Young Master, Pamper Me Gently

Chapter 386

Joe Chu knows yunmu likes her.

But she always regarded him as her brother and never thought about the relationship between men and women. After living with yunmu in country m for two years, she failed to have feelings other than family affection for him. Therefore, in this life, she will subconsciously list yunmu as a kind of existence of Nalan Chen.

I didn\'t think he would be angry because she was pregnant.

Just too elated, because Nalan Chen asked, she couldn\'t wait to share her joy of becoming a mother with others.

Maybe it hurt yunmu.

She closed her mouth and dared not say anything about pregnancy.

After buying the order, yunmu said to her, "go and see your grandfather now." Then he ignored Qiao Chu and strode ahead.

He was impetuous. As long as he thought that she was pregnant with Si Yichuan\'s child, he wanted to kill the man. He even had a very childish idea. He simply drove away so that Qiao Chu was worried and asked her to beg him for a few days and take her to see Qiao Mengshan.

But he finally endured it.

He promised Joe Chu and never wanted to break his promise for any reason.

After sitting in the car, Qiao Chu and Nalan Chen came together. He said with a black face, "my ability is only enough to take you in. Don\'t come if you\'re irrelevant."

Qiao Chu was stunned. Unexpectedly, yunmu would say such ugly words in front of Nalan Chen.

But she was afraid that talking more would make yunmu really regret not taking her, so she could only say to Nalan Chen with an apologetic face: "sorry, I want to go to a place with yunmu. Go back first."

Nalan Chen just heard yunmu talking about Qiao Chu\'s grandfather. He was very secretive. He knew there must be some privacy in it, but he didn\'t ask too much politely.

He said to Qiao Chu, "it doesn\'t matter. Just go with Mr. Yun. Can I visit you another day?"

Qiao Chu felt a little sad when he heard his careful and earnest tone. She nodded. "I\'ve moved out of the castle. It\'s convenient for you to come and see me. I\'ll send you the address later."

"OK." Nalan Chen turned to yunmu and said, "anyway, please protect her."

Nalan Chen turned and was about to leave. Yunmu suddenly stopped him. "Nalan Chen, since you are Qiao Chu\'s brother, naturally you are not idle. Get in the car and go together."

Mingchen just lost his temper. Now calm down and immediately think that if he still has a chance to be with Qiao Chu in the future, this is the future brother-in-law. We can\'t offend him like this.

Nalan Chen and Qiao Chu were stunned at the same time. He looked at Qiao Chu, "is it convenient for me to go together?"

Qiao Chu nodded repeatedly, "I\'ll feel much more at ease with you."

She has a poor sense of direction and can\'t remember the route. If Nalan Chen can go, maybe he can record the route through him. After she and Sishao get married, tell Sishao these things slowly, and he should save her relatives for her.

Yunmu\'s speed was very fast, but later, I don\'t know why it gradually slowed down. More than an hour\'s journey, just an hour more.

But even at such a steady slow speed, Qiao Chu couldn\'t bear it. When he got off the bus, his face was turning white.

She has just recovered and is pregnant. She can\'t take the car for too long. But she tried to hold back in order to see her grandfather.

Strangely, Nalan Chen, who was in good health, also felt a little unwell. His face was blue and white. He was no better than Qiao Chu.

Joe Chu looked at him in surprise, "Nalan Chen, are you uncomfortable?"

Nalan Chen waved his hand weakly. "I\'m a little carsick. And the symptoms of carsickness have become more and more obvious recently. Don\'t worry, I\'ll be fine after taking a breath."

Yunmu handed nalanchen and qiochu a bottle of water respectively. Looking at the lush trees and wild grass in the jungle, he said with some worry: "there is about half an hour left. The car can\'t drive in. We need to go. Can you two do it?"

Qiao Chu took a small sip of cold water and hurriedly said, "no problem."

Nalan Chen also cheered up and said, "I have no problem."

Joking, yunmu actually brought Qiao Chu to the twilight peak forest. How can he rest assured that Qiao Chu will follow him alone?

Not to mention whether yunmu has any wrong thoughts about Qiao Chu, just on this complex and difficult road, he doesn\'t trust to let Qiao Chu in.

After resting for more than ten minutes, yunmu opened the way in front, Qiao Chu followed him, and Nalan Chen broke at the end.

Some leaves of weeds taller than people are very sharp. Qiaochu\'s arms and cheeks have been cut several times. But she refrained from making any sound.

Last time I looked for Xiaobei, she went this way, so she had some experience and didn\'t make a fuss. Even if she occasionally saw a strong snake crawling in front of her eyes, she was just startled and didn\'t panic and scream.

But many times, people\'s physical strength can\'t keep up with willpower. Qiao Chu had been ill for too long, and his limbs soon became weak, dizzy, swollen, and his feet were floating.

Yunmu soon found something wrong with her. Seeing her lips turn white, he frowned and said, "little girl, if you can\'t insist, go back first. We\'ll come back when you recover."

"No, I can insist." Qiaochu clenched his teeth and said, "we\'re halfway there. I don\'t want to give up."

In fact, she finally waited for this opportunity. Who knows if yunmu brought her on a whim. In case of missing this time, yunmu will regret not bringing her next time. She has no place to cry.

In short, Qiao Chu didn\'t trust yunmu from the bottom of her heart. She was very afraid of his uncertain temper.

"What trouble." Yunmu is the person who knows Qiao Chu best in the world. How can she not know what she is thinking at this time? Turn around and bend down in front of her, "come on, I\'ll carry you."

"No." Joe Chu hurriedly refused, "I can go by myself."

"Can\'t you come up?" With a gloomy face, yunmu said coldly, "if you want to see your grandfather soon, be obedient."

In some aspects, yunmu and Si Yichuan are actually quite similar, with the same domineering, high and cold, and the same pride and conceit. Qiaochu all have some doubts. It was so easy to forget Zhong Shaoming and like his boss Yichuan instead. Maybe there is some reason why Sishao\'s character is like yunmu?

Because, throughout her childhood, she has been influenced by yunmu. Although she regards yunmu as her brother, it doesn\'t prevent her from finding a lover with a similar temper to her brother.

Seeing Qiao Chu still clubbing there, yunmu\'s whole face cooled down and his tone added a little anger, "girl, did you ride on my shoulder a few times when I was a child? Now I dare not carry it on my back?"

Joe Chu looked back at Nalan Chen\'s face, which still didn\'t recover. He didn\'t dare to delay any more and quickly fell on his back.

Her slender arm gently encircled yunmu and said low, "thank you."

Qiao Chu has never been so kind to him since he came back from m country. Her breath was behind her ears, and yunmu could even smell the sweet smell from her.

All the anger and resentment suddenly disappeared.

His throat tightened and whispered, "little girl, I haven\'t carried you like this for a long time."

If he could, he really wanted to carry her on his back until the end of time, and never let her down.