You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 748

"Idiot!" Gu Jun knocked her forehead one by one and pointed to her mobile phone: "look here."

Seeing the line Gu Jun pointed out to her, ye Xingbei looked at it for a long time, his eyes suddenly gaped, and he was very speechless Is Fang Yixian premature

"Yes, three months premature," Gu Jun Zhu said, "Fang Lutong and Fang Siqi split up for a month, and then they got married Yi Xinning. Yi Xinning was pregnant with Fang Yixian in the month of marriage, and seven months premature. Fang Siqi gave birth to a full-term baby, so Fang Siqi who had a relationship with Fang Lutong gave birth to a younger brother, and Yi Xinning who had a relationship with Fang Lutong gave birth to a elder brother."

Ye Xingbei was stunned: "this It's so It's bloody. "

"That's dog blood?" Gu Junzhu looked at her stupefied look, can't help rubbing her head, "a woman gave birth to twins, twins two father, do you believe it?"

Ye Xingbei shook his head: "I don't believe it."

"But that's the truth. If you don't believe it, check it out!" Gu Jun shrugged his shoulders, "the reality is like this, only you can't think of it, it doesn't happen, it's so bloody."

"If you look here again," Gu Junzhu said to Ye Xingbei, "look here. This is the date that Xiao Qi found that the Fang family adopted ah Yao. If you look at the identity date on ah Yao's ID card again."

Ye Xingbei made a careful comparison and said, "the Fang family has reduced the birth date of a Yao, for example, Yi Xian has been reduced by more than a year."

"Yes, Fang's family is one of the best in Fengcheng. When dealing with the adoption information, they write down a Yao's information, but it's only a matter of one sentence," Gu Jun Zhu said. "In this way, a Yao is a brother who is sure to be perfect."

Gu Jun sighed, "if Yi Xinning hadn't found out that ah Yao was actually Fang Lutong's son and was mad with hatred, the Fang family might have kept this secret for a lifetime."

Ye Xingbei said: "however, the net of heaven is wide and clear. The truth will not be buried forever. Those who make mistakes will eventually be punished."

"Fang Haichuan doesn't need it," Gu Jun shrugged. "He's dead. Can't he dig his grave?"

Ye Xingbei snorted: "that also wants to expose the truth, let everyone know what he has done, let people scold him, let him stink forever!"

Gu Jun touched his chin. "I'm more interested in the real things. For example, the Fang family should have more than half of a Yao's, so there's no reason to leave them to Fang Yixian."

"More than half?" Ye Xingbei was stunned, and soon recovered: "Well! Yes, more than half! The Fang family has half of ah Yao's grandfather, which should be inherited by ah Yao. Ah Yao is also the son of Fang Lutong. The Fang family also has half of ah Yao's, so ah Yao should take more than half of the Fang family's property to be fair! "

Gu Jun rubbed her head, "that's it."

Ye Xingbei tilts his head and thinks that there is something wrong. After thinking about it for a long time, he suddenly thinks of another point: "you just said that Yi Xinning actually knows that a Yao is Fang Lutong's son? Instead of Fang Lutong saying that Yi Xinning thought ah Yao was the son of MI Junyuan and hated ah Yao? "

"Yes, you see here," Gu Junzhu opened another one and pointed it out to her: "the person who was killed by Mi Junyuan's driver in Fanglu Tongkou is actually Yi Xinning's cousin, who has the same feelings as Yi Xinning. You think, on one hand, he is a cousin with the same feelings, and on the other hand, he is a child who has been raised by himself for 12 years. Moreover, Yi Xinning's cousin was killed by Mi Junyuan's driver, and was killed It wasn't mi Junyuan who killed him. If it was you, would you be hated by your child who has been raising him for 12 years? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!