Young Master, Pamper Me Gently

Chapter 438

The rain became heavier and heavier, accompanied by the roar of thunder, forming a rare rain curtain day.

The rain line is as dense as a hanging curtain. People walking outdoors can\'t even keep their eyes open, so the road can\'t be cleaned up. The team of road administration and law enforcement is growing, and the motorcade on the mountain road is getting longer and longer.

In the second half of the night, these convoys blocked on the mountain road attracted attention and sent a large number of Commissioners to guide the vehicles to evacuate in the rain.

The car began to move backward slowly. Although the speed was very slow, there was no need to sit still and wait. The blocked people finally settled down.


The rain was getting weaker, but the dazzling lightning was getting stronger and stronger. Several times, Qiao Chu thought the vehicle was going to be hit by lightning.


There was a loud noise in front. A car was really hit by lightning and exploded on the spot. Starting from the center of the explosion, the front, rear, left and right cars were affected. Si Yichuan\'s car was far away, but the windshield was still cracked.

All this happened only in an instant. Many people were threatened by life without returning to their senses.

Si Yichuan subconsciously hugged Qiao Chu and protected her in his arms.

The cracked glass hit Si Yichuan\'s back, and then the pouring rain followed, and the people in the car were quickly drenched.

Surrounded by a strong masculine atmosphere, Qiao Chu only felt that his brain was blank. When she recovered, she quickly reached out and touched Si Yichuan\'s back, and her tentacles were wet.

Is it rain or blood?

"Si Shao, are you hurt? Let me have a look!"

Qiao Chu was frightened and desperately pushed away Si Yichuan. She wanted to see his injury. But Si Yichuan firmly held her in his arms and whispered, "don\'t be afraid. Nothing will happen with me. If you bear with me again, the rescuers will arrive soon."

Joe Chu gradually calmed down.

She is not afraid of death, but she is afraid of the unknown wound on Si Yichuan.

Let Si Yichuan hold her and block most of the rain for her. He held up a warm umbrella for her with his injured back.

I don\'t know how long it took. The congested road was finally evacuated and the rescue team arrived. The injured were quickly transferred to an ambulance.

Qiao Chu followed Si Yichuan into the ambulance and grabbed his hand all the way. He refused to let go.

Sitting in the hospital corridor waiting for news, her white wedding dress was very eye-catching, and passers-by kept looking at her.

Yunmu and Nalan Chen hurried to get the news and easily found Qiao Chu.

Seeing her sitting on the ground, Nalan Chen quickly pulled her up and looked at her up and down, "are you hurt? We didn\'t know there was an accident on the mountain road until we saw the news. Why didn\'t you call me?"

"I\'m fine." Qiao Chu shook his head: "I\'m not hurt, but Si Shao and assistant Xiao are hurt. I\'m waiting for them to come out."

Yunmu stared at several stains on her wedding dress and said gloomily, "you shouldn\'t go with him."

Joe Chu didn\'t notice his strange expression and shook his head numbly. "I\'m not good. I shouldn\'t break up with him in this way. If it weren\'t for me, he wouldn\'t come to Weicheng. What happened tonight won\'t happen at all."

She\'s a disaster.

If she wanted to do something, she simply broke it. She meant well, but she hurt him.

It\'s her.

"How can you take the responsibility on yourself?" Nalan Chen said painfully, "don\'t discuss whose responsibility first, wait until they come out."

During the conversation, a nurse had pushed Si Yichuan out and transferred him to the general ward.

Qiao Chu greeted him and asked in a panic, "how is he? Is he badly hurt?"

The nurse quickly replied, "don\'t worry, just a few pieces of broken glass scratched your back. Now the glass has been taken out and you can leave the hospital after a day or two."

With that, the nurse hurriedly turned around and continued to work.

Today, there are too many injured people, light or heavy, and the manpower of the hospital is simply insufficient. Including doctors and nurses, everyone is busy.

Qiao Chu also wants to ask about assistant Xiao\'s injury. The nurse has disappeared behind the door of the emergency room.

Nalan Chen said: "you go to accompany the secretary. I\'ll follow up the situation of assistant Xiao. As soon as there is a result, I\'ll inform you immediately."

"Thank you, brother."

Qiao Chu should stop talking nonsense and follow the cart to the general ward.

The ward was overcrowded, and Si Yichuan was arranged on the small hospital bed in the corner.

As the injury was not serious, he woke up at dawn.

Qiao Chu fell asleep beside the bed, but still grabbed his hand. She clutched too tightly, and Si Yichuan could feel the warmth in the palm of his hand.

The thumb crossed the back of Qiao Chu\'s hand, and there was some dark joy in his heart.

Since Joe Chu ran away from home, she has been resisting him. He hasn\'t held her hand like this for a long time.

Aware of the movement of Si Yichuan, Qiao Chu woke up. The moment his eyes opened, he bumped into the deep light of Si Yichuan\'s eyes.

Returning to his senses, Qiao Chulian hurriedly asked, "are you awake? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

"OK." Si Yichuan opened his mouth with a hoarse voice. "I just feel some pain in my back."

Joe Chu poured him a glass of water and said, "your back is stabbed by glass. It will be fine in a few days."

"Yes." Si Yichuan thought of assistant Xiao driving and asked, "how\'s Xiao Yuan? Is he seriously injured?"

"Oh, assistant Xiao is a little more seriously injured than you, but his life is not in danger." Joe Chu said, "he lives in the next room. My brother arranges someone to watch. Don\'t worry."

Hearing that Xiao Yuan was ok, Si Yichuan was relieved, "that\'s good."

There was no topic, and they were silent to an awkward atmosphere.

Joe Chu didn\'t say anything. "Are you hungry? I\'ll buy you breakfast. What would you like to eat?"

"Si Yichuan can\'t get out of the wedding dress like this?"

It\'s been a whole night and I\'m still reluctant to change my wedding dress. It\'s really disturbing.

Qiao Chu was stunned. He knew he had misunderstood and was about to explain, but he didn\'t think it was necessary.

She got up and went out. "It\'s okay."

Looking at her hurried back, Si Yichuan was even more unhappy. She didn\'t even ask him what he wanted to eat. She ran so fast and was so afraid to face him?

Before long, people around the ward woke up one after another. Although everyone is very strange, it\'s lucky to survive because the car accident last night was so shocking. So when I saw the strange faces around me for the rest of my life, I felt so kind that we greeted each other.

"Young man, where are you hurt? Is it serious?" Next door to Si Yichuan, an elderly uncle asked him with concern, "why is there no one with you? Hasn\'t your family arrived yet?"

Si Yichuan thought of Qiao Chu\'s back, and his face was even more ugly. He was calm and didn\'t respond.

Uncle felt the unfriendly smell of Si Yichuan and shut his mouth wisely. He was only a little dissatisfied with his good and bad temper.

When Si Yichuan\'s anger was almost at the top, Qiao Chu came back and took two breakfasts.

She put down one on the bedside table and said to Si Yichuan, "you eat first. I\'ll send one to assistant Xiao."

Si Yichuan ignored, and Qiao Chu didn\'t wait for his reaction, so he turned and went out.