutong at this time, see Mo chongchen and Liu Qingwen are intact in their line of sight, in the heart secretly relieved, only feel lucky.

Mo chongchen's eyes have always been on Tan Yutong. At this time, he noticed that Tan Yutong was relaxed and helpless. It seems that in Tan Yutong's heart, he is a real jerk.

However, although he thought so in his heart, Mo chongchen didn't show it on his face, but walked to tan Yutong with a smile.

Seeing Mo chongchen walking towards Tan Yutong, Liu Qingwen suddenly remembered what Liu Qingwen said when he was in the car.

"If you really feel that you owe me, give me Yutong back!"

Liu Qingwen thought of this sentence, almost without any hesitation, rushed forward to prevent Liu Qingwen from approaching Tan Yutong.

However, Tan Yutong has been one step ahead of Liu Qingwen. She stepped forward in three and two steps, and even gave Mo chongchen a slap in the face before she stood firm in front of him.

All her worries, all her anger, all come down to such a slap in the face, which shows how much strength she used.

Ignoring the five fingerprints on Mo chongchen's face, Tan Yutong said angrily:

"Mo chongchen! Can you stop being so childish