Young Master, Pamper Me Gently

Chapter 410

Si Yichuan was worried that Xiaobei couldn\'t bear Qiao Chu\'s disappearance, so he found an excuse to stop her. But what Xiaobei thought was that Qiao Chu might still be angry with her, so he didn\'t want to see her.

I really regret it. I knew I wouldn\'t do bad things with aunt Bai Mei. I don\'t know when Joe Chu can calm down.

The girl returned to her room unhappily to have a rest.

Si Yichuan also came to the study and saw that Duan Yingqi was still examining doctor Yan.

But except for the initial panic, the doctor has always been very calm. No matter how Duan Qishao questioned, he can answer without leakage.

Seeing that Duan Yingqi was about to give up the interrogation, Si Yichuan suddenly went to the stone table and sat down, looking down at Dr. Yan. The strong air pressure made the knowledgeable doctor start to sweat quietly, and then he slowly opened his mouth, "Dr. Yan, have you been a doctor in the company for years, have I ever treated you badly?"

"No." Dr. Yan answered almost conditionally, "both Mr. Si and Mr. Si favor me. Without you, I might not have such a position today."

Si Yichuan\'s face was very pale. Outsiders could not see whether he was happy or angry. His voice was so light that there was no temperature. "Do you remember how you came to Si\'s house?"


When Dr. Yan recalled the past, his eyes suddenly became bright and confused.

He said in a loud voice, "fifteen years ago, Miss Prynne married into the Secretary\'s house, and she brought me into the Secretary\'s house. At that time, I just graduated from medical school and was only half an intern, but miss Prynne insisted on keeping me with her as a private doctor."

"So you remember." Si Yichuan slapped his palm on the stone table and asked fiercely, "do you remember that Xiaobei is brandy\'s biological daughter? Brandy is kind to you. How can you bear to hurt her flesh and blood?"

Doctor Yan was shocked and looked at Si Yichuan strangely, muttering, "Si Shao, how can you guess?"

Duan Yingqi and Xiao Yuan were also greatly surprised.

When he just interrogated Dr. Yan, he was only insinuating and did not cross examine so directly. I didn\'t expect that Si Shao suddenly asked so plainly, and how could this doctor Yan be so afraid?

Do you?

The person who connects with Bai Mei is doctor Yan?

"If you\'ve always been so calm, maybe I won\'t guess it\'s you." Si Yichuan soon straightened out his thinking, "when you were taking care of Xiaobei, didn\'t you think she would recognize you?"

"Did Xiao Bei recognize me?" Doctor Yan fell to the ground with soft legs and said, "it\'s impossible. Xiaobei has always shown that she trusts me. If she recognizes me, she can\'t disguise for so long?"

"She didn\'t recognize you." Si Yichuan said coldly, "I\'m lucky she didn\'t recognize you. Otherwise, I\'m afraid you\'ll kill her."

"No!" Doctor Yan said painfully, "Xiaobei is Prynne\'s daughter. I won\'t hurt her daughter. Even if she recognizes me, I can\'t hurt her. Bai Mei once asked me to cut off her finger to intimidate you, but I didn\'t promise. Xiaobei really hasn\'t suffered any pain except illness."

"Say, what the hell is going on?" Si Yichuan asked, "where did you hide Xiaobei? Why can\'t we find her all the time?"

"In fact, Beckham has never left the castle." Doctor Yan said, "the castle is so big, but there are so few people. It\'s too easy for me to find a room where no one will come. After Bai Mei handed her over to me, I hid her in a room on the top floor of the castle. I cleaned it very clean and took care of three meals a day. Xiaobei didn\'t suffer any injustice."

"I\'ll go." Duan Yingqi stared. "After looking for so long, Xiaobei has been under our noses. No wonder we can\'t find anyone? It\'s a blind job." His eyes suddenly brightened and looked at Si Yichuan: "do you think Qiao Chu will hide in the castle too? Otherwise, we\'ll send someone to turn over the castle again?"

Compared with Duan Yingqi\'s fluke, Si Yichuan felt hopeless. He said coldly, "whatever you want."

Duan Yingqi said excitedly, "assistant Xiao, do you hear me? Arrange someone to search immediately."

Xiao Yuan stood still.

He knows what Si Yichuan means. If the young lady is indeed hiding in the castle, there must at least be someone who can take care of her food. She doesn\'t know how to buy people\'s hearts. There must be no confidant she can use up and down the castle.

Therefore, the proposal of paragraph 7 can be almost completely ignored.

Duan Yingqi was not stupid. Seeing that Xiao Yuan didn\'t move, he soon wanted to understand the reason and sighed sadly.

"Si Shao, no matter what bad things Bai Mei has done, please let her go for brandy\'s sake." Doctor Yan suddenly opened his mouth in despair, "I\'m willing to bear all the mistakes."

"You can\'t afford it." Si Yichuan spoke coldly, and his voice was like the cold when ice and snow melted. "No one can bear the consequences of this matter."

If it were not for Xiaobei\'s disappearance, Si Yichuan would not have to marry Bai Mei and would not have misunderstood Qiao Chu. She won\'t kill her child, let alone run away from home

If you can\'t find Qiao Chu, even if you kill these evildoers, you can\'t fill his hatred.

"Si Shao!" Doctor Yan saw that Si Yichuan\'s face was cold and fell on his knees. In his voice, he actually cried, "have you forgotten? What did you promise Prynne in those years? You swore in front of her hospital bed that no matter what happened, you would never hurt her sister Bai Mei, and would always treat her like relatives, take care of her and love her. Have you forgotten all your oaths?"

Si Yichuan tightened his straight chin.

He stood up and walked to Dr. Yan, and suddenly kicked him in the chest, "You ignorant fool! Even if Prynne would forgive Bai Mei for the evil she did in those years, I would never forgive her. I endured her for more than ten years and just wanted to see if she could repent. Now, instead of reforming, she is getting worse and worse, and even her niece wants to harm. How can such a vicious woman tolerate her?"

"Si Shao!" Doctor Yan got up from the ground and wanted to say something more. Si Yichuan said to Xiao Yuan in disgust: "pull him down and lock him up with Bai Mei."

He\'s not in the mood to deal with them now.

If he can\'t find Joe Chu one day, he won\'t be in the mood to do anything.

Xiao Yuan pulled down the regretful doctor Yan. Duan Yingqi wanted to say a few words of comfort, but he couldn\'t speak. Finally, he shook his head and left the study with a sigh.

He worried about Qiao Chu, no less than Si Yichuan.

But he was just worried about whether she was in danger. It was hard enough. While Si Shao is worried about the danger of Qiao Chuan, he has to bear the guilt and uneasiness in his heart.

If it weren\'t for the strong psychological quality trained from childhood, I\'m afraid Si Shao would have collapsed long ago.

When he first met Qiao Chu, he didn\'t think that that ordinary woman could toss Si Shao like this.