Young Master, Pamper Me Gently

Chapter 411

When the study quieted down, the surging fatigue and boredom rushed towards Si Yichuan.

He took out the signature of the consent to abortion operation and looked at it one by one, trying to see that some strokes were imitated.

But he had seen Qiao Chu\'s words, which were indeed Qiao Chu\'s words.

He closed his eyes painfully.

Joe, where the hell have you been? Do you know I\'m worried about you? You\'ve gone too far. How can you promise me not to leave and disappear completely at the same time? If Beckham knows about your disappearance, he will be very sorry. Will you come back? As long as you come back, I\'ll do whatever you want.

As the sky darkened, the man\'s figure was hidden in the dark, swallowed up a little, and looked so lonely.

Finally, he is no longer the number one in the powerful river city and the master of qinghuomen who plans strategies. At this time, he is just an ordinary man who will feel pain, miss and regret.

But Qiao Chu was afraid that he would never see him like this.

After recuperating in that remote and backward hospital for about a week, she finally recovered a lot.

Her face grew ruddy and her despair and numbness faded away. She looked like a normal and healthy girl.

Maybe it\'s not that the pain is gone, but the terrible despair pain has slowly sunk into her heart and tortured her nerves with every breath.

When my mother was alive, she often said to her: when people are alive, they always have to live, and they can\'t wear a wanniang face all day.

So her face began to smile again.

Han Qizhe never left, but stayed in the hospital to take care of her. Qiao Chu once offered to let him go back first, but he refused.

Now, on the ground that his body has recovered, Qiao Chu once again proposes to let him go home without wasting time in the hospital.

Han Qizhe still disagrees.

It is impossible for Joe Chu to leave the hospital until he has fully recovered. After several times of persuasion, Qiao Chu saw that he didn\'t move, so he had to leave it to him.

That day, Han Qizhe walked into the ward and saw Qiao Chu sitting on the balcony of the window. He turned his face outside the window and didn\'t know what he was looking at.

The sunshine after the rain shed through the window, which made her beautiful.

Although Han Qizhe doesn\'t like women, it doesn\'t prevent him from appreciating beautiful things.

Standing at the door for a long time, Qiao Chu suddenly turned to look at him and said with a smile, "Mr. Han, when are you going to stand there and peek?"

A woman\'s smile is as beautiful as a flower. Han Qizhe\'s breath stagnated. Suddenly, he thought to himself that this woman who looks so melancholy that people think she will die at any time will also joke?

He walked towards Joe Chu and handed her a cell phone.

"This was found at the scene of the car accident and has been put in the Public Security Bureau for several days. Because the screen has cracked and can\'t be opened, I can\'t be sure who it is. I went there several times and was bothered by me after confirming that it was unclaimed, so I asked me to sign and take it away."

Qiao Chu took over the broken mobile phone and said gratefully, "please."

Han Qizhe asked curiously, "this mobile phone is broken like this. What else do you want to do?"

"Take it and fix it. It should still work."

Qiao Chu has left Jiangcheng for so long that everyone must be worried about her and may be desperately looking for her. There is her friend\'s contact information in the mobile phone. She doesn\'t remember other people\'s numbers except Si Yichuan\'s number. If she wants to contact Feifei, she must repair the mobile phone.

"There happens to be a mobile phone repair shop near here." Han Qizhe took the mobile phone back to his hand. "Let me repair it for you."

Qiao Chu didn\'t refuse either. He smiled and said, "thank you."

Han Qizhe saw her smile and couldn\'t help saying, "Qiao Chu, you smile so well. You really should laugh often."

"Really?" Joe Chu\'s mouth still raised, "I\'ll take it as if you\'re praising me. I\'ll laugh often in the future."

"Qiao Chu." Han Qizhe looked strange and shouted to her, but he didn\'t say anything below for a long time. Qiao Chu couldn\'t help looking at him strangely.

After a long time, he finally summoned up the courage and said, "after taking good care of your body, if you have no place to go, you might as well come to my house."

Joe Chu stared in surprise.

She and Han Qizhe just met by chance. After her car accident, he didn\'t abandon her. He has done his utmost. And now she\'s invited to his house?

"Don\'t get me wrong." Seeing Qiao Chu\'s face full of surprise, Han Qizhe quickly explained, "I don\'t mean anything else, but the two old people at home see that I\'m getting older, but they haven\'t had a girlfriend. As soon as I get home, they must change tricks to urge me to get married..."

"So" Qiao Chu\'s mouth opened wide, and there was a trace of vigilance in his friendly eyes. "Do you want me to pretend to be your girlfriend?"

"I do have this idea." As soon as Han Qizhe\'s voice fell, he saw Qiao Chu\'s face sink. He hurriedly said, "no, don\'t misunderstand."

Qiao Chu\'s body retreated a little, his smile disappeared and his voice became cold. "Mr. Han, you don\'t have to explain. I know you mean no harm, but I won\'t promise you."

"Qiao Chu." Han Qizhe blushed and finally sighed and said, "after this time, do you take me as a friend?"

When Qiao Chu frowned and said nothing, he suddenly said angrily, "anyway, I regard you as a friend. Believe it or not, I really don\'t mean to take advantage of you. I just want to ask you a small favor to appease my parents at home."

"Why do I have to help?" Qiao Chu asked coldly, "you are excellent. It\'s easy to find a girl to help you. Why do you find me a stranger?"

Facing Qiao Chu\'s gentle question, Han Qizhe reluctantly said, "I want to tell you a story. Do you believe me?"

Qiao Chu\'s mouth seemed to move, but he didn\'t sneer at the thought of his careful care these days.

"You said, I choose whether to believe you or not according to the situation."

Han Qizhe went to close the door and locked it. Then he came to Qiao Chu again. He looked at Joe Chu carefully, as if thinking whether the woman could be trusted or not.

Finally, he chose to tell her the secret in his heart.

After all, these words were hidden in his heart for too long, and no one spoke to him, which almost choked him into internal injury.

"I don\'t know when it started. Anyway, I realized that I didn\'t like being close to women since I was in junior high school. But I didn\'t feel anything wrong at that time. I didn\'t realize that I liked men until I met Li Ruoran after I went to college."

After saying these words, Han Qizhe found that Qiao Chu\'s shoulder trembled unseen.

See, as long as you are a normal person, you will not understand his dirty and shameless eccentric tendency.