Young Master, Pamper Me Gently

Chapter 387

Qiao Chu\'s fingertips trembled and looked at the outline of yunmu\'s firm side face. His estranged heart suddenly became a little soft.

She slowly leaned her cheek against yunmu\'s tall and straight back like an ancient pine and murmured, "yes, it\'s been a long time."

Besides her mother, yunmu used to be her most dependent person. I remember when she was young, because she often moved with her mother, she had almost no fixed friends. Naturally, she loved to pester brother yunmu, who was quite patient with her. Young yunmu\'s broad shoulders are the paradise she yearns for.

In the twinkling of an eye, things are right and people are wrong. Yunmu has become so strange, and she herself has not changed?

Years are like knives. No one can be consistent under such a cruel blade.

Yunmu can\'t, neither can she.

Nalan Chen looked at the two close people in front of him and said he didn\'t envy it. It was false.

He is the pride of Nalan family. He was born with a golden spoon. From small to large, no matter what he eats or uses, he is the best. He received the highest education, had a good upbringing and a more noble status.

But in contrast, his childhood was also lonely.

His family is too prominent to have sincere friends. Those flattering faces around him will only annoy him. Since naransen chose to retire from business, there have been fewer and fewer people with their family, and even those annoying faces around him have gradually disappeared.

Sometimes the busy streets look like empty cities.

He\'s lonely.

When he knew that he had a sister, he had fantasized countless times that he would take her home, give her the best life and the most love, so his sister should really like him, too?

Unfortunately, his father didn\'t allow him to take Qiao Chu home, otherwise he should be the family member that Qiao Chu attaches most importance to.

Yunmu carries a living man on her back, but she feels like she has no weight at all. It\'s so light that it hurts. There were sharp leaves in front of him, and he waved them away with his free hand.

In his opinion, this is just a very casual move. But if Qu Hao followed him, he would be surprised.

After all, Mr. Yun, who is dark and cruel, has never been a gentle and careful person.

Dark clouds have been stuffy in the sky all morning. The temperature is a little too high. Qiao Chu lies on his back with his head bulging and sleepy.

Yunmu felt Qiao Chu\'s rapid breathing and whispered, "hold on, we\'ll be there soon."

Although he didn\'t want the road to be finished so soon, he was worried that Qiao Chu\'s body was more than those beautiful thoughts, so he couldn\'t help speeding up his pace.

In this world, all love that cannot be thought of is beautiful and ends badly.

When he reached his destination, Qiao Chu slipped down from his back. At that moment, his palm was lost. He almost wanted to ignore the ground and use tough means to make Qiao Chu never leave him.

He has many ways to make Joe Chu follow him willingly, but he doesn\'t want to use those means on her.

In front of them was a towering mountain wall. The mountain is covered with dense climbing plants, and there is no way out at all.

Qiao Chu asked strangely, "yunmu, did you go the wrong way?"

Yunmu stretched out his hand to push away the vines covering the mountain, revealing a big crack. The gap the size of this arm has been winding up the mountain, with no end in sight.

It\'s strange that the mountain will crack like this.

Nalan Chen raised his eyebrows in surprise. "There\'s such a big crack. But what\'s the function of this crack? Is it the entrance?"

The entrance is so small. How can people get in?

With a smile, yunmu started to poke away the vines on the ground connecting the gap, and gradually revealed a hole.

Nalan Chen was even more surprised: "is the hole on the ground?"

This is the instinct of most people. They think that the cave must be trapped in the mountain, so their eyes will only look up for the entrance.

The mouth of the cave is connected with the towering mountain base, which is deeply sunken underground. If you don\'t look carefully, you can\'t notice it at all.

Nalan Chen felt that in front of yunmu, his keen insight became a little useless.

Yunmu first jumped into the hole and then stretched out his hand to Qiao Chu, "come on, take my hand."

Qiao Chu hesitated and finally reached out to yunmu.

As soon as yunmu touched her soft palm, he quickly grasped it and pulled it slightly. Qiao Chu fell into his arms. He held her firmly in his powerful arms without any impact on her.

Qiao Chu threw himself on yunmu, and their breath was intertwined. After she waited for her body to stabilize, she quickly stood up and left yunmu.

But yunmu held her hand again and didn\'t give her embarrassment and a chance to talk. He turned and walked in front.

Nalan Chen jumped down after him.

When he landed, he stumbled and almost couldn\'t stand steadily. The feeling of soreness and weakness came from the knee, some like cramps. The heart was also pounding, and the chest was stuffy.

He smiled bitterly. Recently, this state of uncontrolled body has become more and more obvious. I\'m afraid that the family inherited disease will attack in advance.

After a deep and steady breath, he hurried to keep up with the two people in front of him.

Although it was broad daylight, the light in the cave was not bright. It could be roughly seen that it was a large stone cave of nearly 100 square meters.

The cave is dry.

Qiao Chu\'s eyes swept around the cave, and his heart became more and more pathetic.

This is the place where grandpa has been imprisoned for more than 20 years. It\'s so close to Sishao\'s castle. Why hasn\'t Sishao found it all the time?

When Qiao Chu was thinking, yunmu had come to the stone wall at the end, pushed open a stone door and continued to pull Qiao Chu to the front.

The lights lit up gradually, and two gatekeepers appeared in front of them. They shouted to yunmu fiercely, "who\'s in front?"

The sound was as rough as the sound of a blade. Qiao Chu nervously grasped yunmu\'s hand.

"It\'s me, yunmu."

After yunmu announced his name, the voice and figure in front disappeared. As he walked towards the front, he said to Qiao Chu, "don\'t be afraid. I\'ve already taken care of it, otherwise I can\'t open the stone door just now."

Qiao Chu restrained his palpitation and nodded, "I\'m not afraid."

Why not? Such a terrible and terrible environment is only used to imprison one person. It\'s really inconceivable that grandpa has done something heinous, which is worth taking so much trouble to lock him up for so long.

At the bottom of his heart, Qiao Chu finally saw the man.

His hair was all gray, his face was crisscrossed with wrinkles, and he looked tired and old.

Joe Chu can\'t even see how old he is.

The old man in his twilight was locked in his limbs by thick links like fingers and had no freedom.