You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 800

He died so soon.

He suddenly remembered what the man said to him in the cave: you protect her so much, so you really love her. In this case, let Fang Mingzhu walk in front of you, and you can die at ease.

That man really did what he said.

That always love to him, he as a daughter love little girl, actually died in front of him.

That man is so cruel.

Such a beautiful and lovely little girl, he really did.

It's said that he is insane. Isn't that man insane?

He hated Gu Junzhu.

He wanted to get up from the bed, find Gu Junzhu, and shoot Gu Junzhu into a sieve with his gun.

But the fact is, he can only lay dying on the hospital bed, minute and second non-stop suffering, can't move.

He closed his eyes and suddenly regretted it.

If he is not conceited of his ability, just help Fang Mingzhu to kill people.

In that way, Fang Mingzhu will not die, he can live well.

Maybe those two women are right.

Next life, I'd better be a good man.

Evil people, there will be evil.

Another wave of more violent pain swept towards him, his whole body trembled with pain, but he could not make a sound.

He closed his eyes in despair. He didn't know how long he would have to endure in this kind of pain before he died.

In the pain, he thought silently again, that man How cruel

He suffered for another three days.

Three days later, he finally got what he wanted. Because of systemic infection and ulceration, the rescue failed and he left the world.

An hour after his death, Gu Junzhu took the information from the hospital in his hand, breathed slowly, and put Guo Mu's death notice in his hand in front of Joey's portrait.

Guo Mu's death notice was placed below the obituary issued by Fang's family when they helped Fang Mingzhu handle the funeral.

He stood in front of Joey's portrait and looked at the bright smiling face of Joey in silence.

Two enemies, all dead.

His heart suddenly became empty.

Instead of relaxing at all, it became heavier.

He avenged Joey.

He let Joey's killer die.

So what?

Joey's gone forever and never comes back

Ye Xingbei came to him with a cup of tea in his hand.

He drank half a cup in silence and put the cup aside.

Ye Xingbei gently hugged him, buried his cheek on his shoulder, and said in a soft voice: "Yi Yi's Revenge has been avenged, and you should come out of this matter. The dead have passed away, and the living still have the duty and responsibility to live well. Although this sentence is very old-fashioned, it is the true meaning Gu Junzhu, you are not a weak person. I believe you can. "

You can get out of the pain of losing Joey.

You can get out of the blame for not protecting Joey.

Gu Jun closed his eyes, raised his hand to hold her, bowed his head and kissed the top of her hair: "I'm ok, believe me."

Ye Xingbei nodded and held his arm tightly: "well, I always believe you."

In the evening, they took a bath and went to bed early.

Ye Xingbei holds Gu Junzhu's hand and closes her eyes. She hears the sound of even breathing coming from Gu Junzhu around her. She seems to be asleep. She breathes a sigh of relief. , the fastest update of the webnovel!