You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 747

Gu Junzhu's knuckles point on MI Junyuan's name, "Mi Junyuan is from the capital, and the MI family is also a respectable family in the capital. You see, after Si Qi was taken away by Mi Junyuan, in the next nine months, Si Qi and MI Junyuan were neither in Fengcheng nor in the capital, and there was no trace. What do you say they did?"

Ye Xingbei thought about it, and his eyes suddenly brightened: "I'm going to have a baby! That child is ah Yao

"Yes," Gu Junzhu nodded admiringly, "you see, at these two points in time, the Fang family adopted a child. To the outside world, the child was the grandson of Fang Haichuan's good friend. All the family members of the child died because of the accident. When they saw that the child was poor, they were willing to adopt the child and treat the child as their own. They asked their relatives and friends to treat the child as Fang's child, This is the reason why ah Yao always thought that he was the son of Fang Lutong and Yi Xinning before he was 12 years old. "

"I understand that," Ye Xingbei nodded. "When I was a child, I had a classmate. Except him, everyone knew that he was a stepmother. Only he didn't know that. Most people were kind-hearted and wouldn't tell him such bad news. Occasionally, a child had a fight with him and said that he was a stepmother. He didn't believe it. When he went back, he complained with his mother and said that the child cheated He said

"Yes," Gu Jun nodded, "that's the truth."

Gu Junzhu asked her to look at the next one, "look here again. Shortly after adopting ah Yao in the Fang family, Si Qi and Mi Jun, who had been missing for more than nine months, appeared in the capital. At that time, Fang Si Qi had changed his name to Si Yun."

"Therefore, if the events happened at these two time points are connected, it can be inferred that MI Junyuan accompanied Si Qi to a place where no one knew them and gave birth to a Yao. After a Yao was born, MI Junyuan and Si Qi gave a Yao to Fang's family, and then mi Junyuan took Si Qi back to Mi's family in Beijing and married Si Qi..." Ye Xingbei pauses, and says, "well, MI Junyuan is really a saint. He knows that Si Qi is pregnant with Fang Lutong's child and is willing to accompany him to give birth to the child Ah, it's wrong... "

Ye Xingbei looked at Gu Junzhu again: "since Siqi and fanglutong broke up, wouldn't it be better for her to knock out the child? Why do you still have to give birth? "

Gu Junzhu turned out another one and pointed it out to her: "because time has passed for a long time, Xiao Qi did not find the pregnancy test report of Si Qi, but they found the family doctor of Fang family and asked about the physical condition of Si Qi. You see, it says here that Si Qi was weak and sickly since he was a child, and his constitution was very weak."

Ye Xingbei suddenly: "I understand! The reason why Siqi didn't want to kill her child is not because she didn't want to, but because she is not in good health and can't kill her child. I've heard that some women are not suitable for abortion after they are pregnant. If they are forced to do so, it may cause lifelong infertility and even life-threatening. Therefore, it may not be because Siqi doesn't want to kill her child, but because of her health, she can't kill her child, You have to choose to have a baby. "

Gu Jun nodded, "yes, I'm the same conclusion."

"It's still not right," Ye Xingbei looked at Gu Junzhu askew: "Fang Yixian is like Yao Da, so it should be Yi Xinning who had a relationship with Fang Lutong first, and Fang Siqi who had a relationship with Fang Lutong later..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!