Young Master, Pamper Me Gently

Chapter 437

Nalan Chen walked to yunmu, patted him on the shoulder and sighed, "I know what you\'re thinking, but the girl doesn\'t know. The day before she got married, she kept telling me that she was all kinds of uneasy. She used you to deceive Si Yichuan. She was very guilty. Now she\'s still hurting you. She must be scared. Let them leave first, and we\'ll make plans later."

Si Yichuan grabbed Qiao Chu\'s hand and swaggered her away from the wedding scene.

Yunmu stared gloomily at their backs, but did not obstruct them any more.

The guests were relieved and scattered in a panic, leaving the place of right and wrong.

Si Yichuan brought Qiao Chu directly back to Jiangcheng. He was silent all the way and calmly brewing a storm. Even Joe Chu handled the injured palm for him, he still didn\'t say a word.

After dressing up the wound, Qiao Chu began to stare out of the window in a daze, looking like he was out of his mind.

Si Yichuan was so angry that he finally couldn\'t help sneering: "why? It ruined your wedding with yunmu and made you very disappointed?"

Joe Chu nodded to face, "I\'m really disappointed."

Si Yichuan reached out and grabbed Qiao Chu\'s neck. The bottom of his eyes was a heavy dark color. "Qiao Chu, don\'t think I won\'t kill you if I spoil you."

"Now it\'s a legal society. No one will kill anyone at will." Qiao Chu shook his head and asked calmly, "Si Shao, what should we do to break up peacefully?"

"No matter what!" Si Yichuan tightened his five fingers, "unless you die, or I die!"

Qiao Chu\'s breathing became more and more difficult, but her eyes were so quiet. Looking at Si Yichuan was like looking at an ignorant child.

Si Yichuan loosened her and held her in his arms in frustration. "When are you going to be angry? I said that the mistakes you have made will not be made again, and I will always slowly compensate you. When will you accept your temper?"

Joe Chu doesn\'t speak.

"You don\'t believe me?" Si Yichuan knew that he was suspicious of her again and again, which may have made her frustrated. He was a little anxious, "if you don\'t give me a chance at all, how do you know if I have really changed? This time you will go back to the castle with me. After a long time, you will know whether what I said counts."

Joe Chu still didn\'t speak.

Today\'s wedding is indeed a little hasty and thoughtless. She knew it was unfair to him to use yunmu like this.

So now that the wedding was not held successfully, she was greatly relieved.

It\'s just a pity

Qiao Chu thought of what yunmu said——

"When we get married, I\'ll tell you the grudge between Mr. Qiao and the Secretary\'s family."

At that time, Qiao Chu was very surprised. "How can you know those things? Why haven\'t you mentioned them before?"

"In the past, when old Mr. Joe was still very sober, I often visited him. After slowly gaining his trust, he told me those things."

"Since you knew earlier, why didn\'t you tell me earlier? Why did you have to wait until after the wedding?"

"Because I\'m afraid you\'ll go back on your word at the wedding." Yunmu said: "in order to make your more insistent on this choice, I\'ll make a condition with you now. If you suddenly repent at tomorrow\'s wedding, it\'s equivalent to giving up your right to know the truth, okay?"

Joe Chu doesn\'t quite understand.

In her perception, the fake wedding was unfair to yunmu. Why should he give a truth?

Although she was eager to know what was going on, now

Forget it. Anyway, it was more than 20 years ago. Grandpa has died. Even if you know, it doesn\'t make any sense.

Naran villa.

Dr. Cheng bandaged the wound on yunmu\'s arm, told him a few words, and then left.

Yunmu sat on the sand chair without saying a word. His face was so pale that he couldn\'t see any expression.

Nalan Chen sat down beside him and asked with concern, "are you okay?"

"Nothing." Yunmu shook his head: "the bullet is not deep, not a big injury."

"The wedding between you and Qiao Chu..." Nalan Chen hesitated and asked, "what\'s going on? Can you tell me?"

A few days ago, Qiao Chu suddenly told him that she was going to marry yunmu bustard, which frightened Nalan Chen. Although she later told him it was a fake wedding, she still couldn\'t accept it.

After all, he always believed that Si Yichuan was more suitable to take care of Qiao Chu than yunmu.

I can\'t say why. Even if Si Yichuan has done so many things sorry for Qiao Chu, he just feels that the overbearing and cold Si Yichuan is more suitable for Qiao Chu than the gentle and considerate yunmu.

"Hasn\'t the little girl told you? This fake wedding is to make Si Yichuan completely give up his heart." Yun Mu said indifferently, "Si Yichuan may be my natural nemesis. Even if the little girl wants to give him up completely, he can still easily take her away."

These words, with a little discouraged, surprised Nalan Chen. He knew that this time Si Yichuan openly came to the door to steal the marriage, and yunmu wouldn\'t let it go.

Pressing the center of his eyebrows, Nalan Chen said to himself, "I hope I think more."

Yunmu returns to his room to have a rest, and Nalan Chen also returns to his room to have a rest. Counting the time, Qiao Chu and others should not be back to Jiangcheng so soon. They simply decided to call her again tomorrow.

Seeing that Si Yichuan is so angry, I don\'t know what strange things he will do. I hope I don\'t scare Qiao Chu.

At midnight, it rained heavily.

At that time, Si Yichuan\'s car was passing through a mountain road, but the mountain road that had never been blocked was crowded. Xiao Yuan asked about the situation and came back. It turned out that about 800 meters ahead, a mountain road collapsed and cut off the way, so these passing vehicles were gradually blocked here.

Xiao Yuan wanted to go back, but more than a dozen cars came back one after another, and they couldn\'t go back.

It rained harder and harder, and they were trapped on the mountain road.

On a rainy night, the temperature was very cold. Qiao Chu was wearing an off shoulder wedding dress. He was a little cold and couldn\'t help hugging together.

Looking at her like this, Si Yichuan snorted coldly, without any feeling of pity. He suddenly asked, "Joe Chu, if we die here like this, do we live and die together?"

Qiao Chu turned his head to look at him, then silently turned his head and continued to focus on the pouring rain outside. Watching, she suddenly had a strange feeling——

She finally realized what it means to be immortal today.

Originally, if she didn\'t have nothing to do and ran to marry yunmu, these embarrassing things wouldn\'t happen today. And she can still lie at home and enjoy the world under the rainy night.


Qiao Chu actually had a strange sense of expectation for Si Yichuan\'s words.

Now she is not afraid of death.

I\'m afraid that she will go farther and farther with Si Yichuan and gradually become a stranger.

Forgetting each other is the result she most wants to see, but she is also most afraid.